Transaction Properties

AuthorizeNet .NET

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The Transaction type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAuthorizationAmount
Gets or sets the authorization amount.
Public propertyAuthorizationCode
Gets or sets the authorization code.
Public propertyAVSCode
Gets or sets the AVS code.
Public propertyAVSResponse
Gets the AVS response.
Public propertyBatchSettledOn
Gets or sets the batch settled on.
Public propertyBatchSettlementID
Gets or sets the batch settlement ID.
Public propertyBatchSettlementState
Gets or sets the state of the batch settlement.
Public propertyBillingAddress
Gets or sets the billing address.
Public propertyCardExpiration
Gets or sets the card expiration.
Public propertyCardNumber
Gets or sets the card number.
Public propertyCardResponse
Gets the card response.
Public propertyCardResponseCode
Gets or sets the card response code.
Public propertyCardType
Gets or sets the type of the card.
Public propertyCAVVCode
Gets or sets the CAVV code.
Public propertyCAVVResponse
Gets the CAVV response.
Public propertyCustomerEmail
Gets or sets the customer email.
Public propertyCustomerID
Gets or sets the customer ID.
Public propertyDateSubmitted
Gets or sets the date submitted.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description.
Public propertyDuty
Gets or sets the duty.
Public propertyDutyDescription
Gets or sets the duty description.
Public propertyFirstName
Gets or sets the first name.
Public propertyFraudFilters
Gets or sets the fraud filters.
Public propertyInvoiceNumber
Gets or sets the invoice number.
Public propertyIsRecurring
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is recurring.
Public propertyLastName
Gets or sets the last name.
Public propertyLineItems
Gets the line items.
Public propertyOrderDescription
Gets or sets the order description.
Public propertyPONumber
Gets or sets the PO number.
Public propertyRequestedAmount
Gets or sets the requested amount.
Public propertyResponseCode
Gets or sets the response code.
Public propertyResponseReason
Gets or sets the response reason.
Public propertySettleAmount
Gets or sets the settle amount.
Public propertyShipping
Gets or sets the shipping.
Public propertyShippingAddress
Gets or sets the shipping address.
Public propertyShippingDescription
Gets or sets the shipping description.
Public propertyStatus
Gets or sets the status.
Public propertyTax
Gets or sets the tax.
Public propertyTaxDescription
Gets or sets the tax description.
Public propertyTaxExempt
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [tax exempt].
Public propertyTransactionID
Gets or sets the transaction ID.
Public propertyTransactionType
Gets or sets the type of the transaction.

See Also