amplayerMy Project: player_type.h Source File


00001 #ifndef _PLAYER_TYPE_H_
00002 #define _PLAYER_TYPE_H_
00004 #include <libavformat/avformat.h>
00005 #include <stream_format.h>
00007 #define MSG_SIZE                    64
00008 #define MAX_VIDEO_STREAMS           10
00009 #define MAX_AUDIO_STREAMS           16
00010 #define MAX_SUB_INTERNAL            64
00011 #define MAX_SUB_EXTERNAL            24
00013 #define MAX_PLAYER_THREADS          32
00015 #define CALLBACK_INTERVAL                       (300)
00017 //#define DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUR
00019 typedef enum
00020 {      
00021         /******************************
00022         * 0x1000x: 
00023         * player do parse file
00024         * decoder not running
00025         ******************************/
00026         PLAYER_INITING          = 0x10001,
00027         PLAYER_TYPE_REDY  = 0x10002,
00028         PLAYER_INITOK           = 0x10003,      
00030         /******************************
00031         * 0x2000x: 
00032         * playback status
00033         * decoder is running
00034         ******************************/
00035         PLAYER_RUNNING          = 0x20001,
00036         PLAYER_BUFFERING        = 0x20002,
00037         PLAYER_PAUSE            = 0x20003,
00038         PLAYER_SEARCHING        = 0x20004,
00040         PLAYER_SEARCHOK         = 0x20005,
00041         PLAYER_START            = 0x20006,      
00042         PLAYER_FF_END           = 0x20007,
00043         PLAYER_FB_END           = 0x20008,
00045         PLAYER_PLAY_NEXT        = 0x20009,      
00046         PLAYER_BUFFER_OK        = 0x2000a,      
00047         PLAYER_FOUND_SUB        = 0x2000b,      
00049         /******************************
00050         * 0x3000x: 
00051         * player will exit      
00052         ******************************/
00053         PLAYER_ERROR            = 0x30001,
00054         PLAYER_PLAYEND          = 0x30002,      
00055         PLAYER_STOPED           = 0x30003,  
00056         PLAYER_EXIT             = 0x30004, 
00058     /******************************
00059      * 0x4000x:
00060      * divx drm
00061      * decoder will exit or give
00062      * a message dialog
00063      * ****************************/
00064     PLAYER_DIVX_AUTHORERR   =   0x40001,
00065     PLAYER_DIVX_RENTAL_EXPIRED  =   0x40002,
00066     PLAYER_DIVX_RENTAL_VIEW =   0x40003,
00067 }player_status;
00070 typedef enum {
00071     DRM_LEVEL1     = 1,
00072     DRM_LEVEL2     = 2,
00073     DRM_LEVEL3     = 3,
00074     DRM_NONE       = 4, 
00075 } drm_level_t;
00077 typedef struct drm_info {
00078     drm_level_t drm_level;
00079         int drm_flag;
00080         int drm_hasesdata;
00081         int drm_priv;
00082     unsigned int drm_pktsize;
00083         unsigned int drm_pktpts;
00084         unsigned int drm_phy;
00085         unsigned int drm_vir;
00086         unsigned int drm_remap;
00087         int data_offset;
00088         int extpad[8];
00089 } drminfo_t;
00093 typedef struct
00094 {   
00095         int index;
00096     int id;    
00097     int width;
00098     int height;
00099     int aspect_ratio_num;
00100     int aspect_ratio_den;
00101     int frame_rate_num;
00102     int frame_rate_den;
00103         int bit_rate;
00104     vformat_t format;
00105     int duartion;
00106     unsigned int video_rotation_degree;
00107 }mvideo_info_t;
00109 typedef enum
00110 {
00111     ACOVER_NONE   = 0,
00112     ACOVER_JPG    ,
00113     ACOVER_PNG    ,
00114 }audio_cover_type;
00116 typedef struct
00117 {
00118     char title[512];
00119     char author[512];
00120     char album[512];
00121     char comment[512];
00122     char year[4];  
00123     int track;     
00124     char genre[32]; 
00125     char copyright[512];
00126     audio_cover_type pic; 
00127 }audio_tag_info;
00129 typedef struct
00130 {    
00131     int index;
00132     int id;
00133     int channel;
00134     int sample_rate;
00135     int bit_rate;
00136     aformat_t aformat;
00137     int duration;
00138         audio_tag_info *audio_tag;    
00139 }maudio_info_t;
00141 typedef struct
00142 {
00143     int index;
00144     char id;
