Exercise 6: Standard Texture Effect


Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

Exercise 6: Standard Texture Effect

// Standard Texture Effect
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

vector matD;    // Material diffuse
vector matS;    // Material specular
vector matA;    // Material ambient

DWORD  lhtT;    // Light type
vector lhtD;    // Light diffuse
vector lhtS;    // Light specular
vector lhtA;    // Light ambient
vector lhtR;    // Light direction
vector lhtP;    // Light position 

vector vOff;    // Emboss offset
vector vVwD;    // View direction
vector vCPS;    // Camera position

matrix mEnv;    // Environment map transform
matrix mWld;    // World
matrix mTot;    // Total

matrix mWl0;    // Blending matrices
matrix mWl1;
matrix mWl2;
matrix mWl3;
matrix mWl4;
matrix mWl5;
matrix mWl6;
matrix mWl7;

matrix mIdt = 

DWORD  BCLR = 0x0000000;

texture tDif;   // Diffuse texture
texture tEnv;   // Environment texture
texture tEvC;   // Circulary integratex cube texture
texture tEvL;

texture tDf2;   // Second texture
texture tDf3;  
texture tDf4;

texture tSt1;   // Procedural satin texture
texture tSt2;   // Procedural stain texture2 
texture tMt1;   // Brushed metal texture
texture tFrn;   // Fresnel Shader
texture tGlw;   // Glow Shader 
texture tL10;   // Light lookup texture for spec
texture tL80;
texture tL64;
texture tL32;
texture tL16;

texture tfg1;
texture tfg2;
texture tNSE;
texture tNSN;

pixelshader pNIL;

string XFile = "tiny.x";
string Skinned = "true";

// Skinned version, lots of transforms have to happen here
vertexshader sDif =
    stream 0;
    float v0[3];    // Blend weights
    float v1[3];    // Indices
    ubyte v2[4];
// OR
//  d3dcolor v2[1]; // if hardware doesn't support ubyte, use d3dcolor instead
    float v3[3];
    float v7[3]; 
    float v8[3]; 

    // The indices are put into an color
    // If ubyte is supported, this the right way to do it
    mul r1,v2.xyzw,c41.zzzz
    // OR
    // If ubyte is not supported, decode from a 32 bit d3dcolor value
    //mul r1,v2.zyxw,c41.wwww

    // First compute the last blending weight
    mov r0.xyz,v1.xyz;
    dp3 r0.w,v1.xyz,c40.xxx; 
    add r0.w,-r0.w,c40.x

    // Now do a bunch of matrix multiples,
    //    r5 = Position
    //    r6 = Normal

    mov a0.x,r1.x
    mov r5,v0
    m4x3 r5,v0,c[a0.x]; //World matrices start at 0
    m3x3 r6,v3,c[a0.x];

    // Blend them
    mul r5,r5,r0.xxxx
    mul r6,r6,r0.xxxx

    // Set 2
    mov a0.x,r1.y
    m4x3 r2,v0,c[a0.x];
    m3x3 r3,v3,c[a0.x];

    // Add them in
    mad r5,r2,r0.yyyy,r5;
    mad r6,r3,r0.yyyy,r6;
    // Set 3
    mov a0.x,r1.z
    m4x3 r2,v0,c[a0.x];
    m3x3 r3,v3,c[a0.x];

    // Add them in
    mad r5,r2,r0.zzzz,r5;
    mad r6,r3,r0.zzzz,r6;        

    // Set 4
    mov a0.x,r1.w
    m4x3 r2,v0,c[a0.x];
    m3x3 r3,v3,c[a0.x];
    // Add them in
    mad r5,r2,r0.wwww,r5;
    mad r6,r3,r0.wwww,r6;

    // Compute position
    mov r5.w,c40.x
    m4x4 oPos,r5,c50;
    dp3 r11.x,r6.xyz,r6.xyz   // Load the square into r1
    rsq r11.xyz,r11.x         // Get the inverse of the square
    mul r6.xyz,r6.xyz,r11.xyz // Multiply

    dp3 r4.xyz,r6,-c48 

    mov oD0.xyz,r4.xyz
    mov oT0.xy,v7.xy

//Skinned Diffuse 1

string tec0 = "Exercise 6: Skinned Diffuse";
technique tec0
    pass P0
        ColorOp[0]   = Modulate;
        ColorArg1[0] = Texture;
        ColorArg2[0] = Diffuse;
        AlphaOp[0]   = SelectArg1;
        AlphaArg1[0] = Current;
        ColorOp[1]   = Disable;
        AlphaOp[1]   = Disable;
        MinFilter[0] = Linear;
        MagFilter[0] = Linear;
        MipFilter[0] = Linear;

        VertexShaderConstant[0]  = <mWl0>;
        VertexShaderConstant[4]  = <mWl1>;
        VertexShaderConstant[8]  = <mWl2>;
        VertexShaderConstant[12] = <mWl3>;
        VertexShaderConstant[16] = <mWl4>;
        VertexShaderConstant[20] = <mWl5>;
        VertexShaderConstant[24] = <mWl6>;
        VertexShaderConstant[28] = <mWl7>;
        VertexShaderConstant[32] = <mIdt>;

        VertexShaderConstant[50] = <mTot>;                     // mTot is just view*proj
        VertexShaderConstant[48] = <lhtR>;
        VertexShaderConstant[40] = (1.0f,-1.0f,0.0f,.0f);
        VertexShaderConstant[41] = (0.00390625f, 256.0f, 4.0f,1020.01f);
        VertexShaderConstant[43] = (0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0f);
        VertexShaderConstant[44] = (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
        VertexShaderConstant[60] = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5);

        VertexShaderConstant[60] = (1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
        VertexShaderConstant[61] = (.50f,0.43f,0.38f,1.0f);    // Sky color
        VertexShaderConstant[62] = (0.18f,.10f,0.15f,1.0f);    // Ground color
        VertexShaderConstant[63] = <matD>;                     // Object color
        VerteXShaderConstant[64] = (0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f);      // Sky direction

        Texture[0]   = <tDif>;
        vertexshader = <sDif>;
        wrap0        = U | V;
        wrap1        = U | V;

        AddressU[0]  = Wrap;
        AddressV[0]  = Wrap;

        AlphaBlendEnable = False;