( -l | -p )
Describes an attribute for the specified AMI.
Option | Description | Required |
AMI identifier. Example: |
Yes |
Describes the Example: |
Choice |
Describes the Example: |
Choice |
Amazon EC2 returns a table that contains the following information:
Attribute type identifier
ID of the AMI.
Attribute value type or attribute list item value type.
Attribute or attribute list item value.
Amazon EC2 displays errors on stderr.
This example lists the launch permissions for the ami-2bb65342 AMI:
ec2-describe-image-attribute ami-2bb65342 -l
launchPermission ami-2bb65342 group all launchPermission ami-2bb65342 userId 495219933132
This example lists the product code for the ami-2bb65342 AMI:
ec2-describe-image-attribute ami-2bb65342 -p
productCodes ami-2bb65342 productCode 774F4FF8