iTunes COM Interface: IITEncoderCollection Interface Reference

iTunes COM

IITEncoderCollection Interface Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Represents a collection of encoder objects.

The IiTunes::Encoders property returns the collection of encoders.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT Count ([out, retval] long *count)
 Returns the number of encoders in the collection.
HRESULT Item ([in] long index,[out, retval] IITEncoder **iEncoder)
 Returns an IITEncoder object corresponding to the given index (1-based).
HRESULT ItemByName ([in] BSTR name,[out, retval] IITEncoder **iEncoder)
 Returns an IITEncoder object with the specified name.
HRESULT _NewEnum ([out, retval] IUnknown **iEnumerator)
 Returns an IEnumVARIANT object which can enumerate the collection.

Member Function Documentation

HRESULT IITEncoderCollection::_NewEnum [out, retval] IUnknown **  iEnumerator  ) 

Returns an IEnumVARIANT object which can enumerate the collection.

This property is available in iTunes 4.7 and later (iTunes type library 1.2 and later).
iEnumerator Returns an IEnumVARIANT object which can enumerate the collection.
Return values:
S_OK The operation was successful.
E_POINTER iEnumerator is NULL.
E_FAIL An unexpected error occurred.

HRESULT IITEncoderCollection::Count [out, retval] long *  count  ) 

Returns the number of encoders in the collection.

count Returns the number of encoders in the collection.
Return values:
S_OK The operation was successful.
E_POINTER count is NULL.
E_FAIL An unexpected error occurred.

HRESULT IITEncoderCollection::Item [in] long  index,
[out, retval] IITEncoder **  iEncoder

Returns an IITEncoder object corresponding to the given index (1-based).

index 1-based index of IITEncoder to retrieve.
iEncoder Returns an IITEncoder object corresponding to the specified index.
Return values:
S_OK The operation was successful.
S_FALSE index is too big.
E_INVALIDARG index is less than one.
E_POINTER iEncoder is NULL.
E_FAIL An unexpected error occurred.

HRESULT IITEncoderCollection::ItemByName [in] BSTR  name,
[out, retval] IITEncoder **  iEncoder

Returns an IITEncoder object with the specified name.

name 1-based index of IITEncoder to retrieve.
iEncoder Returns an IITEncoder object with the specified name.
Return values:
S_OK The operation was successful.
S_FALSE An encoder with the specified name could not be found.
E_POINTER name or iEncoder is NULL.
E_FAIL An unexpected error occurred.

Generated on Fri Mar 13 12:50:54 2009 for iTunes
©2004-2007 Apple Computer, Inc.