Data Type Mapping in ITableDefinition

OLE DB and SQL Server

OLE DB and SQL Server

Data Type Mapping in ITableDefinition

When creating tables by using the ITableDefinition::CreateTable function, the SQLOLEDB consumer can specify Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 data types in the pwszTypeName member of the DBCOLUMNDESC array that is passed. If the consumer specifies the data type of a column by name, then OLE DB data type mapping, represented by the wType member of the DBCOLUMNDESC structure, is ignored.

When specifying new column data types with OLE DB data types using the DBCOLUMNDESC structure wType member, SQLOLEDB maps OLE DB data types as follows.

OLE DB data type SQL Server
data type

Additional information
DBTYPE_BYTES binary, varbinary, or image SQLOLEDB inspects the ulColumnSize member of the DBCOLUMNDESC structure. Based on the value, and version of the SQL Server 2000 instance, SQLOLEDB maps the type to image.

If the value of ulColumnSize is smaller than the maximum length of a binary data type column, then SQLOLEDB inspects the DBCOLUMNDESC rgPropertySets member. If DBPROP_COL_FIXEDLENGTH is VARIANT_TRUE, SQLOLEDB maps the type to binary. If the value of the property is VARIANT_FALSE, SQLOLEDB maps the type to varbinary. In either case, the DBCOLUMNDESC ulColumnSize member determines the width of the SQL Server 2000 column created.

DBTYPE_CY money  
DBTYPE_GUID uniqueidentifier  
DBTYPE_I2 smallint  
DBTYPE_I4 int  
DBTYPE_NUMERIC numeric SQLOLEDB inspects the DBCOLUMDESC bPrecision and bScale members to determine precision and scale for the numeric column.
DBTYPE_R4 real  
DBTYPE_R8 float  
DBTYPE_STR char, varchar, or text SQLOLEDB inspects the ulColumnSize member of the DBCOLUMNDESC structure. Based on the value and version of the SQL Server 2000 instance, SQLOLEDB maps the type to text.

If the value of ulColumnSize is smaller than the maximum length of a multibyte character data type column, then SQLOLEDB inspects the DBCOLUMNDESC rgPropertySets member. If DBPROP_COL_FIXEDLENGTH is VARIANT_TRUE, SQLOLEDB maps the type to char. If the value of the property is VARIANT_FALSE, SQLOLEDB maps the type to varchar. In either case, the DBCOLUMNDESC ulColumnSize member determines the width of the SQL Server 2000 column created.

DBTYPE_UI1 tinyint  
DBTYPE_WSTR nchar, nvarchar, or ntext Using DBTYPE_WSTR to define a column is supported for SQL Server version 7.0 servers only.

SQLOLEDB inspects the ulColumnSize member of the DBCOLUMNDESC structure. Based on the value, SQLOLEDB maps the type to ntext.

If the value of ulColumnSize is smaller than the maximum length of a Unicode character data type column, then SQLOLEDB inspects the DBCOLUMNDESC rgPropertySets member. If DBPROP_COL_FIXEDLENGTH is VARIANT_TRUE, SQLOLEDB maps the type to nchar. If the value of the property is VARIANT_FALSE, SQLOLEDB maps the type to nvarchar. In either case, the DBCOLUMNDESC ulColumnSize member determines the width of the SQL Server 2000 column created.

Note  When creating a new table, SQLOLEDB maps only the OLE DB data type enumeration values specified in the preceding table. Attempting to create a table with a column of any other OLE DB data type generates an error.