How to Publish Shared AMIs
After creating a shared AMI, other developers can find it in the Amazon EC2 Resource Center.
To publish your AMI
Post it in the Public AMIs Folder of the Amazon Web Services Resource Center, including the following information:
AMI manifest
Also, add the following information (recommended, but not required):
Publisher URL
OS / Distribution
Key Features
Daemons / Services
Release Notes
If you want to, you can past the following information into the document. You must be in HTML edit mode.
<strong>AMI ID: </strong>[ami-id]<br /> <strong>AMI Manifest: </strong>[bucket/image.manifest.xml]<br /> <h2>About this &AMI;</h2> <ul> <li>Published by [Publisher] (<a href="">[]</a>).<br /> </li> <li>[Key Features] <br /> </li> <li>[Description]</li> <li>This image contains the following daemons / services: <ul> <li>[Daemon 1]</li> <li>[Daemon 2]</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2><strong>What's New?</strong></h2>The following changes were made on [Date].<br /> <ul> <li>[Release Notes 1]</li> </ul> <span style="font-size: x-small; font-family: courier new,courier"> - [Note 1]</span><br /> <span style="font-size: x-small; font-family: courier new,courier"> - [Note 2]</span><br /> <span style="font-size: x-small; font-family: courier new,courier"> - [Note 3]</span><br /> <ul>