# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2009-2010 CEA
# Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the CECILL License
# (see guidata/__init__.py for details)
# pylint: disable=C0103
The ``guidata.utils`` module provides various utility helper functions
(pure python).
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import os
import os.path as osp
import locale # Warning: 2to3 false alarm ('import' fixer)
import collections
from guidata.py3compat import (is_unicode, to_text_string, is_text_string,
get_func_code, get_func_name)
# Misc.
[docs]def min_equals_max(min, max):
Return True if minimium value equals maximum value
Return False if not, or if maximum or minimum value is not defined
return min is not None and max is not None and min == max
[docs]def pairs(iterable):
"""A simple generator that takes a list and generates
pairs [ (l[0],l[1]), ..., (l[n-2], l[n-1])]
iterator = iter(iterable)
first = next(iterator)
while True:
second = next(iterator)
yield (first, second)
first = second
[docs]def add_extension(item, value):
"""Add extension to filename
`item`: data item representing a file path
`value`: possible value for data item"""
value = to_text_string(value)
formats = item.get_prop("data", "formats")
if len(formats) == 1 and formats[0] != '*':
if not value.endswith('.' + formats[0]) and len(value) > 0:
return value + '.' + formats[0]
return value
[docs]def bind(fct, value):
Returns a callable representing the function 'fct' with it's
first argument bound to the value
if g = bind(f,1) and f is a function of x,y,z
then g(y,z) will return f(1,y,z)
def callback(*args, **kwargs):
return fct(value, *args, **kwargs)
return callback
[docs]def trace(fct):
"""A decorator that traces function entry/exit
used for debugging only
from functools import wraps
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
"""Tracing function entry/exit (debugging only)"""
print("enter:", fct.__name__)
res = fct(*args, **kwargs)
print("leave:", fct.__name__)
return res
return wrapper
# Strings
[docs]def decode_fs_string(string):
"""Convert string from file system charset to unicode"""
charset = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
if charset is None:
charset = locale.getpreferredencoding()
return string.decode(charset)
#TODO: Py3/I'm really not satisfied with this code even if it's compatible with Py3
[docs]def utf8_to_unicode(string):
"""Convert UTF-8 string to Unicode"""
if not is_text_string(string):
string = to_text_string(string)
if not is_unicode(string):
string = to_text_string(string, "utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# This is border line... but we admit here string which has been
# erroneously encoded in file system charset instead of UTF-8
string = decode_fs_string(string)
return string
# Findout the encoding used for stdout or use ascii as default
if hasattr(sys.stdout, "encoding"):
if sys.stdout.encoding:
STDOUT_ENCODING = sys.stdout.encoding
[docs]def unicode_to_stdout(ustr):
"""convert a unicode string to a byte string encoded
for stdout output"""
return ustr.encode(STDOUT_ENCODING, "replace")
# Updating, restoring datasets
[docs]def update_dataset(dest, source, visible_only=False):
Update `dest` dataset items from `source` dataset
dest should inherit from DataSet, whereas source can be:
* any Python object containing matching attribute names
* or a dictionary with matching key names
For each DataSet item, the function will try to get the attribute
of the same name from the source.
visible_only: if True, update only visible items
for item in dest._items:
key = item._name
if hasattr(source, key):
hide = item.get_prop_value("display", source, "hide", False)
except AttributeError:
#FIXME: Remove this try...except
hide = False
if visible_only and hide:
setattr(dest, key, getattr(source, key))
elif isinstance(source, dict) and key in source:
setattr(dest, key, source[key])
[docs]def restore_dataset(source, dest):
Restore `dest` dataset items from `source` dataset
This function is almost the same as update_dataset but requires
the source to be a DataSet instead of the destination.
