CaptureRequest Members

AuthorizeNet .NET

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The CaptureRequest type exposes the following members.


Public methodCaptureRequest
Initializes a new instance of the CaptureRequest class.


Public methodAddCardCode
The 3-digit Credit Card Code (CCV) on the back of the card
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddCustomer
Adds a Customer record to the current request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddDuty(Decimal)
Adds a tax value to the request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddDuty(Decimal, String, String)
Adds a detailed tax value to the request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddFraudCheck()()()()
This method will pull the user's IP address for use with FDS. Only valid for Web-based transactions.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddFraudCheck(String)
This method adds the required values for Fraud Detection Suite. Your merchant must sign up for this service with Authorize.Net
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddFreight(Decimal)
Adds a tax value to the request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddFreight(Decimal, String, String)
Adds a detailed tax value to the request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddInvoice
Adds an InvoiceNumber to the request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddLineItem
Adds a line item to the current order
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddMerchantValue
This is where you can add custom values to the request, which will be returned to you in the response
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddShipping
Adds a Shipping Record to the current request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddTax(Decimal)
Adds a tax value to the request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodAddTax(Decimal, String, String)
Adds a detailed tax value to the request
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGet
Gets the specified key from the request.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodQueue
Queues the specified key into the request.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodToPostString
Outputs the queue as a delimited, URL-safe string for sending to as a form POST
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public propertyAddress
Gets or sets the address.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyAllowPartialAuth
Gets or sets the allow partial auth.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyAmount
Gets or sets the amount.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyApiAction (Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyAuthCode
Gets or sets the auth code.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyAuthenticationIndicator
Gets or sets the authentication indicator.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyBankABACode
Gets or sets the bank ABA code.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyBankAccountName
Gets or sets the name of the bank account.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyBankAccountNumber
Gets or sets the bank account number.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyBankAccountType
Gets or sets the type of the bank account.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyBankCheckNumber
Gets or sets the bank check number.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyBankName
Gets or sets the name of the bank.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyCardCode
Gets or sets the credit card code.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyCardholderAuthenticationValue
Gets or sets the cardholder authentication value.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyCardNum
Gets or sets the credit card number.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyCity
Gets or sets the city.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyCompany
Gets or sets the company.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyCountry
Gets or sets the country.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyCustId
Gets or sets the cust id.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyCustomerIp
Gets or sets the customer ip.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyDelimChar
Gets or sets the delim char.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyDelimData
Gets or sets the delim data.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyDuplicateWindow
Gets or sets the duplicate window - the am.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyDuty
Gets or sets the duty.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyEcheckType
Gets or sets the type of the echeck.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyEmail
Gets or sets the email.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyEmailCustomer
Gets or sets the email customer.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyEncapChar
Gets or sets the encap char.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyExpDate
Gets or sets the exp date.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyFax
Gets or sets the fax.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyFirstName
Gets or sets the first name.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyFooterEmailReceipt
Gets or sets the footer email receipt.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyFreight
Gets or sets the freight.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyHeaderEmailReceipt
Gets or sets the header email receipt.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyInvoiceNum
Gets or sets the invoice num.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyLastName
Gets or sets the last name.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyLineItem
Gets or sets the line item.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyLogin
Gets or sets the login.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyMethod
Gets or sets the method.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyPhone
Gets or sets the phone.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyPoNum
Gets or sets the po number.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyPost (Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyRecurringBilling
Gets or sets the recurring billing.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyRelayResponse
Gets or sets the relay response.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyShipToAddress
Gets or sets the ship to address.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyShipToCity
Gets or sets the ship to city.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyShipToCompany
Gets or sets the ship to company.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyShipToCountry
Gets or sets the ship to country.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyShipToFirstName
Gets or sets the first name of the ship to.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyShipToLastName
Gets or sets the last name of the ship to.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyShipToState
Gets or sets the state of the ship to.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyShipToZip
Gets or sets the ship to zip.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertySplitTenderId
Gets or sets the split tender id.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyState
Gets or sets the state.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyTax
Gets or sets the tax.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyTaxExempt
Gets or sets the tax exempt.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyTestRequest
Gets or sets the test request.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyTranKey
Gets or sets the tran key.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyTransId
Gets or sets the trans id.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyType
Gets or sets the type.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyVersion
Gets or sets the version.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)
Public propertyZip
Gets or sets the zip.
(Inherited from GatewayRequest.)

See Also