Command Object

ADO and SQL Server

ADO and SQL Server

Command Object

The Command object is used to query a database and return records in a Recordset object, to execute a bulk operation, or to manipulate the structure of a database.

In addition to the standard ADO properties, these dynamic properties are added to the Properties collection of the Command object.

Dynamic Properties
Access Order Property Notification Granularity Property
Base Path Property Notification Phases Property
Blocking Storage Objects Property Objects Transacted Property
Bookmark Type Property Others' Changes Visible Property
Bookmarkable Property Others' Inserts Visible Property
Change Inserted Rows Property Output Encoding Property
Column Privileges Property Output Stream Property
Column Set Notification Property Own Changes Visible Property
Content Type Property Own Inserts Visible Property
Cursor Auto Fetch Property Preserve on Abort Property
Defer Column Property Preserve on Commit Property
Defer Prepare Property Quick Restart Property
Delay Storage Object Updates Property Reentrant Events Property
Fetch Backwards Property Remove Deleted Rows Property
Hold Rows Property Report Multiple Changes Property
IAccessor Property Return Pending Inserts Property
IColumnsInfo Property Row Delete Notification Property
IColumnsRowset Property Row First Change Notification Property
IConnectionPointContainer Property Row Insert Notification Property
IConvertType Property Row Privileges Property
Immobile Rows Property Row Resynchronization Notification Property
IRowset Property Row Threading Model Property
IRowsetChange Property Row Undo Change Notification Property
IRowsetIdentity Property Row Undo Delete Notification Property
IRowsetInfo Property Row Undo Insert Notification Property
IRowsetLocate Property Row Update Notification Property
IRowsetResynch Property Rowset Fetch Position Change Notification Property
IRowsetScroll Property Rowset Release Notification Property
IRowsetUpdate Property Scroll Backwards Property
ISequentialStream Property Server Cursor Property
ISupportErrorInfo Property Server Data on Insert Property
Literal Bookmarks Property Skip Deleted Bookmarks Property
Literal Row Identity Property SS STREAM FLAGS Property
Lock Mode Property Strong Row Identity Property
Mapping Schema Property Updatability Property
Maximum Open Rows Property Use Bookmarks Property
Maximum Pending Rows Property XML Root Property
Maximum Rows Property XSL Property

See Also

Using the Command Object