Symetrically from update_dataset, `dest` may also be a dictionary.
for item in source._items:
key = item._name
value = getattr(source, key)
if hasattr(dest, key):
setattr(dest, key, value)
except AttributeError:
# This attribute is a property, skipping this iteration
elif isinstance(dest, dict):
dest[key] = value
# Interface checking
[docs]def assert_interface_supported(klass, iface):
"""Makes sure a class supports an interface"""
for name, func in list(iface.__dict__.items()):
if name == '__inherits__':
if isinstance(func, collections.Callable):
assert hasattr(klass, name), \
"Attribute %s missing from %r" % (name, klass)
imp_func = getattr(klass, name)
imp_code = get_func_code(imp_func)
code = get_func_code(func)
imp_nargs = imp_code.co_argcount
nargs = code.co_argcount
if imp_code.co_varnames[:imp_nargs] != code.co_varnames[:nargs]:
assert False, "Arguments of %s.%s differ from interface: "\
"%r!=%r" % (
klass.__name__, get_func_name(imp_func),
pass # should check class attributes for consistency
[docs]def assert_interfaces_valid(klass):
"""Makes sure a class supports the interfaces
it declares"""
assert hasattr(klass, "__implements__"), \
"Class doesn't implements anything"
for iface in klass.__implements__:
assert_interface_supported(klass, iface)
if hasattr(iface, "__inherits__"):
base = iface.__inherits__()
assert issubclass(klass, base), \
"%s should be a subclass of %s" % (klass, base)
# Date, time, timer
[docs]def localtime_to_isodate(time_struct):
"""Convert local time to ISO date"""
s = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", time_struct)
s += "%+05d" % time.timezone
return s
[docs]def isodate_to_localtime(datestr):
"""Convert ISO date to local time"""
return time.strptime(datestr[:16], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
format_hms = FormatTime()
[docs]class Timer(object):
"""MATLAB-like timer: tic, toc"""
def __init__(self):
self.t0_dict = {}
[docs] def tic(self, cat):
"""Starting timer"""
print(">", cat)
self.t0_dict[cat] = time.clock()
[docs] def toc(self, cat, msg="delta:"):
"""Stopping timer"""
print("<", cat, ":", msg, time.clock() - self.t0_dict[cat])
_TIMER = Timer()
tic = _TIMER.tic
toc = _TIMER.toc
# Module, scripts, programs
[docs]def get_module_path(modname):
"""Return module *modname* base path"""
module = sys.modules.get(modname, __import__(modname))
return osp.abspath(osp.dirname(module.__file__))
[docs]def is_program_installed(basename):
"""Return program absolute path if installed in PATH
Otherwise, return None"""
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
abspath = osp.join(path, basename)
if osp.isfile(abspath):
return abspath
[docs]def run_program(name, args='', cwd=None, shell=True, wait=False):
"""Run program in a separate process"""
path = is_program_installed(name)
if not path:
raise RuntimeError("Program %s was not found" % name)
command = [path]
if args:
if wait:
subprocess.call(" ".join(command), cwd=cwd, shell=shell)
subprocess.Popen(" ".join(command), cwd=cwd, shell=shell)
[docs]def is_module_available(module_name):
"""Return True if Python module is available"""
return True
except ImportError:
return False
# Utilities for setup.py scripts
[docs]def get_package_data(name, extlist, exclude_dirs=[]):
Return data files for package *name* with extensions in *extlist*
(search recursively in package directories)
assert isinstance(extlist, (list, tuple))
flist = []
# Workaround to replace os.path.relpath (not available until Python 2.6):
offset = len(name)+len(os.pathsep)
for dirpath, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(name):
if dirpath not in exclude_dirs:
for fname in filenames:
if osp.splitext(fname)[1].lower() in extlist:
flist.append(osp.join(dirpath, fname)[offset:])
return flist
[docs]def get_subpackages(name):
"""Return subpackages of package *name*"""
splist = []
for dirpath, _dirnames, _filenames in os.walk(name):
if osp.isfile(osp.join(dirpath, '__init__.py')):
return splist
[docs]def cythonize_all(relpath):
"""Cythonize all Cython modules in relative path"""
from Cython.Compiler import Main
for fname in os.listdir(relpath):
if osp.splitext(fname)[1] == '.pyx':
Main.compile(osp.join(relpath, fname))