

Binds a value as a parameter for prepared statement.
$sqlite_bind_value ( statement, param, value [, datatype ] )
/sqlite_bind_value statement param value [ datatype ]
The prepared statement identifier.
The parameter to bind to. Must exist in the prepared query.
The value to bind to.
Optional. Tells what datatype value is. See remarks.
Return Value
1 on success, or $null if there was an error.
$sqlite_bind_value can be used to bind a value to a parameter.

The param parameter can either be a numerical index, specified with a ? in the query, or a named parameter specified with a :name in the query. If binding a named parameter, you should also include the colon in the name.

If datatype is specified, it must be one of the $SQLITE_INTEGER, $SQLITE_FLOAT, $SQLITE_TEXT, $SQLITE_BLOB and $SQLITE_NULL. The datatype tells what datatype value is. If omitted, mSQLite will attempt to deduce the datatype of the value. You should specify datatype when you want a numerical value to act as a text for example.

Note that if you want to bind a text value with more than one word, you must use the first form of syntax. If you don't care about the return value, you can use the built-in mIRC command /noop

For more information about parameter binding, see Prepared Statements.
; Open a temporary db
var %db = $sqlite_open()

; Binds one numerical and one named parameter
var %sql = SELECT ?, :test
var %stmt = $sqlite_prepare(%db, %sql)
if (%stmt) {
  ; Binds 'Hello world' as first parameter and 100 as second parameter as float.
  ; We must use the $sqlite_bind_param syntax here, because the value contains more than one word.
  noop $sqlite_bind_value(%stmt, 1, Hello world)
  ; If datatype isn't specified 100 would be considered an integer by mSQLite.
  sqlite_bind_value %stmt :test 100 $SQLITE_FLOAT

  ; Execute the query and show the results
  var %result = $sqlite_query(%stmt)
  if ($sqlite_fetch_row(%result, row, $SQLITE_NUM)) {
    echo -a 1st: $hget(row, 1)
    echo -a 2nd: $hget(row, 2)

  sqlite_free %result
  sqlite_free %stmt
else {
  echo -a Error preparing query: %sqlite_errstr

sqlite_close %db

; Output:
; 1st: Hello world
; 2nd: 100.0