Uses of Interface org.dom4j.NodeFilter (dom4j 1.6.1 API)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use NodeFilter
org.dom4j Defines the XML Document Object Model in Java interfaces together with some helper classes. 
org.dom4j.rule A Pattern based XML rule engine which implements the full XSLT processing model while allowing any Action to be fired if a pattern matches.  
org.dom4j.tree Contains the default implementations of the dom4j Document Object Model together with some helpful base classes for those wishing to implement their own document object model.  
org.dom4j.util A collection of utility classes for the dom4j API. 
org.dom4j.xpath Provides the core tools needed to use the XPath library  

Uses of NodeFilter in org.dom4j

Subinterfaces of NodeFilter in org.dom4j
 interface XPath
           XPath represents an XPath expression after it has been parsed from a String.

Methods in org.dom4j that return NodeFilter
static NodeFilter DocumentHelper.createXPathFilter(String xpathFilterExpression)
           createXPathFilter parses a NodeFilter from the given XPath filter expression using the singleton DocumentFactory.
 NodeFilter DocumentFactory.createXPathFilter(String xpathFilterExpression, org.jaxen.VariableContext variableContext)
           createXPathFilter parses a NodeFilter from the given XPath filter expression.
 NodeFilter DocumentFactory.createXPathFilter(String xpathFilterExpression)
           createXPathFilter parses a NodeFilter from the given XPath filter expression.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.dom4j.rule

Subinterfaces of NodeFilter in org.dom4j.rule
 interface Pattern
           Pattern defines the behaviour for pattern in the XSLT processing model.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.dom4j.rule.pattern

Classes in org.dom4j.rule.pattern that implement NodeFilter
 class DefaultPattern
           DefaultPattern a default implementation of Pattern which can take any XPath implementation or NodeFilter for defining the pattern.
 class NodeTypePattern
           NodeTypePattern implements a Pattern which matches any node of the given node type.

Constructors in org.dom4j.rule.pattern with parameters of type NodeFilter
DefaultPattern(NodeFilter filter)

Uses of NodeFilter in org.dom4j.tree

Methods in org.dom4j.tree that return NodeFilter
 NodeFilter AbstractNode.createXPathFilter(String patternText)

Uses of NodeFilter in org.dom4j.util

Methods in org.dom4j.util that return NodeFilter
 NodeFilter ProxyDocumentFactory.createXPathFilter(String xpathFilterExpression, org.jaxen.VariableContext variableContext)
 NodeFilter ProxyDocumentFactory.createXPathFilter(String xpathFilterExpression)

Uses of NodeFilter in org.dom4j.xpath

Classes in org.dom4j.xpath that implement NodeFilter
 class DefaultXPath
           Default implementation of XPathwhich uses the Jaxen project.
 class XPathPattern
           XPathPattern is an implementation of Pattern which uses an XPath xpath.

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