

TMoonPhase type

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type TMoonPhase = (Newmoon, WaxingCrescent, FirstQuarter, WaxingGibbous, Fullmoon, WaningGibbous, LastQuarter, WaningCrescent);



Ordinal type to contain the four main and four minor phases of the moon.


Value Meaning
NewMoon New moon, when the moon is totally dark.
WaxingCrescent The moon illuminated by 25%, about 3 days after the new moon.
FirstQuarter One week after new moon (one quarter of the month), when the moon is 50% illuminated.
WaxingGibbous The moon is illuminated by 75%, about 3 days before full moon.
FullMoon Full moon, moon is completely illuminated.
WaningGibbous The moon is illuminated by 75%, about 3 days after full moon.
LastQuarter One week before new moon, when the moon is 50% illuminated.
WaningCrescent The moon is illuminated by 25%, about 3 days before new moon.