Uses of Interface org.dom4j.Element (dom4j 1.6.1 API)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element
org.dom4j Defines the XML Document Object Model in Java interfaces together with some helper classes. 
org.dom4j.bean An implementation of the dom4j API which allows JavaBeans to be used to store and retrieve attribute values from Element. 
org.dom4j.datatype An implementation of the dom4j API which supports the XML Schema Data Types specification. 
org.dom4j.dom An implementation of the dom4j API which also supports the W3C object model. Provides input and output via SAX and DOM together with writing dom4j objects to streams as XML text. 
org.dom4j.rule A Pattern based XML rule engine which implements the full XSLT processing model while allowing any Action to be fired if a pattern matches.  
org.dom4j.swing A collection of adapters to allow easy integration with dom4j XML documents and Swing such as TreeModels and TableModels. 
org.dom4j.tree Contains the default implementations of the dom4j Document Object Model together with some helpful base classes for those wishing to implement their own document object model.  
org.dom4j.util A collection of utility classes for the dom4j API. 
org.dom4j.xpath Provides the core tools needed to use the XPath library  
org.dom4j.xpp Provides implementation classes to cleanly integrate dom4j with the XML Pull Parser XPP  

Uses of Element in org.dom4j

Methods in org.dom4j that return Element
 Element Node.getParent()
           getParent returns the parent Element if this node supports the parent relationship or null if it is the root element or does not support the parent relationship.
 Element ElementPath.getElement(int depth)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Element ElementPath.getCurrent()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Element Element.addAttribute(String name, String value)
           Adds the attribute value of the given local name.
 Element Element.addAttribute(QName qName, String value)
           Adds the attribute value of the given fully qualified name.
 Element Element.addComment(String comment)
          Adds a new Comment node with the given text to this element.
 Element Element.addCDATA(String cdata)
          Adds a new CDATA node with the given text to this element.
 Element Element.addEntity(String name, String text)
          Adds a new Entity node with the given name and text to this element and returns a reference to the new node.
 Element Element.addNamespace(String prefix, String uri)
          Adds a namespace to this element for use by its child content
 Element Element.addProcessingInstruction(String target, String text)
          Adds a processing instruction for the given target
 Element Element.addProcessingInstruction(String target, Map data)
          Adds a processing instruction for the given target
 Element Element.addText(String text)
          Adds a new Text node with the given text to this element.
 Element Element.element(String name)
          Returns the first element for the given local name and any namespace.
 Element Element.element(QName qName)
          Returns the first element for the given fully qualified name.
 Element Element.createCopy()
           Creates a deep copy of this element The new element is detached from its parent, and getParent() on the clone will return null.
 Element Element.createCopy(String name)
           Creates a deep copy of this element with the given local name The new element is detached from its parent, and getParent() on the clone will return null.
 Element Element.createCopy(QName qName)
           Creates a deep copy of this element with the given fully qualified name.
static Element DocumentHelper.createElement(QName qname)
static Element DocumentHelper.createElement(String name)
static Element DocumentHelper.makeElement(Branch source, String path)
           makeElement a helper method which navigates from the given Document or Element node to some Element using the path expression, creating any necessary elements along the way.
 Element DocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname)
 Element DocumentFactory.createElement(String name)
 Element DocumentFactory.createElement(String qualifiedName, String namespaceURI)
 Element Document.getRootElement()
          Returns the root Elementfor this document.
 Element Branch.elementByID(String elementID)
          Returns the element of the given ID attribute value.
 Element Branch.addElement(String name)
          Adds a new Element node with the given name to this branch and returns a reference to the new node.
 Element Branch.addElement(QName qname)
          Adds a new Element node with the given QNameto this branch and returns a reference to the new node.
 Element Branch.addElement(String qualifiedName, String namespaceURI)
          Adds a new Element node with the given qualified name and namespace URI to this branch and returns a reference to the new node.

