Command line flags


Command line flags

Anywhere in the command line you can include any of the following to modify the behaviour of SDKDiff

-D to compare one directory only (i.e. ignore subdirectories)

-O to force it to stay in outline mode. The default is to expand single file comparisons. This is useful for comparing very large files or binary files where the expansion can take a long time and is not very meaningful.

-N name to do a NET SEND to name to announce the end of the comparison. This can be useful for very long comparisons involving thousands of files.

-S <saveopts> savefile to save the results of the comparison to savefile. This saves the outline mode list. This is only really useful for comparing directories.

<saveopts> are any combination of

s to include files that are the same in both directories

l to include files that are only in the left hand (i.e. first) directory

r to include files that are only in the right hand (i.e. second) directory

d to include files that are different in the two directories

x to exit after the results have been saved.

-? to give immediate, context sensitive, syntax help for these command line flags (always worth a try)

You can use "/" instead of "-" to prefix flags and it means the same.