4D View


version 6.8

PV SET STYLE PROPERTY (area; style; property; value)

areaLongint4D View area
styleLongintStylesheet ID
propertyLongintProperty number
valueLongintProperty value


The PV SET STYLE PROPERTY command sets the value of property for the style sheets whose number is style.

Use the PV Style properties constants theme to define the property parameter.

Use the PV Style values constants theme to define the value parameter. The choice of constant to assign to the value parameter depends on the property chosen.

These constants are detailed in the PV SET CELL PROPERTY command description.

If you want to edit the default style sheets properties, pass one of the PV Style special values constants in the style parameter:

pv style cells: default style sheet for cells (named "Cells").

pv style col row headers: default style sheet for column and row headers (named "Columns/Rows Headers").

pv style page footer header: default style sheet for printed page header and footer (named "Page Header & footer".

Note: These style sheets can be edited using the Style Sheets command in the 4D View's Style menu.


This method allows defining properties for a new style. In this example, we will set a value for each of the three style properties to customize:

• The "horizontal alignment" property will become "to the left",

• The "vertical alignment" property will become "center",

• The "rotation" property will become "90 degrees".

   ARRAY LONGINT($ArrayProps;3)  `Stylesheet properties array
   ARRAY LONGINT($ArrayValues;3)  `Value of each property

   C_STRING(255;$StyleName)  `Name of style to add to Area

   ARRAY LONGINT($StyleNumArray;0)  `Style numbers array
   ARRAY STRING(255;$StyleNameArray;0)  `Style names array
   C_INTEGER($Index)  `Loop index
   C_INTEGER($Position)  `Position of new style in number and name arrays

   $ArrayProps{1}:=pv style hor alignment   `Corresponding properties...
   $ArrayProps{2}:=pv style vert alignment 
   $ArrayProps{3}:=pv style rotation 

   $ArrayValues{1}:=pv value hor alignment left   `...and values
   $ArrayValues{2}:=pv value hor alignment center 
   $ArrayValues{3}:=pv value rotation 90 


   PV GET STYLE LIST (Area;$StyleNumArray;$StyleNameArray)  `List of available styles

   If (Find in array($StyleNameArray;$StyleName)=-1)  `Style $StyleName absent ?
      $Position:=Size of array($StyleNameArray)+1  `We will add it
      INSERT ELEMENT ($StyleNameArray;$Position)  `Resize arrays
      INSERT ELEMENT ($StyleNumArray;$Position)
      $StyleNameArray{$Position}:=$StyleName  `Assign name of new style
      $StyleNumArray{$Position}:=PV Add style (Area;$StyleName)  `Assign number of new style

      For ($Index;1;Size of array($ArrayProps))  `For all properties to be set
         If (PV Get style property (Area;$StyleNumArray{$Position};$ArrayProps{$Index})#$ArrayValues{$Index})
            PV SET STYLE PROPERTY (Area;$StyleNumArray{$Position};$ArrayProps{$Index};$ArrayValues{$Index})
         End if   `Property doesn't have the desired value?
      End for   `Review array $ArrayProps of stylesheet properties

      ALERT("The style'"+$StyleName+"' is already present in the area.")
   End if

See Also

PV Get style property.


PV Style properties and PV Style values themes.