Methods in org.dom4j with parameters of type Element
 void VisitorSupport.visit(Element node)
 void Visitor.visit(Element node)
           Visits the given Element
 void Node.setParent(Element parent)
           setParent sets the parent relationship of this node if the parent relationship is supported or does nothing if the parent relationship is not supported.
 String Node.getPath(Element context)
          Returns the relative XPath expression which will return a node set containing the given node such as a/b/@c.
 String Node.getUniquePath(Element context)
           Returns the relative unique XPath expression from the given context which will return a nodeset of one node which is the current node.
 Node Node.asXPathResult(Element parent)
           asXPathResult returns a version of this node which is capable of being an XPath result.
 String Namespace.getPath(Element context)
 String Namespace.getUniquePath(Element context)
protected  Node Namespace.createXPathResult(Element parent)
 void Element.appendAttributes(Element element)
          Appends the attributes of the given element to me.
static Document DocumentHelper.createDocument(Element rootElement)
static Attribute DocumentHelper.createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)
static Attribute DocumentHelper.createAttribute(Element owner, String name, String value)
 Document DocumentFactory.createDocument(Element rootElement)
 Attribute DocumentFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)
 Attribute DocumentFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, String name, String value)
 void Document.setRootElement(Element rootElement)
          Sets the root element for this document
 void Branch.add(Element element)
          Adds the given Element to this branch.
 boolean Branch.remove(Element element)
          Removes the given Element if the node is an immediate child of this branch.

Constructors in org.dom4j with parameters of type Element
IllegalAddException(Element parent, Node node, String reason)

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.bean

Classes in org.dom4j.bean that implement Element
 class BeanElement
           BeanElement uses a Java Bean to store its attributes.

Methods in org.dom4j.bean that return Element
 Element BeanElement.addAttribute(String name, String value)
 Element BeanElement.addAttribute(QName qName, String value)
 Element BeanDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname)
 Element BeanDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname, Attributes attributes)
 Element BeanAttribute.getParent()

Methods in org.dom4j.bean with parameters of type Element
 Attribute BeanDocumentFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.datatype

Classes in org.dom4j.datatype that implement Element
 class DatatypeElement
           DatatypeElement represents an Element which supports the XML Schema Data Types specification.

Methods in org.dom4j.datatype that return Element
 Element DatatypeElementFactory.createElement(QName qname)
 Element DatatypeElement.addText(String text)
 Element DatatypeAttribute.getParent()

Methods in org.dom4j.datatype with parameters of type Element
 Attribute DatatypeElementFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)
 Attribute DatatypeDocumentFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)
 void DatatypeAttribute.setParent(Element parent)

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.dom

Classes in org.dom4j.dom that implement Element
 class DOMElement
           DOMElement implements an XML element which supports the W3C DOM API.

Methods in org.dom4j.dom that return Element
 Element DOMDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname)
 Element DOMDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname, int attributeCount)

Methods in org.dom4j.dom with parameters of type Element
 Attribute DOMDocumentFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)

Constructors in org.dom4j.dom with parameters of type Element
DOMText(Element parent, String text)
DOMProcessingInstruction(Element parent, String target, String val)
DOMNamespace(Element parent, String prefix, String uri)
DOMEntityReference(Element parent, String name, String text)
DOMComment(Element parent, String text)
DOMCDATA(Element parent, String text)
DOMAttribute(Element parent, QName qname, String value)

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
 Element STAXEventReader.readElement( eventReader)
          Reads a DOM4J Element from the provided event stream.
 Element STAXEventReader.createElement( startEvent)
          Constructs a new DOM4J Element from the provided StartElement event.
 Element ElementModifier.modifyElement(Element element)
          Called by an event based processor when an elements closing tag is encountered.

