Trace Properties (General Tab)

SQL Profiler Help

SQL Profiler Help

Trace Properties (General Tab)

Use this tab to view or specify the following options.


Trace name

Specify the name of the trace.

Trace SQL Server

Specify the instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ to trace.

Template name

Select a template from the template directory.

Template file name

Select a template that was previously saved with a .tdf file extension.

Save to file

Capture the trace data to a .trc file. This is useful for saving trace data for later review and analysis. Saving a trace to a file also reduces the memory overhead of SQL Profiler.

If you select to save the trace data to a file, you must specify the maximum size of the trace file. The maximum is 1 gigabyte (GB).

Enable file rollover
Specify that when the maximum file size is reached a new file will be opened to accept the trace data. The new file name will be the original .trc file name with a number appended to it. For example, NewTrace.trc becomes NewTrace_1.trc, NewTrace_2.trc, and so forth, as the maximum file size is reached. This is enabled by default when you save a trace to a file.
Server processes SQL Server trace data
Specify that the server running the trace should process the trace data. If selected, no events will be skipped under stress conditions; however, performance of the server may be affected, depending on the number of events being traced. If this check box is cleared, then the processing is performed by the client application, and there is a possibility that some events will not be traced under stress conditions.

Save to table

Capture the trace data to a database table. This is useful for saving data for later review and analysis. However, saving trace data to a table can incur significant overhead on the server on which the trace is being saved.

Set maximum rows (in thousands)
Specify the largest number of rows in which to save data. The maximum is 9,999,000 rows.

Enable trace stop time

Set the date and time for the trace to end and close itself.

See Also

How to create a trace (SQL Profiler)