WinZip Quick Pick Taskbar Tray Icon
The WinZip® Quick Pick taskbar tray icon gives you instant access
to WinZip and recently used archives.
Enabling and disabling the Quick Pick taskbar tray icon
To enable or disable the WinZip Quick Pick taskbar tray icon:
- Click Options from the Wizard's Welcome panel.
- Click the Misc tab.
- Check the Include WinZip Quick Pick in the taskbar tray to enable
Quick Pick, or uncheck it to disable Quick Pick.
When Quick Pick is enabled, the WinZip icon will automatically appear in the system taskbar tray whenever you start your system.
Using the WinZip Quick Pick taskbar tray icon
To open WinZip, simply click the Quick Pick icon using the left mouse button. For more options, right click the icon to open the Quick Pick menu and:
- Click any archive in the list of recently opened archives to start WinZip and reopen the archive.
- Click Favorites to start WinZip and display a list of files in your Favorite Zip Folders. You can open any listed archive by double clicking it.
- Click Open WinZip to start WinZip (same as left clicking the icon).
- Click WinZip Help to view WinZip's help.
- Click About for Quick Pick version and copyright information.
- Click Close to close WinZip Quick Pick and remove the icon from the taskbar tray. You will have the option to close Quick Pick but leave it enabled (so it will return the next time Windows is started) or to close it and disable it (so it won't return the next time Windows is started).
Restarting Quick Pick after closing
- If you close Quick Pick but leave it enabled, Quick Pick will restart automatically the next time Windows is started. To restart it manually (without restarting Windows), click the Start button, choose Startup from the Programs menu, and click WinZip Quick Pick.
- If you close and disable Quick Pick, it will not restart automatically the next time Windows is started. To restart it, you must re-enable it as described above.