Context sensitive help topic 20000


Context sensitive help topic 20000

This topic is only used to show context sensitive help with Visual Basic applications. This is contextID 20000.

Open your project (.hhp) file in notepad and add following sections:


Add a [MAP] section and define the IDs your require.

#define IDH_frmMainControl1 10000
#define IDH_frmMainControl2 10010
#define IDH_frmChildControl1 20000
#define IDH_frmChildControl2 20010


Add an [ALIAS] section and define the mapping between each ID and a help topic.

IDH_frmMainControl1=Context-sensitive example\contextID-10000.htm
IDH_frmMainControl2=Context-sensitive example\contextID-10010.htm
IDH_frmChildControl1=Context-sensitive example\contextID-20000.htm
IDH_frmChildControl2=Context-sensitive example\contextID-20010.htm

Alternatively you can do this:

In a text editor enter the ALIAS details like IDH_90000=index.htm. Save the file as 'alias.h' in same folder as your help project file.

; alias.h file example for HTMLHelp (CHM)
; All IDH's > 10000 for better format
; last edited: 2006-07-09

In a text editor enter the MAP details like #define IDH_90000 90000;frmMain. Save the file as 'map.h' in same folder as your help project file.

; map.h file example for HTMLHelp (CHM)
; All IDH's > 10000 for better format
; ;comment at end of line
#define IDH_90000 90000;frmMain
#define IDH_10000 10000;frmAddressDataContextID-1
#define IDH_10010 10010;frmAddressDataContextID-2
#define IDH_20000 20000;frmAddressDataContextID-3
#define IDH_20010 20010;frmAddressDataContextID-4

Open your .hhp file in a text editor and add these sections

#include alias.h

#include map.h

Recompile your .HHP file. Now your application can call help using context help ID's instead of topic file names.




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