Table of contents
- Disclaimer
CWindow Class
- Constructor
Methods and properties
- AccelHandle
- AddAccelerator
- AddControl
- BigIcon
- Brush
- Center
- ClassStyle
- ClientHeight
- ClientWidth
- ControlClientHeight
- ControlClientWidth
- ControlHandle
- ControlHeight
- ControlWidth
- Create
- CreateAcceleratorTable
- CreateFont
- CreateMDIWindow
- DefaultFontSize
- DestroyAcceleratorTable
- DoEvents
- Font
- GetClientRect
- GetControlClientRect
- GetControlWindowRect
- GetWindowRect
- GetWorkArea
- Height
- hWindow
- hwndClient
- InstanceHandle
- MDIClassName
- MoveWindow
- Resize
- rxRatio
- ryRatio
- ScaleX
- ScaleY
- ScrollWindowPtr
- SetClientSize
- SetFont
- SetWindowPos
- SmallIcon
- UnScaleX
- UnScaleY
- UserData
- Width
- WindowExStyle
- WindowStyle
- Functions
- Window Styles
- Extended Window Styles
- Common Control Styles
- Tutorial
- CLayout Class
- CTabPage Class
Windows Procedures
- AfxAddWindowExStyle
- AfxAddWindowStyle
- AfxBrowseForFolder
- AfxCaptureDisplay
- AfxCenterWindow
- AfxChooseColorDialog
- AfxClearClipboard
- AfxComCtlVersion
- AfxControlRunDLL
- AfxCreateDIBSection
- AfxCreateFont
- AfxDibLoadImage
- AfxDibSaveImage
- AfxDeleteFile
- AfxDoEvents
- AfxDrawBitmap
- AfxFileExists
- AfxFileReadAllLines
- AfxFileScan
- AfxFolderExists
- AfxForceSetForegroundWindow
- AfxForceVisibleDisplay
- AfxForwardSizeMessage
- AfxGetBitmapHeight
- AfxGetBitmapWidth
- AfxGetBrowserHandle
- AfxGetClipboardData
- AfxGetClipboardText
- AfxGetComputerName
- AfxGetControlHandle
- AfxGetCurDir
- AfxGetDefaultBrowserName
- AfxGetDefaultBrowserPath
- AfxGetDefaultMailClientName
- AfxGetDefaultMailClientPath
- AfxGetDisplayBitsPerPixel
- AfxGetDisplayFrequency
- AfxGetDisplayPixelsHeight
- AfxGetDisplayPixelsWidth
- AfxGetExeFileExt
- AfxGetExeFileName
- AfxGetExeFileNameX
- AfxGetExeFullPath
- AfxGetExePath
- AfxGetExePathName
- AfxGetFileCreationTime
- AfxGetFileExt
- AfxGetFileLastAccessTime
- AfxGetFileLastWriteTime
- AfxGetFileName
- AfxGetFileNameX
- AfxGetFileSize
- AfxGetFileVersion
- AfxGetFolderName
- AfxGetFontHeight
- AfxGetFontPointSize
- AfxGetFormHandle
- AfxGetHwndFromPID
- AfxGetInternetExplorerVersion
- AfxGetKnowFolderPath
- AfxGetLongPathName
- AfxGetMACAddress
- AfxGetMonitorHorizontalScaling
- AfxGetMonitorVerticalScaling
- AfxGetMonitorLogicalHeight
- AfxGetMonitorLogicalWidth
- AfxGetPathFromProcessId
- AfxGetPathFromWindowHandle
- AfxGetPathName
- AfxGetShortPathName
- AfxGetSpecialFolderLocation
- AfxGetSystemDllPath
- AfxGetTopEnabledWindow
- AfxGetTopLevelParent
- AfxGetTopLevelWindow
- AfxGetUserName
- AfxGetWinDir
- AfxGetWinErrMsg
- AfxGetWindowClassName
- AfxGetWindowClientHeight
- AfxGetWindowClientRect
- AfxGetWindowClientWidth
- AfxGetWindowExStyle
- AfxGetWindowFont
- AfxGetWindowHeight
- AfxGetWindowLocation
- AfxGetWindowRect
- AfxGetWindowsFontInfo
- AfxGetWindowsFontPointSize
- AfxGetWindowStyle
- AfxGetWindowText
- AfxGetWindowTextLength
- AfxGetWindowWidth
- AfxGetWorkAreaHeight
- AfxGetWorkAreaRect
