Table of contents
- 首页
- 版本说明
- 参考手册
- 虚拟主机文档
- 常见问题
- SSL/TLS 加密
- 如何.../指南
- 对特定平台的说明
- 服务器与支持程序
- 杂项文档
Apache 模块
- 描述模块的术语
- 描述指令的术语
- AcceptFilter
- AcceptPathInfo
- AccessFileName
- AddDefaultCharset
- AddOutputFilterByType
- AllowEncodedSlashes
- AllowOverride
- AuthName
- AuthType
- CGIMapExtension
- ContentDigest
- DefaultType
- <Directory>
- <DirectoryMatch>
- DocumentRoot
- EnableMMAP
- EnableSendfile
- ErrorDocument
- ErrorLog
- FileETag
- <Files>
- <FilesMatch>
- ForceType
- HostnameLookups
- <IfDefine>
- <IfModule>
- Include
- KeepAlive
- KeepAliveTimeout
- <Limit>
- <LimitExcept>
- LimitInternalRecursion
- LimitRequestBody
- LimitRequestFields
- LimitRequestFieldSize
- LimitRequestLine
- LimitXMLRequestBody
- <Location>
- <LocationMatch>
- LogLevel
- MaxKeepAliveRequests
- NameVirtualHost
- Options
- Require
- RLimitCPU
- RLimitMEM
- Satisfy
- ScriptInterpreterSource
- ServerAdmin
- ServerAlias
- ServerName
- ServerPath
- ServerRoot
- ServerSignature
- ServerTokens
- SetHandler
- SetInputFilter
- SetOutputFilter
- TimeOut
- TraceEnable
- UseCanonicalName
- UseCanonicalPhysicalPort
- <VirtualHost>
Apache MPM 公共指令
- AcceptMutex
- CoreDumpDirectory
- EnableExceptionHook
- GracefulShutdownTimeout
- Group
- Listen
- ListenBackLog
- LockFile
- MaxClients
- MaxMemFree
- MaxRequestsPerChild
- MaxSpareThreads
- MinSpareThreads
- PidFile
- ReceiveBufferSize
- ScoreBoardFile
- SendBufferSize
- ServerLimit
- StartServers
- StartThreads
- ThreadLimit
- ThreadsPerChild
- ThreadStackSize
- User
- Apache MPM beos
- Apache MPM event
- Apache MPM netware
- Apache MPM os2
- Apache MPM prefork
- Apache MPM winnt
- Apache MPM worker
- Apache Module mod_actions
- Apache Module mod_alias
- Apache Module mod_asis
- Apache Module mod_auth_basic
- Apache Module mod_auth_digest
- Apache Module mod_authn_alias
- Apache Module mod_authn_anon
- Apache Module mod_authn_dbd
- Apache Module mod_authn_dbm
- Apache Module mod_authn_default
- Apache Module mod_authn_file
Apache Module mod_authnz_ldap
- Contents
- Operation
- The require Directives
- 举例
- Using TLS
- Using SSL
- Using Microsoft FrontPage with mod_authnz_ldap
- AuthLDAPBindDN
- AuthLDAPBindPassword
- AuthLDAPCharsetConfig
- AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer
- AuthLDAPDereferenceAliases
- AuthLDAPGroupAttribute
- AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN
- AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN
- AuthLDAPUrl
- AuthzLDAPAuthoritative
- Apache Module mod_authz_dbm
- Apache Module mod_authz_default
- Apache Module mod_authz_groupfile
- Apache Module mod_authz_host
- Apache Module mod_authz_owner
- Apache Module mod_authz_user
- Apache Module mod_autoindex
- Apache Module mod_cache
- Apache Module mod_cern_meta
- Apache Module mod_cgi
- Apache Module mod_cgid
- Apache Module mod_charset_lite
- Apache Module mod_dav
- Apache Module mod_dav_fs
- Apache Module mod_dav_lock
- Apache Module mod_dbd
- Apache Module mod_deflate
- Apache Module mod_dir
- Apache Module mod_disk_cache
- Apache Module mod_dumpio
- Apache Module mod_echo
- Apache Module mod_env
- Apache Module mod_example
- Apache Module mod_expires
- Apache Module mod_ext_filter
- Apache Module mod_file_cache
- Apache Module mod_filter
- Apache Module mod_headers
- Apache Module mod_ident
- Apache Module mod_imagemap
- Apache Module mod_include
- Apache Module mod_info
- Apache Module mod_isapi
- Apache Module mod_ldap
- Apache Module mod_log_config
- Apache Module mod_log_forensic
- Apache Module mod_logio
- Apache Module mod_mem_cache
- Apache Module mod_mime
- Apache Module mod_mime_magic
- Apache Module mod_negotiation
- Apache Module mod_nw_ssl
Apache Module mod_proxy
- 正向和反向代理
- 简单示例
- 控制对代理服务器的访问
- 缓慢启动
- 局域网代理
- 协议调整
- 请求体
- NoProxy
- <Proxy>
- ProxyBadHeader
- ProxyBlock
- ProxyDomain
- ProxyErrorOverride
- ProxyIOBufferSize
- <ProxyMatch>
- ProxyMaxForwards
- ProxyPass
- ProxyPassReverse
- ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain
- ProxyPassReverseCookiePath
- ProxyPreserveHost
- ProxyReceiveBufferSize
- ProxyRemote
- ProxyRemoteMatch
- ProxyRequests
- ProxyTimeout
- ProxyVia
- Apache Module mod_proxy_ajp
- Apache Module mod_proxy_balancer
- Apache Module mod_proxy_connect
- Apache Module mod_proxy_ftp
- Apache Module mod_proxy_http
- Apache Module mod_rewrite
- Apache Module mod_setenvif
- Apache Module mod_so
- Apache Module mod_speling
Apache Module mod_ssl
- 环境变量
- Custom Log Formats
- SSLCACertificateFile
- SSLCACertificatePath
- SSLCADNRequestFile
- SSLCADNRequestPath
- SSLCARevocationFile
- SSLCARevocationPath
- SSLCertificateChainFile
- SSLCertificateFile
- SSLCertificateKeyFile
- SSLCipherSuite
- SSLCryptoDevice
- SSLEngine
- SSLHonorCipherOrder
- SSLMutex
- SSLOptions
- SSLPassPhraseDialog
- SSLProtocol
- SSLProxyCACertificateFile
- SSLProxyCACertificatePath
- SSLProxyCARevocationFile
- SSLProxyCARevocationPath
- SSLProxyCipherSuite
- SSLProxyEngine
- SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile
- SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath
- SSLProxyProtocol
- SSLProxyVerify
- SSLProxyVerifyDepth
- SSLRandomSeed
- SSLRequire
- SSLRequireSSL
- SSLSessionCache
- SSLSessionCacheTimeout
- SSLUserName
- SSLVerifyClient
- SSLVerifyDepth
- Apache Module mod_status
- Apache Module mod_suexec
- Apache Module mod_unique_id
- Apache Module mod_userdir
- Apache Module mod_usertrack
- Apache Module mod_version
- Apache Module mod_vhost_alias
- 开发者文档
- 词汇和索引
- 译者声明