drawText Flags

eSignal EFS

drawText Flags


Text.BOLD (draws bold text)

Text.ITALIC (draws italic text)

Text.UNDERLINE (draws underline text)

Text.LEFT (default) (left align text with x/y value)

Text.RIGHT (right align text with x/y value)

Text.TOP (default) (top align text with x/y value)

Text.BOTTOM (bottom align text with x/y value)

Text.ONTOP (Draws the text on top of the study. Otherwise, the study will be drawn on top of the text)

Text.FRAME (draws a frame around the text using FGColor as the frame color)

Text.BUTTON (draws the text as a button. FGColor and BGColor are ignored)

Text.RELATIVETOLEFT (keeps text fixed at a relative bar distance from left chart axis)

Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM (keeps text fixed at a relative pixel distance from bottom chart axis)

Text.RELATIVETOTOP (keeps text fixed at a relative pixel distance from the top chart axis)

Text.CENTER (horizontally centers the text over the bar)

Text.VCENTER (vertically center text at the price value )


These flags can be ORd together (e.g.,  Text.RIGHT | Text.ONTOP | Text.UNDERLINE )