TabPosition Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

TabPosition Property


Returns or sets the tab position for the specified ListLevel object. Read/write Single.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ListLevel object.


This example sets each list level number so that it's indented 0.5 inch (36 points) from the previous level, and the tab is set at 0.25 inch (18 points) from the number.

r = 0
For Each lev In ListGalleries(wdOutlineNumberGallery) _
        lev.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
        lev.NumberPosition = r
        lev.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
        lev.TabPosition = r + 18
        r = r + 36
Next lev

This example sets the variable myltemp to the first numbered list template, and then it sets the tab position at one inch. The list template is then applied to the selection.

Set myltemp = ListGalleries(wdNumberGallery).ListTemplates(1)
myltemp.ListLevels(1).TabPosition = InchesToPoints(1)
Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate ListTemplate:=myltemp