SQL Server Subscription Properties, Other Tab

Replication Sync Manager Help

Replication Sync Manager Help

SQL Server Subscription Properties, Other Tab

The following options are available on the SQL Server Subscription Properties, Other tab of the Windows Synchronization Manager.


Login timeout

Specify the amount of time to wait for a connection before timing out.

Query timeout

Specify the amount of time a query can process before timing out.

Resolve conflicts interactively (only applies to articles that support interactive resolution)

Select to resolve conflicts interactively. Microsoft SQL Server replication provides an interactive resolver, which allows you to resolve conflicts manually during on-demand synchronization. Activated at run-time, the Interactive Resolver displays data for each conflicting row, and provides options for viewing and editing the conflict data, and resolving each conflict individually. The article must be enabled to support interactive resolution. This option is displayed only for subscriptions to merge publications.

Resolve conflicts automatically

Select to have SQL Server resolve conflicts automatically based on the conflict resolution policy of the publication. This option is displayed only for subscriptions to merge publications.

Subscriber update mode

Select immediate updating or queued updating as the method for which data modifications made at the Subscriber will be propagated to the Publisher. This option is displayed only for subscriptions to snapshot or transactional publications that allow immediate updating with queued updating as a failover. Immediate updating with queued updating as a failover can be used when you expect the Publisher and Subscribers to be connected, but you do not want to lose the ability to make updates at the Subscriber if a system failure results in the loss of network connectivity. Immediate updating with queued updating as a failover allows you to use immediate updating and switch to queued updating when needed.