AY-3-8910/12 ZX Spectrum Sound Chip Emulator

Command line

Emulator can take parameters from command line. Parameters must be divided with spaces. If parameters are starts with '/' (slash line) then they are interprets as keys else as files names. If file name contains spaces, it must be quoted. If any other key contains spaces then it must be quoted too. You can quote only part of key containing spaces. Files in command line will be added to cleared playlist and will start playing. You can give in command line one or more file names (including playlist files: M3U and AYL). You can specify track/song number for multitrack/multisong files (AY, AYM, MID or XMI) after filename (using “:N” addition, where N is track number starting from 0). List of available keys here.

Sample rate                     sXXXXX
                                XXXXX = 48000, 44100, 22050 or 11025.
Bit rate                        bXXXXX
                                XXXXX = 16 or 8.
Channels number for sound card  dmono
                                dlist – get from playlist
                                dmixer – don't get from playlist.
Number of sound buffers         wonXXXXX
                                XXXXX = from 2 to 10.
Length of sound buffer          wolXXXXX
                                XXXXX = from 5 to 2000.
Sound device number             wodXXXXX
                                XXXXX >= 0.
Z80 chip frequency              zXXXXX
                                XXXXX = from 1000000 to 8000000
Chip type       AY-3-8910/12    eay
                YM2149(F)       eym
                                elist – get from playlist
                                emixer – don't get from playlist.
Sound chip frequency            yXXXXX
                                XXXXX = from 1000000 to 3000000
                                ylist – get from playlist
                                ymixer – don't get from playlist.
First interrupt time            tXXXXX
                                XXXXX greater or equal to zero.
Number of tacts between
                interrupts      iXXXXX
                                XXXXX greater than zero.
Amplitude analyzer      on      aon
                        off     aoff
Spectrum analyzer       on      fon
                        off     foff
Optimization    by performance  op
                by quality      oq
Interface language:     Russian lr
                        English le
Interrupt frequency             nXXXXX
                                XXXXX from 1000 to 2000000 (in mHz)
                                nlist – get from playlist
                                nmixer – don't get from playlist.
Loop playing            on      con
                        off     coff
Emulator priority               ri – idle,
                                rn – normal,
                                rh – high.
Channels amplification          hMONO
                                and so on for any standard combination.
                                hlist – get from playlist
                                hmixer – don't get from playlist.
Manual channels amplification   hXX,XX,XX,XX,XX,XX
                                where after key h 3 pairs of amplificator for each chip channel (A, B and C). In pair first number for left channel, second for right. XX = from 0 to 255.
Icon on system tray     never   g0
                        always  g1
                minimize        g2
Auto scroll name        on      kon
                        off     koff
Timer mode      “elapsed”       j0
                “remained”      j1
                “length”        j2
Load skin       standard        p
                user defined    pAYS_File_Name
        MFP timer frequency     attach to AY/YM q
                user defined    qXXXXX
                                XXXXX from 1000000 to 3000000
Beeper amplification            uXXXXX
                                XXXXX = from 0 to 255
Window          minimize        vhide
                restore         vshow
Auto save path to folders
                        on      won
                        off     woff
Auto saving volume position
                        on      !on
                        off     !off
Auto saving position of windows
                        on      xon
                        off     xoff
FIDO Tools keys
                File Name       fdfFile_Name
                Nothing         fdnString
                Suffix          fdsString
                Prefix          fdpString
                Enabled yes     fde1
                        no      fde0
                Kill On Nothing
                        yes     fdk1
                        no      fdk0
                Kill On Exit
                        yes     fdx1
                        no      fdx0
                Win Encoding
                        yes     fdw1
                        no      fdw0
Adding files to the end of
playlist                        add
Adding files to the end of
playlist and starting playing
first of them                   adp


1)      AY_Emul /h0,0,255,255,0,0 /hmixer My_Song.vtx
        play My_Song.vtx, use only channel B in middle.
2)      AY_Emul.exe "My New Song.sqt" /eay
        play My New Song.sqt by emulating AY-3-8910/12.
3)      AY_Emul.exe /hYMABC /eym /y1750000 /n48828
        set in mixer next values: standard amplification YMABC, chip type YM2149, chip frequency 1750000 Hz, interrupt frequency 48.828 Hz (typical xUSSR version of ZX Spectrum computer, Pentagon 128K for example).
4)      Ay_Emul.exe /p"C:\Sergey Bulba\Pascal\Skin Manager\"Example.ays
        load skin Example.ays
5)      Ay_Emul /add DESERT.XMI:0 “Dizzy 7.ay”:2 “Dizzy 6.aym:1”
        add to playlist first track of DESERT.XMI, third melody from Dizzy 7.ay and second melody from Dizzy 6.aym.