Automatic Part ID Markup

Actify SF Pro APID


Automatic Part ID Markup automates markup of all parts and all subassemblies.

The plug-in creates markup using the 3D Note markup. Once created it appears in the Markups tree and is no different from a 3D note created manually. So the same edit and deletion capabilities apply to the markup created using the plug-in as markup created manually.

Note:The plug-in does not remember which parts / sub assemblies it has previously created markups for. If the assembly has 10 parts and the Apply button is clicked twice, then the result will be 20 markups.

To access the plug-in, select Auto Note from the Tools menu.

The Automatic Part ID Markup window opens.

Click button and select.

  • button to view the help document for APID plug-in.

  • icon to view the About dialog for the APID plug-in.

The basic flow is the following:

  • Select the method of creating Part IDs.
  • Select the format - Name or Number.
  • Click Apply to start the markup creation process.

Select Parts

The Select Parts has three options for applying markup to the assembly.

  • All parts - applies markup to all the parts in the assembly. (The default is All parts).
  • All Subassemblies – applies markup to all subassemblies in the assembly.
  • Single Part(s)/Subassembly(ies) – This selection will bring up an assembly tree. User can select Part(s)/ Subassembly(ies) from the assembly tree. Markups are created for the selected Part(s)/ Subassembly(ies).

Specify Content

The Specify Content supports two options.

  • Name – This will create markup using the name of the component as entered in the tree. (The default is Name)
  • Number – This will create markup using an integer value that will match the numbering generated using the Parts List plug-in.



The Font button sets the font used to generate the markup. Font can be used to differentiate new markup from existing markup.

The default font is defined in SpinFire Professional's OPTIONS > Settings > 3D Viewer > Label Font.


The Color button sets the background color of the markup. Color can be used to differentiate new markup from existing markup.

The default color is defined in SpinFire Professional's OPTIONS > Settings > 3D Viewer > Label Font > Color.

Sample Text displays the Font and color selected by the user.

Once Reset to defaults button is selected, it resets the selected font and the color to the default Font and Color which is set in SpinFire Professional.


The Apply button initiates the creation of the markup.

During creation of the markup, the progress bar indicates the total number of parts to be processed and number of components that have been processed.

Note: For large assemblies, the actual creation of the markups may take a long time.


When the plug-in is processing, clicking Stop will terminate the processing of the assembly information.

The markup created for already processed components will not be deleted.


Click Cancel button or the , in the upper right corner of the plug-in panel to leave the Automatic Parts ID plug-in.

Related topics

Select Parts

Specify Content