- AfxGetWorkAreaWidth
- AfxHiMetricToPixelsX
- AfxHiMetricToPixelsY
- AfxIsCompressedFile
- AfxIsDPIResolutionAtLeast
- AfxIsEncryptedFile
- AfxIsFolder
- AfxIsHiddenFile
- AfxIsNormalFile
- AfxIsNotContentIndexedFile
- AfxIsOfflineFile
- AfxIsPlatformNT
- AfxIsProcessDPIAware
- AfxIsReadOnlyFile
- AfxIsReparsePointFile
- AfxIsResolutionAtLeast
- AfxIsSparseFile
- AfxIsSystemFile
- AfxIsTemporaryFile
- AfxLoadIconMetric
- AfxLogPixelsX
- AfxLogPixelsY
- AfxModifyFontFaceName
- AfxModifyFontHeight
- AfxModifyFontSettings
- AfxMsg
- AfxOpenFileDialog
- AfxPathAddBackSlash
- AfxPathAddExtension
- AfxPathAppend
- AfxPathBuildRoot
- AfxPathCanonicalize
- AfxPathCombine
- AfxPathCommonPrefix
- AfxPathCompactPath
- AfxPathCompactPathEx
- AfxPathCreateFromUrl
- AfxPathFileExists
- AfxPathFindExtension
- AfxPathFindFileName
- AfxPathFindNextComponent
- AfxPathFindOnPath
- AfxPathFindSuffixArray
- AfxPathGetArgs
- AfxPathGetCharType
- AfxPathGetDriveNumber
- AfxPathIsContentType
- AfxPathIsDirectory
- AfxPathIsDirectoryEmpty
- AfxPathIsFileSpec
- AfxPathIsHTMLFile
- AfxPathIsLFNFileSpec
- AfxPathIsNetworkPath
- AfxPathIsPrefix
- AfxPathIsRelative
- AfxPathIsRoot
- AfxPathIsSameRoot
- AfxPathIsSystemFolder
- AfxPathIsUNC
- AfxPathIsUNCServer
- AfxPathIsUNCServerShare
- AfxPathIsURL
- AfxPathMakePretty
- AfxPathMakeSystemFolder
- AfxPathMatchSpec
- AfxPathMatchSpecEx
- AfxPathParseIconLocation
- AfxPathQuoteSpaces
- AfxPathRelativePathTo
- AfxPathRemoveArgs
- AfxPathRemoveBackslash
- AfxPathRemoveBlanks
- AfxPathRemoveExtension
- AfxPathRemoveFileSpec
- AfxPathRenameExtension
- AfxPathSearchAndQualify
- AfxPathSetDlgItemPath
- AfxPathSkipRoot
- AfxPathStripPath
- AfxPathStripToRoot
- AfxPathUndecorate
- AfxPathUnExpandEnvStrings
- AfxPathUnmakeSystemFolder
- AfxPathUnquoteSpaces
- AfxPixelsToHiMetricX
- AfxPixelsToHiMetricY
- AfxPixelsToPointsX
- AfxPixelsToPointsY
- AfxPixelsToTwipsX
- AfxPixelsToTwipsY
- AfxPointSizeToDip
- AfxPointsToPixelsX
- AfxPointsToPixelsY
- AfxPumpMessages
- AfxRedrawNonClientArea
- AfxRedrawWindow
- AfxRemoveWindowExStyle
- AfxRemoveWindowStyle
- AfxSaveFileDialog
- AfxSaveTempFile
- AfxScaleRatioX
- AfxScaleRatioY
- AfxScaleX
- AfxScaleY
- AfxSetClipboardData
- AfxSetClipboardText
- AfxSetDlgMsgResult
- AfxSetProcessDPIAware
- AfxSetWindowClientSize
- AfxSetWindowExStyle
- AfxSetWindowFont
- AfxSetWindowIcon
- AfxSetWindowLocation
- AfxSetWindowSize
- AfxSetWindowStyle
- AfxSetWindowText
- AfxShowSysInfo
- AfxShowWindowState
- AfxTwipsPerPixelX
- AfxTwipsPerPixelY
- AfxTwipsToPixelsX
- AfxTwipsToPixelsY
- AfxUnscaleX
- AfxUnscaleY
- AfxUrlApplyScheme
- AfxUrlCanonicalize
- AfxUrlCombine
- AfxUrlCompare
- AfxUrlCreateFromPath
- AfxUrlEscape
- AfxUrlEscapeSpaces
- AfxUrlFixup
- AfxUrlGetLocation
- AfxUrlGetPart
- AfxUrlHash
- AfxUrlIs
- AfxUrlIsFileUrl
- AfxUrlIsNoHistory
- AfxUrlIsOpaque
- AfxUrlUnescape
- AfxUrlUnescapeInPlace
- AfxUseDpiScaling
- AfxWindowsBuild
- AfxWindowsPlatform
- AfxWindowsVersion