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 void XMLWriter.write(Element element)
           Writes the Element, including its Attribute s, and its value, and all its content (child nodes) to the current Writer.
 void XMLWriter.writeOpen(Element element)
           Writes the opening tag of an Element, including its Attributes but without its content.
 void XMLWriter.writeClose(Element element)
           Writes the closing tag of an Element
protected  void XMLWriter.writeElement(Element element)
protected  boolean XMLWriter.isElementSpacePreserved(Element element)
          Determines if element is a special case of XML elements where it contains an xml:space attribute of "preserve".
protected  void XMLWriter.writeElementContent(Element element)
          Outputs the content of the given element.
protected  void XMLWriter.writeAttributes(Element element)
          Writes the attributes of the given element
 void STAXEventWriter.writeElement(Element elem)
          Writes a DOM4J Elementnode and its children to the stream. STAXEventWriter.createStartElement(Element elem)
          Constructs a STAX StartElementevent from a DOM4J Element. STAXEventWriter.createEndElement(Element elem)
          Constructs a STAX EndElementevent from a DOM4J Element.
 Attribute STAXEventReader.createAttribute(Element elem, attr)
          Constructs a new DOM4J Attribute from the provided StAX Attribute event.
 void SAXWriter.write(Element element)
          Generates SAX events for the given Element and all its content
 void SAXWriter.writeOpen(Element element)
           Writes the opening tag of an Element, including its Attributes but without its content.
 void SAXWriter.writeClose(Element element)
           Writes the closing tag of an Element
protected  void SAXWriter.write(Element element, NamespaceStack namespaceStack)
protected  AttributesImpl SAXWriter.startPrefixMapping(Element element, NamespaceStack namespaceStack)
          Fires a SAX startPrefixMapping event for all the namespaceStack which have just come into scope
protected  void SAXWriter.startElement(Element element, AttributesImpl namespaceAttributes)
protected  void SAXWriter.endElement(Element element)
protected  Attributes SAXWriter.createAttributes(Element element, Attributes namespaceAttributes)
protected  void SAXContentHandler.addDeclaredNamespaces(Element element)
          Add all namespaces declared before the startElement() SAX event to the current element so that they are available to child elements and attributes
protected  void SAXContentHandler.addAttributes(Element element, Attributes attributes)
          Add all the attributes to the given elements
protected  void HTMLWriter.writeElement(Element element)
          This override handles any elements that should not remove whitespace, such as <PRE>, <SCRIPT>, <STYLE>, and <TEXTAREA>.
 Element ElementModifier.modifyElement(Element element)
          Called by an event based processor when an elements closing tag is encountered.
protected  void DOMWriter.appendDOMTree(Document domDocument, Node domCurrent, Element element)

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.jaxb

Methods in org.dom4j.jaxb with parameters of type Element
 void JAXBWriter.writeElement(Element element)
          Writes the specified Elementto the document.
 void JAXBWriter.writeCloseElement(Element element)
          Writes the closing tag of the specified Elementto the document.
 void JAXBWriter.writeOpenElement(Element element)
          Writes the opening tag of the specified Elementto the document.

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.rule

Methods in org.dom4j.rule with parameters of type Element
 void Mode.applyTemplates(Element element)

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.swing

Methods in org.dom4j.swing with parameters of type Element
static XMLTableDefinition XMLTableDefinition.load(Element definition)
          Loads an XML table definition from an XML definition document

Constructors in org.dom4j.swing with parameters of type Element
XMLTableModel(Element tableDefinition, Object source)
          Creates a TableModel from an XML table definition document and an XML source

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.tree

Classes in org.dom4j.tree that implement Element
 class AbstractElement
           AbstractElement is an abstract base class for tree implementors to use for implementation inheritence.
 class BaseElement
           BaseElement is a useful base class for implemementation inheritence of an XML element.
 class DefaultElement
           DefaultElement is the default DOM4J default implementation of an XML element.

