4D View


version 6.8

PV SAVE DOCUMENT (area; document; template; replace; format)

areaLongint4D View area
documentStringDocument name
templateInteger0 = Document; 1 = Template
replaceInteger0 = No replacement; 1 = Replacement
formatLongintDocument format


The PV SAVE DOCUMENT command saves the 4D View area as a disk document.

Pass in document the name and the full access path of the document to save. If you pass an empty string in this parameter, a standard save file dialog box will appear and the user can select the name and the path of the document. If the user clicks the Cancel button, the document is not saved.

The template parameter allows you to set whether the document should be saved as a standard document (template=0) or as a template (template=1). For more information on templates, refer to the PV OPEN DOCUMENT command description.

If a document of the same name exists in the indicated area, PV SAVE DOCUMENT may overwrite the existing file depending on the value of the erase parameter. In this event, if erase is set to 0, error #26 is returned: "This document already exists." If the name was set by the user (empty string in document), the operating system will display the usual "This document already exists" confirmation regardless of the erase value.

If the target document is used by another 4D View area, PV SAVE DOCUMENT returns an error if it is a template or not.

Use the PV Document format constants theme to define the format parameter, which allows you to set the format in which to save the document.


After opening an external document with the PV OPEN DOCUMENT command, we will first install a callback method detecting any change to the active cell.

   PV ON EVENT (Area;pv on active cell changed;"EventMethod")

The code for the EventMethod project method is as follows :

   C_LONGINT($1)  `4D View area reference
   C_LONGINT($2)  `Type of event
   C_LONGINT($3)  `Modification key code
   C_LONGINT($4)  `Column number
   C_LONGINT($5)  `Row number
   C_LONGINT($6)  `Ascii code of the key
   C_BOOLEAN($0)  `Value to return

   FlagModifiedArea:=True  `Modified area

If the document was modified, the user is then able to save the modified document and name it as desired:

   If (FlagModifiedArea)  `Document modified?
      CONFIRM("Do you want to save this document as a template??";"Template";"Document")
         `This will be a template if the dialog box is confirmed (OK=1)
      PV SAVE DOCUMENT (Area;"";OK;1;pv view )
   End if

See Also


System Variables and Sets

The system variable OK is set to 1 if the document has been saved correctly.


PV Document format theme.