Windows Controls Procedures
- Macros
- Animation Control
Button Control
- Constants
- Structures
- Functions
- Button_Click
- Button_DeleteBitmap
- Button_DeleteIcon
- Button_DeleteImage
- Button_Enable
- Button_GetCheck
- Button_GetIdealSize
- Button_GetImage
- Button_GetImageList
- Button_GetNote
- Button_GetNoteLength
- Button_GetSplitInfo
- Button_GetState
- Button_GetText
- Button_GetTextLength
- Button_GetTextMargin
- Button_SetBitmap
- Button_SetCheck
- Button_SetDontClick
- Button_SetDropDownState
- Button_SetElevationRequiredState
- Button_SetIcon
- Button_SetImage
- Button_SetImageList
- Button_SetImageListXY
- Button_SetNote
- Button_SetSplitInfo
- Button_SetState
- Button_SetStyle
- Button_SetText
- Button_SetTextMargin
ComboBox Control
- Constants
- Structures
- Functions
- AfxGetComboBoxText
- ComboBox_AddItemData
- ComboBox_AddString
- ComboBox_CalcHorizontalExtent
- ComboBox_DeleteString
- ComboBox_Dir
- ComboBox_Enable
- ComboBox_FindItemData
- ComboBox_FindString
- ComboBox_FindStringExact
- ComboBox_GetComboBoxInfo
- ComboBox_GetCount
- ComboBox_GetCueBannerText
- ComboBox_GetCurSel
- ComboBox_GetDroppedControlRect
- ComboBox_GetDroppedState
- ComboBox_GetDroppedWidth
- ComboBox_GetEditBoxHandle
- ComboBox_GetEditSel
- ComboBox_GetExtendedUI
- ComboBox_GetHorizontalExtent
- ComboBox_GetItemData
- ComboBox_GetItemHeight
- ComboBox_GetLBText
- ComboBox_GetLBTextLen
- ComboBox_GetListBoxHandle
- ComboBox_GetLocale
- ComboBox_GetMinVisible
- ComboBox_GetText
- ComboBox_GetTextLength
- ComboBox_GetTopIndex
- ComboBox_InitStorage
- ComboBox_InsertItemData
- ComboBox_InsertString
- ComboBox_LimitText
- ComboBox_ResetContent
- ComboBox_SelectItemData
- ComboBox_SelectString
- ComboBox_SetCueBannerText
- ComboBox_SetCurSel
- ComboBox_SetDroppedWidth
- ComboBox_SetEditSel
- ComboBox_SetExtendedUI
- ComboBox_SetHorizontalExtent
- ComboBox_SetItemData
- ComboBox_SetItemHeight
- ComboBox_SetLocale
- ComboBox_SetMinVisible
- ComboBox_SetText
- ComboBox_SetTopIndex
- ComboBox_ShowDropdown
ComboBoxEx Control
- Constants
- Structures
- ComboBoxEx_DeleteItem
- ComboBoxEx_GetComboControl
- ComboBoxEx_GetEditControl
- ComboBoxEx_GetExtendedStyle
- ComboBoxEx_GetImageList
- ComboBoxEx_GetItem
- ComboBoxEx_GetUnicodeFormat
- ComboBoxEx_HasEditChanged
- ComboBoxEx_InsertItem
- ComboBoxEx_SetExtendedStyle
- ComboBoxEx_SetImageList
- ComboBoxEx_SetItem
- ComboBoxEx_SetUnicodeFormat
- ComboBoxEx_SetWindowTheme
Date and Time Picker Control
- Constants
- Structures
- DateTime_CloseMonthCal
- DateTime_GetDateTimePickerInfo
- DateTime_GetIdealSize
- DateTime_GetMonthCal
- DateTime_GetMonthCalColor
- DateTime_GetMonthCalFont
- DateTime_GetMonthCalStyle
- DateTime_GetRange
- DateTime_GetSystemtime
- DateTime_SetFormat
- DateTime_SetMonthCalColor
- DateTime_SetMonthCalFont
- DateTime_SetMonthCalStyle
- DateTime_SetRange
- DateTime_SetSystemtime
- Drag List Box Control
Edit Control
- Constants
- Structure
- Functions
- Edit_CanUndo
- Edit_CharFromPos