00145     char internal_external; //0:internal_sub 1:external_sub       
00146     unsigned short width;
00147     unsigned short height;
00148         unsigned int sub_type;
00149     char resolution;
00150     long long subtitle_size;  
00151     char *sub_language;   
00152 }msub_info_t;
00154 typedef struct
00155 {       
00156     char *filename;
00157     int  duration;  
00158         long long  file_size;
00159     pfile_type type;
00160         int bitrate;
00161     int has_video;
00162     int has_audio;
00163     int has_sub;
00164     int nb_streams;
00165     int total_video_num;
00166     int cur_video_index;
00167     int total_audio_num;
00168     int cur_audio_index;
00169     int total_sub_num;      
00170     int cur_sub_index;  
00171     int seekable;
00172     int drm_check;
00173         int adif_file_flag;
00174 }mstream_info_t;
00176 typedef struct
00177 {       
00178         mstream_info_t stream_info;
00179         mvideo_info_t *video_info[MAX_VIDEO_STREAMS];
00180         maudio_info_t *audio_info[MAX_AUDIO_STREAMS];
00181     msub_info_t *sub_info[MAX_SUB_STREAMS];
00182 }media_info_t;
00184 typedef struct player_info
00185 {
00186         char *name;
00187         player_status last_sta;
00188         player_status status;              /*stop,pause */
00189         int full_time;     /*Seconds    */
00190     int full_time_ms;  /* mSeconds */
00191         int current_time;  /*Seconds    */
00192         int current_ms; /*ms*/
00193         int last_time;          
00194         int error_no;  
00195         int64_t start_time;
00196         int64_t first_time;
00197         int pts_video;
00198         //int pts_pcrscr;
00199         unsigned int current_pts;
00200         long curtime_old_time;    
00201         unsigned int video_error_cnt;
00202         unsigned int audio_error_cnt;
00203         float audio_bufferlevel; // relative value
00204         float video_bufferlevel; // relative value
00205         int64_t bufed_pos;
00206         int     bufed_time;/* Second*/
00207     unsigned int drm_rental;
00208         int64_t download_speed; //download speed
00209     unsigned int last_pts;
00210     int seek_point;
00211     int seek_delay;
00212 }player_info_t;
00214 typedef struct pid_info
00215 {
00216     int num;
00217     int pid[MAX_PLAYER_THREADS];
00218 }pid_info_t;
00220 typedef struct player_file_type
00221 {
00222         const char *fmt_string;
00223         int video_tracks;
00224         int audio_tracks;
00225         int subtitle_tracks;
00227 }player_file_type_t;
00230 #define STATE_PRE(sta) (sta>>16)
00231 #define PLAYER_THREAD_IS_INITING(sta)   (STATE_PRE(sta)==0x1)
00232 #define PLAYER_THREAD_IS_RUNNING(sta)   (STATE_PRE(sta)==0x2)
00233 #define PLAYER_THREAD_IS_STOPPED(sta)   (sta==PLAYER_EXIT)
00235 typedef int (*update_state_fun_t)(int pid,player_info_t *) ;
00236 typedef int (*notify_callback)(int pid,int msg,unsigned long ext1,unsigned long ext2);
00237 typedef enum
00238 {      
00239         PLAYER_EVENTS_PLAYER_INFO=1,                    
00240         PLAYER_EVENTS_STATE_CHANGED,                    
00241         PLAYER_EVENTS_ERROR,                                    
00242         PLAYER_EVENTS_BUFFERING,                                
00243         PLAYER_EVENTS_FILE_TYPE,                                
00244         PLAYER_EVENTS_HTTP_WV,                                  
00246         PLAYER_EVENTS_NOT_SUPPORT_SEEKABLE,     //not support seek;
00247         PLAYER_EVENTS_VIDEO_SIZE_CHANGED,           
00248         PLAYER_EVENTS_SUBTITLE_DATA,            // sub data ext1 refers to subtitledata struct
00249 }player_events;
00251 typedef struct
00252 {
00253     int vbufused;
00254     int vbufsize;
00255     int vdatasize;
00256     int abufused;
00257     int abufsize;       
00258     int adatasize;      
00259     int sbufused;
00260     int sbufsize;       
00261     int sdatasize;              
00262 }hwbufstats_t;
00265 typedef struct
00266 {
00267     update_state_fun_t update_statue_callback;
00268     int update_interval;
00269     long callback_old_time;
00270         notify_callback    notify_fn;
00271 }callback_t;
00273 typedef struct
00274  {
