String Object

eSignal EFS 2

String Object

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The String Object in Javascript


String Constructors


       var a = "This is a string";

       var b = new String("This is another string");




String Methods and Properties




returns the character at index


returns the ASCII value of the character at index

indexOf(value, [startIndex] )

returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of value starting at the optional startIndex


returns the length of the string

lastIndexOf(value, [startIndex] )

returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of value searching backwards starting at the optional startIndex

split(separator, limit)

splits this string around the matches of separator

substr(startIndex, length)

returns a substring beginning at startIndex, extracting length characters.

substring(startIndex, endIndex)

returns a substring spanning from startIndex to endIndex


returns a lower-case representation of the string


returns a upper-case representation of the string