- Edit_Clear
- Edit_Copy
- Edit_Cut
- Edit_EmptyUndoBuffer
- Edit_Enable
- Edit_FmtLines
- Edit_GetCueBannerText
- Edit_GetFirstVisibleLine
- Edit_GetHandle
- Edit_GetIMEStatus
- Edit_GetLeftMargin
- Edit_GetLimitText
- Edit_GetLine
- Edit_GetLineCount
- Edit_GetMargins
- Edit_GetModify
- Edit_GetPasswordChar
- Edit_GetRect
- Edit_GetRightMargin
- Edit_GetSel
- Edit_GetSelEnd
- Edit_GetSelStart
- Edit_GetText
- Edit_GetTextLength
- Edit_GetThumb
- Edit_GetWordBreakProc
- Edit_HideBalloonTip
- Edit_LimitText
- Edit_LineFromChar
- Edit_LineIndex
- Edit_LineLength
- Edit_LineScroll
- Edit_Paste
- Edit_PosFromChar
- Edit_ReplaceSel
- Edit_Scroll
- Edit_ScrollCaret
- Edit_SetCueBannerText
- Edit_SetCueBannerTextFocused
- Edit_SetHandle
- Edit_SetIMEStatus
- Edit_SetLeftMargin
- Edit_SetLimitText
- Edit_SetMargins
- Edit_SetModify
- Edit_SetPasswordChar
- Edit_SetReadOnly
- Edit_SetRect
- Edit_SetRectNoPaint
- Edit_SetRightMargin
- Edit_SetSel
- Edit_SetTabStops
- Edit_SetText
- Edit_SetWordBreakProc
- Edit_ShowBalloonTip
- Edit_Undo
- Flat Scroll Bar Control
Header Control
- Constants
- Structures
- Header_ClearAllFilters
- Header_ClearFilter
- Header_CreateDragImage
- Header_DeleteItem
- Header_EditFilter
- Header_GetBitmapMargin
- Header_GetFocusedItem
- Header_GetImageList
- Header_GetItem
- Header_GetItemCount
- Header_GetItemDropDownRect
- Header_GetItemOrder
- Header_GetItemRect
- Header_GetItemText
- Header_GetItemWidth
- Header_GetOrderArray
- Header_GetOverflowRect
- Header_GetUnicodeFormat
- Header_InsertItem
- Header_Layout
- Header_OrderToIndex
- Header_SetBitmapMargin
- Header_SetFilterChangeTimeout
- Header_SetFocusedItem
- Header_SetHotDivider
- Header_SetImageList
- Header_SetItem
- Header_SetItemOrder
- Header_SetItemText
- Header_SetItemWidth
- Header_SetOrderArray
- Header_SetUnicodeFormat
- Hot Key Control
Image List Control
- Macro
- Enumerated Types
- Structures
- HIMAGELIST_QueryInterface
- ImageList_Add
- ImageList_AddMasked
- ImageList_BeginDrag
- ImageList_CoCreateInstance
- ImageList_Copy
- ImageList_Create
- ImageList_Destroy
- ImageList_DragEnter
- ImageList_DragLeave
- ImageList_DragMove
- ImageList_DragShowNolock
- ImageList_Draw
- ImageList_DrawEx
- ImageList_DrawIndirect
- ImageList_Duplicate
- ImageList_EndDrag
- ImageList_GetBkColor
- ImageList_GetDragImage
- ImageList_GetIcon
- ImageList_GetIconSize
- ImageList_GetImageCount
- ImageList_GetImageInfo
- ImageList_LoadImage
- ImageList_Merge
- ImageList_Read
- ImageList_ReadEx
- ImageList_Remove
- ImageList_Replace
- ImageList_ReplaceIcon
- ImageList_SetBkColor
- ImageList_SetColorTable
- ImageList_SetDragCursorImage
- ImageList_SetIconSize
- ImageList_SetImageCount
- ImageList_SetOverlayImage
- ImageList_Write
- ImageList_WriteEx
- IP Address Control
List Box Control
- Constants
- Structure
- Functions
- AfxGetListBoxText
- ListBox_AddFile
- ListBox_AddItemData
- ListBox_AddString
- ListBox_CalcHorizontalExtent
- ListBox_DeleteString
- ListBox_Dir
- ListBox_Enable
