
eSignal EFS



setDefaultBarBgColor(  Color, [Series,] [YMin,] [YMax] )



  • Color:  A valid color definition or RGB value.
  • Series: The series to apply the background color to (optional)
  • YMin:  Paint background down to this price level (optional)
  • YMax: Paint background up to this price level (optional)



This function is only available in preMain(). It is the default background color that will be used for a bar if not specified by the setBarBgColor() function. If this is not called, the default will be transparent (which means none).




//set background color to blue

setDefaultBarBgColor( );


//set background color for first returned series to red. Only draw

//the background up to the 500 price level

setDefaultBarBgColor(, 0, null, 500 );



//set the background color for the second returned series to purple.

//Only color the background from the 10 price level up to the 50 price


setDefaultBarBgColor( Color.purple, 1, 10, 50 );