Methods in org.dom4j.tree that return Element
 Element DefaultText.getParent()
 Element DefaultProcessingInstruction.getParent()
 Element DefaultNamespace.getParent()
 Element DefaultEntity.getParent()
 Element DefaultElement.getParent()
 Element DefaultElement.element(String name)
 Element DefaultElement.element(QName qName)
 Element DefaultElement.element(String name, Namespace namespace)
 Element DefaultDocument.getRootElement()
 Element DefaultComment.getParent()
 Element DefaultCDATA.getParent()
 Element DefaultAttribute.getParent()
 Element BaseElement.getParent()
 Element AbstractNode.getParent()
 Element AbstractElement.element(String name)
 Element AbstractElement.element(QName qName)
 Element AbstractElement.element(String name, Namespace namespace)
 Element AbstractElement.addAttribute(String name, String value)
 Element AbstractElement.addAttribute(QName qName, String value)
 Element AbstractElement.addCDATA(String cdata)
 Element AbstractElement.addComment(String comment)
 Element AbstractElement.addElement(String name)
 Element AbstractElement.addEntity(String name, String text)
 Element AbstractElement.addNamespace(String prefix, String uri)
 Element AbstractElement.addProcessingInstruction(String target, String data)
 Element AbstractElement.addProcessingInstruction(String target, Map data)
 Element AbstractElement.addText(String text)
 Element AbstractElement.createCopy()
           This returns a deep clone of this element.
 Element AbstractElement.createCopy(String name)
 Element AbstractElement.createCopy(QName qName)
protected  Element AbstractElement.createElement(String name)
protected  Element AbstractElement.createElement(QName qName)
 Element AbstractDocument.addElement(String name)
 Element AbstractDocument.addElement(String qualifiedName, String namespaceURI)
 Element AbstractDocument.addElement(QName qName)
 Element AbstractBranch.addElement(String name)
 Element AbstractBranch.addElement(String qualifiedName, String namespaceURI)
 Element AbstractBranch.addElement(QName qname)
 Element AbstractBranch.addElement(String name, String prefix, String uri)
 Element AbstractBranch.elementByID(String elementID)

Methods in org.dom4j.tree with parameters of type Element
protected  Node FlyweightText.createXPathResult(Element parent)
protected  Node FlyweightProcessingInstruction.createXPathResult(Element parent)
protected  Node FlyweightEntity.createXPathResult(Element parent)
protected  Node FlyweightComment.createXPathResult(Element parent)
protected  Node FlyweightCDATA.createXPathResult(Element parent)
 void DefaultText.setParent(Element parent)
 void DefaultProcessingInstruction.setParent(Element parent)
 void DefaultNamespace.setParent(Element parent)
 void DefaultEntity.setParent(Element parent)
 void DefaultElement.setParent(Element parent)
protected  void DefaultDocument.rootElementAdded(Element element)
 void DefaultComment.setParent(Element parent)
 void DefaultCDATA.setParent(Element parent)
 void DefaultAttribute.setParent(Element parent)
 void BaseElement.setParent(Element parent)
 String AbstractProcessingInstruction.getPath(Element context)
 String AbstractProcessingInstruction.getUniquePath(Element context)
 void AbstractNode.setParent(Element parent)
 Node AbstractNode.asXPathResult(Element parent)
protected  Node AbstractNode.createXPathResult(Element parent)
 String AbstractEntity.getPath(Element context)
 String AbstractEntity.getUniquePath(Element context)
 String AbstractElement.getPath(Element context)
 String AbstractElement.getUniquePath(Element context)
 void AbstractElement.add(Element element)
 boolean AbstractElement.remove(Element element)
 void AbstractElement.appendAttributes(Element element)
 String AbstractDocumentType.getPath(Element context)
 String AbstractDocumentType.getUniquePath(Element context)
 String AbstractDocument.getPath(Element context)
 String AbstractDocument.getUniquePath(Element context)
 void AbstractDocument.setRootElement(Element rootElement)
 void AbstractDocument.add(Element element)
 boolean AbstractDocument.remove(Element element)
 Node AbstractDocument.asXPathResult(Element parent)
protected  void AbstractDocument.checkAddElementAllowed(Element element)
protected abstract  void AbstractDocument.rootElementAdded(Element rootElement)
          Called to set the root element variable
 String AbstractComment.getPath(Element context)
 String AbstractComment.getUniquePath(Element context)
 String AbstractCharacterData.getPath(Element context)
 String AbstractCharacterData.getUniquePath(Element context)
 void AbstractBranch.add(Element element)
 boolean AbstractBranch.remove(Element element)
protected  String AbstractBranch.elementID(Element element)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 String AbstractAttribute.getPath(Element context)
 String AbstractAttribute.getUniquePath(Element context)
protected  Node AbstractAttribute.createXPathResult(Element parent)