- ListBox_FindItemData
- ListBox_FindString
- ListBox_FindStringExact
- ListBox_GetAnchorIndex
- ListBox_GetCaretIndex
- ListBox_GetCount
- ListBox_GetCurSel
- ListBox_GetHorizontalExtent
- ListBox_GetItemData
- ListBox_GetItemHeight
- ListBox_GetItemRect
- ListBox_GetListboxInfo
- ListBox_GetLocale
- ListBox_GetSel
- ListBox_GetSelCount
- ListBox_GetSelItems
- ListBox_GetText
- ListBox_GetTextLen
- ListBox_GetTopIndex
- ListBox_InitStorage
- ListBox_InsertItemData
- ListBox_InsertString
- ListBox_ItemFromPoint
- ListBox_ReplaceString
- ListBox_ResetContent
- ListBox_SelectItemData
- ListBox_SelectString
- ListBox_SelItemRange
- ListBox_SelItemRangeEx
- ListBox_SetAnchorIndex
- ListBox_SetCaretIndex
- ListBox_SetColumnWidth
- ListBox_SetCount
- ListBox_SetCurSel
- ListBox_SetHorizontalExtent
- ListBox_SetItemData
- ListBox_SetItemHeight
- ListBox_SetLocale
- ListBox_SetSel
- ListBox_SetTabStops
- ListBox_SetTopIndex
ListView Control
- Constants
- Function
- ListView_AddColumn
- ListView_AddItem
- ListView_AppendItem
- ListView_ApproximateViewRect
- ListView_Arrange
- ListView_AutoSizeColumns
- ListView_AutoSizeHeader
- ListView_CancelEditLabel
- ListView_CreateDragImage
- ListView_DeleteAllItems
- ListView_DeleteColumn
- ListView_DeleteItem
- ListView_EditLabel
- ListView_EnableGroupView
- ListView_EnsureVisible
- ListView_FindItem
- ListView_FindString
- ListView_FitContent
- ListView_FitHeader
- ListView_GetBkColor
- ListView_GetBkImage
- ListView_GetCallbackMask
- ListView_GetCheckState
- ListView_GetColumn
- ListView_GetColumnCount
- ListView_GetColumnOrder
- ListView_GetColumnOrderArray
- ListView_GetColumnText
- ListView_GetColumnWidth
- ListView_GetCountPerPage
- ListView_GetEditControl
- ListView_GetEmptyText
- ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle
- ListView_GetFocusedGroup
- ListView_GetFocusedItem
- ListView_GetFooterInfo
- ListView_GetFooterItem
- ListView_GetFooterItemRect
- ListView_GetFooterRect
- ListView_GetGroupCount
- ListView_GetGroupHeaderImageList
- ListView_GetGroupInfo
- ListView_GetGroupInfoByIndex
- ListView_GetGroupMetrics
- ListView_GetGroupRect
- ListView_GetGroupState
- ListView_GetHeader
- ListView_GetHeaderText
- ListView_GetHotCursor
- ListView_GetHotItem
- ListView_GetHoverTime
- ListView_GetImageList
- ListView_GetInsertMark
- ListView_GetInsertMarkColor
- ListView_GetInsertMarkRect
- ListView_GetISearchString
- ListView_GetISearchStringLen
- ListView_GetItem
- ListView_GetItemCount
- ListView_GetItemIndexRect
- ListView_GetItemPosition
- ListView_GetItemRect
- ListView_GetItemSpacing
- ListView_GetItemState
- ListView_GetItemText
- ListView_GetNextItem
- ListView_GetNextItemIndex
- ListView_GetNumberOfWorkAreas
- ListView_GetOrderArray
- ListView_GetOrigin
- ListView_GetOutlineColor
- ListView_GetSelectedColumn
- ListView_GetSelectedCount
- ListView_GetSelection
- ListView_GetSelectionMark
- ListView_GetStringWidth
- ListView_GetSubItemRect
- ListView_GetTextBkColor
- ListView_GetTextColor
