Exercise 7: Multi-Texturing with Shaders


Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

Exercise 7: Multi-Texturing with Shaders

// Effect File Workshop Exercise 7
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

vector lhtR;    // Light direction

matrix mWld;    // World
matrix mTot;    // Total

texture tDif;   // Diffuse texture of object
texture tNSE;   // Noise texture

// Background color

pixelshader pNIL;

string XFile = "sphere.x";

// Technique names for display in viewer window
string tec0 = "Exercise 7: Multi-Texturing with shaders";

technique tec0
    pass p0
        // Load matrices
        VertexShaderConstant[0] = <mWld>;     // World Matrix
        VertexShaderConstant[4] = <mTot>;    // World*View*Proj Matrix

        // Material properties of object
        VertexShaderConstant[9]  = (1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); // Diffuse
        VertexShaderConstant[10] = (0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); // Specular
        VertexShaderConstant[11] = (0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); // Ambient
        // Properties of light    
        VertexShaderConstant[13] = (1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); // Diffuse
        VertexShaderConstant[14] = (0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); // Specular
        VertexShaderConstant[15] = (0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); // Ambient
        VertexShaderConstant[16] = <lhtR>;                // Light direction

        // Useful constant(s)
        VertexShaderConstant[20] = (-1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f);

        Texture[0]   = <tDif>;
        Texture[1]   = <tNSE>;
        wrap0        = U | V;
        wrap1        = U | V;
        AddressU[0] = wrap;
        AddressV[0] = wrap;
        AddressU[1] = wrap;
        AddressV[1] = wrap;

        MinFilter[0] = Linear;
        MagFilter[0] = Linear;
        MinFilter[1] = Linear;
        MagFilter[1] = Linear;

        VertexShader = 
            stream 0;
            float v0[3];       // Position
            float v3[3];       // Normal
            float v7[3];       // Texture coord1
            float v8[3];       // Texture coord2
            vs.1.1             // Version number
            m4x4 oPos, v0, c4  // Transform point to projection space
            m3x3 r0,v3,c0      // Transform normal to world space, put
                               //   result into r0
            dp3  r0,r0,-c16    // Dot product against light, r0
                               // now has lighting constant in x,y and z
                               // components (r,g,b)
            mov r0.xy,v7.xy    // Copy texture coordinates to r0
            //mul r0.y,r0.y,c20  // Invert texture coordinates

            mov oT0.xy,r0.xy   // Copy texture coordinates to oT0
            mov oT1.xy,r0.xy   // Copy texture coordinates to oT1
            mov oD0,r0         // Copy diffuse to output
        PixelShader = 
           tex t0              // Get texture sample from stage 0
           tex t1              // Get texture sample from stage 1
           mul_x2 r0,t1,t0;    // Blend them together in an interesting way