DataFieldName Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

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DataFieldName Property


Sets or returns a String that represents the name of the field in the mail merge data source to which a mapped data field maps. A blank string is returned if the specified data field is not mapped to a mapped data field. Read/write.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a MappedDataField object.


This example creates a tabbed list of the mapped data fields available in Word and the fields in the data source to which they are mapped. This example assumes that the current document is a mail merge document and that the data source fields have corresponding mapped data fields.

Sub MappedFields()
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim docCurrent As Document
    Dim docNew As Document

    On Error Resume Next

    Set docCurrent = ThisDocument
    Set docNew = Documents.Add

    'Add leader tab to new document
    docNew.Paragraphs.TabStops.Add _
        Position:=InchesToPoints(3.5), _

    With docCurrent.MailMerge.DataSource

        'Insert heading paragraph for tabbed columns
        docNew.Content.InsertAfter "Word Mapped Data Field" _
            & vbTab & "Data Source Field"

                intCount = intCount + 1

                    'Insert Word mapped data field name and the
                    'corresponding data source field name
                    docNew.Content.InsertAfter .MappedDataFields( _
                        Index:=intCount).Name & vbTab & _
                        .MappedDataFields(Index:=intCount) _

                    'Insert paragraph
            Loop Until intCount = .MappedDataFields.Count

    End With

End Sub