- ListView_GetTileInfo
- ListView_GetTileViewInfo
- ListView_GetToolTips
- LietView_GetTooltipsFont
- ListView_GetTopIndex
- ListView_GetUnicodeFormat
- ListView_GetView
- ListView_GetViewRect
- ListView_GetWorkAreas
- ListView_HasGroup
- ListView_HitTest
- ListView_HitTestEx
- ListView_InsertColumn
- ListView_InsertGroup
- ListView_InsertGroupSorted
- ListView_InsertItem
- ListView_InsertMarkHitTest
- ListView_IsGroupViewEnabled
- ListView_IsItemVisible
- ListView_MakeHeaderFlat
- ListView_MapIDToIndex
- ListView_MapIndexToID
- ListView_MoveGroup
- ListView_MoveItemToGroup
- ListView_RedrawItems
- ListView_RemoveAllGroups
- ListView_RemoveGroup
- ListView_Scroll
- ListView_SelectAllItems
- ListView_SelectItem
- ListView_SetBkColor
- ListView_SetBkImage
- ListView_SetCallbackMask
- ListView_SetCheckState
- ListView_SetColumn
- ListView_SetColumnOrderArray
- ListView_SetColumnWidth
- ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle
- ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx
- ListView_SetGroupHeaderImageList
- ListView_SetGroupInfo
- ListView_SetGroupMetrics
- ListView_SetGroupState
- ListView_SetHotCursor
- ListView_SetHotItem
- ListView_SetHoverTime
- ListView_SetIconSpacing
- ListView_SetImageList
- ListView_SetInfoTip
- ListView_SetInsertMark
- ListView_SetInsertMarkColor
- ListView_SetItem
- ListView_SetItemCount
- ListView_SetItemCountEx
- ListView_SetItemIndexState
- ListView_SetItemPosition
- ListView_SetItemPosition32
- ListView_SetItemState
- ListView_SetItemText
- ListView_SetOutlineColor
- ListView_SetSelectedColumn
- ListView_SetSelectionMark
- ListView_SetTextBkColor
- ListView_SetTextColor
- ListView_SetTileInfo
- ListView_SetTileViewInfo
- ListView_SetToolTips
- ListView_SetTooltipsFont
- ListView_SetUnicodeFormat
- ListView_SetView
- ListView_SetWorkAreas
- ListView_SortGroups
- ListView_SortItems
- ListView_SortItemsEx
- ListView_SubItemHitTest
- ListView_SubItemHitTestEx
- ListView_UnselectAllItems
- ListView_UnselectItem
- ListView_Update
Month Calendar Control
- Constants
- Structures
- MonthCal_GetCalendarBorder
- MonthCal_GetCalendarCount
- MonthCal_GetCalendarGridInfo
- MonthCal_GetCALID
- MonthCal_GetColor
- MonthCal_GetCurrentView
- MonthCal_GetCurSel
- MonthCal_GetFirstDayOfWeek
- MonthCal_GetMaxSelCount
- MonthCal_GetMaxTodayWidth
- MonthCal_GetMinReqRect
- MonthCal_GetMonthDelta
- MonthCal_GetMonthRange
- MonthCal_GetRange
- MonthCal_GetSelRange
- MonthCal_GetToday
- MonthCal_GetUnicodeFormat
- MonthCal_HitTest
- MonthCal_SetCalendarBorder
- MonthCal_SetCALID
- MonthCal_SetColor
- MonthCal_SetCurrentView
- MonthCal_SetCurSel
- MonthCal_SetDayState
- MonthCal_SetFirstDayOfWeek
- MonthCal_SetMaxSelCount
- MonthCal_SetMonthDelta
- MonthCal_SetRange
- MonthCal_SetSelRange
- MonthCal_SetToday
- MonthCal_SetUnicodeFormat
- MonthCal_SizeRectToMin
- Pager Control
Progress Bar Control
- Constants
- Structure
- ProgressBar_DeltaPos
- ProgressBar_GetBarColor
- ProgressBar_GetBkColor