00275         char  *file_name;                                               //file url
00276     char  *headers;                                                     //file name's authentication information,maybe used in network streaming
00277         //List  *play_list;
00278         int     video_index;                                            //video track, no assigned, please set to -1
00279         int     audio_index;                                            //audio track, no assigned, please set to -1
00280         int sub_index;                                                  //subtitle track, no assigned, please set to -1
00281         float t_pos;                                                            //start postion, use second as unit
00282         int     read_max_cnt;                                           //read retry maxium counts, if exceed it, return error
00283         int avsync_threshold;                             //for adec av sync threshold in ms
00284         union
00285         {     
00286                 struct{
00287                         unsigned int loop_mode:1;               //file loop mode 0:loop 1:not loop
00288                         unsigned int nosound:1;                 //0:play with audio  1:play without audio
00289                         unsigned int novideo:1;                 //0:play with video  1:play without video
00290                         unsigned int hassub:1;                  //0:ignore subtitle      1:extract subtitle if have
00291                         unsigned int need_start:1;/*If set need_start, we need call     player_start_play to playback*/
00292                         #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_DUR
00293                         unsigned int is_variable:1;             //0:extrack duration from header 1:update duration during playback
00294                         #endif
00295                         unsigned int displast_frame : 1;//0:black out when player exit  1:keep last frame when player exit
00296                 };
00297                 int mode;                                                       //no use
00298         };  
00299         callback_t callback_fn;                                 //callback function
00300         callback_t subdata_fn;                  // subtitle data notify function
00301         void *subhd;                            // sub handle
00302         int subdatasource;                      // sub data source
00303         int byteiobufsize;                                              //byteio buffer size used in ffmpeg
00304         int loopbufsize;                                                //loop buffer size used in ffmpeg
00305         int enable_rw_on_pause;                                 //no use
00306         /*
00307         data%<min && data% <max  enter buffering;
00308         data% >middle exit buffering;
00309         */
00310         int auto_buffing_enable;                                 //auto buffering switch
00311         float buffing_min;                                               //auto buffering low limit
00312         float buffing_middle;                                    //auto buffering middle limit
00313         float buffing_max;                                               //auto buffering high limit
00314         int is_playlist;                                                 //no use
00315         int is_type_parser;                                              //is try to get file type
00316         int is_livemode;                               // support timeshift for chinamobile 
00317         int buffing_starttime_s;                        //for rest buffing_middle,buffering seconds data to start.
00318         int buffing_force_delay_s;
00319         int lowbuffermode_flag;
00320         int lowbuffermode_limited_ms;
00321         int is_ts_soft_demux;
00322         int reserved [56];                                      //reserved  for furthur used,some one add more ,can del reserved num
00323         int SessionID;
00324     int t_duration_ms;                  //duration parsed from url
00325  }play_control_t; 
00327 #endif
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