
Xenu's Link Sleuth

There are some options you can set in Xenu to get better results. These can be accessed from the "Xenu's starting point" dialogue box by clicking the More Options button, or from the Options menu on the main toolbar.

  1. Click on the Options menu on the main toolbar.
  2. Click on Preferences.
  3. You'll see a Parallel Threads slider. The default setting is 30. The author of the software suggests setting this slider at about 70 to get the best results, but depending on how much memory your computer has you may need to experiment to see what setting works the best with your particular machine.
  4. The default setting for Maximum Level is 999 - in other words, Xenu will go down 999 levels to check links in a site. You can change this value to a lower number if you don't want Xenu to check items that are located deep within your directory structure.
  5. The Options panel also contains a series of checkboxes, all of which are selected by default. You can deselect any of the options that you don't want to use.