CreateFile Utility


CreateFile Utility


The CreateFile utility allows you to create ISAM files based on repository file or structure definitions.

The command line options for the CreateFile utility are as follows:

  CreateFile -f <fname> | -s <sname> [-out filespec] [-r] [-h]

    -f <fname>              The name of the repository file definition to use.

    -s <sname>
          The name of the repository structure definition to use.

    -out <filespec>
          The name of the file to create, overriding the file spec found in the repository file definition.

    -r    Replace existing files. The default is not to replace existing files.

    -?    Display this usage information.

When creating a file based on a repository file definition, the key specifications will be determined by the keys defined in the first structure that is assigned to the file.

When creating a file based on a repository file structure, the file specifications will be determined by the first file that the structure is assigned to.

CreateFile assumes that the repository key definitions are defined in the same sequence as the keys that they refer to. It is assumed that the first defined key is the primary key, the second key (if any) is the first alternate key, and so on.

CreateFile currently only supports creating ISAM files. Relative and sequential files will not be created.                                   

Examples of Use

C:\> createfile -f CUSTFIL

DAT:customer.ism -> File created.


C:\> createfile -s CUSTOMER

DAT:customer.ism -> File created.


C:\> createfile -f CUSTFIL -f DAT:customer_save.ism

DAT:customer_save.ism -> File created.




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