Set Filter


Set Filter

You can set a filter in the filter text box to control what displays on the Profiler Log tabs. This filter is non-destructive, meaning the data is not lost. If the filter is cleared, all the captured, data will be visible again. (Filters are not saved between sessions.)

To clear a filter, highlight the filter expression and press the Delete key. You can disable a filter by clicking the Filter icon on the Profiler Toolbar.

Do not attempt to clear the Filter field by right clicking and selecting Clear from the pop-up menu as this will clear the grid data and not the filter.

The filter supports numerical expressions +, -, *, /, ( ) and string expressions for the text columns in the log window. String expressions also support regular expressions using the like or not like operators.

To set a filter

  1. Enter the filter expression in the filter text box.

  2. Click the Filter icon on the Profiler Toolbar or click the Set Filter button.

Example expressions

execute > 5.0

Show all rows where the execute time is greater than 5 milliseconds

clientsql like '(?i)^update'

Show all rows where clientsql starts with the word update. The (?i) is a modifier to instruct the regular expression engine to use case insensitivity.

Related Topics

Syntax of Regular Expressions

SQL Log Tab

All Messages Tab

Error Log Tab