Constructors in org.dom4j.tree with parameters of type Element
DefaultText(Element parent, String text)
          DOCUMENT ME!
DefaultProcessingInstruction(Element parent, String target, String values)
           This will create a new PI with the given target and values
DefaultNamespace(Element parent, String prefix, String uri)
          DOCUMENT ME!
DefaultEntity(Element parent, String name, String text)
          Creates the Entity with the specified name and text.
DefaultDocument(Element rootElement)
DefaultDocument(Element rootElement, DocumentType docType)
DefaultDocument(String name, Element rootElement, DocumentType docType)
DefaultComment(Element parent, String text)
          DOCUMENT ME!
DefaultCDATA(Element parent, String text)
          DOCUMENT ME!
DefaultAttribute(Element parent, QName qname, String value)
DefaultAttribute(Element parent, String name, String value, Namespace namespace)
          Creates the Attribute with the specified local name, value and Namespace.

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.util

Classes in org.dom4j.util that implement Element
 class IndexedElement
           IndexedElement is an implementation of Elementwhich maintains an index of the attributes and elements it contains to optimise lookups via name.
 class NonLazyElement
           NonLazyElement is the default DOM4J default implementation of an XML element.
 class UserDataElement
           UserDataElement support the adornment of a user data object on an Element or Attribute instance such that the methods UserDataElement.setData(Object)will get and set the values of a user data object.

Methods in org.dom4j.util that return Element
 Element XMLErrorHandler.getErrors()
protected  Element UserDataElement.createElement(String name)
protected  Element UserDataElement.createElement(QName qName)
 Element UserDataDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname)
 Element ProxyDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname)
 Element ProxyDocumentFactory.createElement(String name)
 Element NonLazyDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname)
 Element IndexedElement.element(String name)
 Element IndexedElement.element(QName qName)
protected  Element IndexedElement.asElement(Object object)
 Element IndexedDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname)
 Element IndexedDocumentFactory.createElement(QName qname, int attributeCount)

Methods in org.dom4j.util with parameters of type Element
 void XMLErrorHandler.setErrors(Element errors)
protected  void XMLErrorHandler.addException(Element element, SAXParseException e)
          Adds the given parse exception information to the given element instance
 Attribute UserDataDocumentFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)
 Document ProxyDocumentFactory.createDocument(Element rootElement)
 Attribute ProxyDocumentFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)
 Attribute ProxyDocumentFactory.createAttribute(Element owner, String name, String value)
 int n1, Element n2)
protected  void IndexedElement.addToElementIndex(Element element)
protected  void IndexedElement.addToElementIndex(Object key, Element value)
protected  void IndexedElement.removeFromElementIndex(Element element)
protected  void IndexedElement.removeFromElementIndex(Object key, Element value)
static boolean AttributeHelper.booleanValue(Element element, String attributeName)
static boolean AttributeHelper.booleanValue(Element element, QName attributeQName)

Constructors in org.dom4j.util with parameters of type Element
XMLErrorHandler(Element errors)

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.xpath

Constructors in org.dom4j.xpath with parameters of type Element
DefaultNamespaceContext(Element element)

Uses of Element in org.dom4j.xpp

Methods in org.dom4j.xpp that return Element
 Element ProxyXmlStartTag.getElement()

Constructors in org.dom4j.xpp with parameters of type Element
ProxyXmlStartTag(Element element)

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