zh-cn/common_lang.php <?php return array( "framename"=>"蜉蝣", "info"=>array( "author"=>"志", "date"=>"2014-3-22", ), ); if we want to use language,there are two ways of using it. one. we can assign it in the controller like this: public function lan(){ $one=$GLOBALS['lang']['framename']; $this->assign('one',$one); $two=lang('framename'); $this->assign('two',$two); $this->assign('date',lang('info','date')); $this->display(); } two. we can use it directly in the template like this: <{$one}>
//we didn't assign it in the controller <{$lang.info.author}>
//we didn't assign it in the controller yet <{$date}>