- ProgressBar_GetHighLimit
- ProgressBar_GetLowLimit
- ProgressBar_GetMaxRange
- ProgressBar_GetMinRange
- ProgressBar_GetPos
- ProgressBar_GetRange
- ProgressBar_GetState
- ProgressBar_GetStep
- ProgressBar_IncPos
- ProgressBar_SetBarColor
- ProgressBar_SetBkColor
- ProgressBar_SetMarquee
- ProgressBar_SetMarqueeOff
- ProgressBar_SetMarqueeOn
- ProgressBar_SetPos
- ProgressBar_SetRange
- ProgressBar_SetRange32
- ProgressBar_SetState
- ProgressBar_SetStep
- ProgressBar_StepIt
Property Sheet Control
- Structures
- Functions
- PropSheet_AddPage
- PropSheet_Apply
- PropSheet_CancelToClose
- PropSheet_Changed
- PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd
- PropSheet_GetResult
- PropSheet_GetTabControl
- PropSheet_HwndToIndex
- PropSheet_IdToIndex
- PropSheet_IndexToHwnd
- PropSheet_IndexToId
- PropSheet_IndexToPage
- PropSheet_InsertPage
- PropSheet_IsDialogMessage
- PropSheet_PageToIndex
- PropSheet_PressButton
- PropSheet_QuerySiblings
- PropSheet_RebootSystem
- PropSheet_RecalcPageSizes
- PropSheet_RemovePage
- PropSheet_RestartWindows
- PropSheet_SetButtonText
- PropSheet_SetCurSel
- PropSheet_SetCurSelByID
- PropSheet_SetFinishText
- PropSheet_SetHeaderSubTitle
- PropSheet_SetHeaderTitle
- PropSheet_SetNextText
- PropSheet_SetTitle
- PropSheet_SetWizButtons
- PropSheet_ShowWizButtons
- PropSheet_UnChanged
Rebar Control
- Constants
- Structures
- Rebar_BeginDrag
- Rebar_DeleteBand
- Rebar_DragMove
- Rebar_EndDrag
- Rebar_GetBandBorders
- Rebar_GetBandCount
- Rebar_GetBandInfo
- Rebar_GetBandMargins
- Rebar_GetBarHeight
- Rebar_GetBarInfo
- Rebar_GetBkColor
- Rebar_GetColorScheme
- Rebar_GetDropTarget
- Rebar_GetExtendedStyle
- Rebar_GetPalette
- Rebar_GetRect
- Rebar_GetRowCount
- Rebar_GetRowHeight
- Rebar_GetTextColor
- Rebar_GetUnicodeFormat
- Rebar_HitTest
- Rebar_IdToIndex
- Rebar_InsertBand
- Rebar_MaximizeBand
- Rebar_MinimizeBand
- Rebar_MoveBand
- Rebar_PushChevron
- Rebar_SetBandInfo
- Rebar_SetBandWidth
- Rebar_SetBarInfo
- Rebar_SetBkColor
- Rebar_SetColorScheme
- Rebar_SetPalette
- Rebar_SetParent
- Rebar_SetTextColor
- Rebar_SetTooltips
- Rebar_SetUnicodeFormat
- Rebar_SetWindowTheme
- Rebar_ShowBand
- Rebar_SizeToRect
Rich Edit Control
- Constants
- Enumerated Types
- Callback Functions
- RichEdit_AutoUrlDetect
- RichEdit_CanPaste
- RichEdit_CanRedo
- RichEdit_CanUndo
- RichEdit_CharFromPos
- RichEdit_DisplayBand
- RichEdit_EmptyUndoBuffer
- RichEdit_ExGetSel
- RichEdit_ExLimitText
- RichEdit_ExLineFromChar
- RichEdit_ExSetSel
- RichEdit_FindText
- RichEdit_FindTextEx
- RichEdit_FindWordBreak
- RichEdit_FormatRange
- RichEdit_GetAutoUrlDetect
- RichEdit_GetBidiOptions
- RichEdit_GetCharFormat
- RichEdit_GetCTFModeBias
- RichEdit_GetCTFOpenStatus
- RichEdit_GetEditStyle
- RichEdit_GetEventMask
- RichEdit_GetFirstVisibleLine
- RichEdit_GetHyphenateInfo
- RichEdit_GetIMEColor
- RichEdit_GetIMECompMode
- RichEdit_GetIMECompText
- RichEdit_GetIMEModeBias
- RichEdit_GetIMEOptions
- RichEdit_GetIMEPRoperty
- RichEdit_GetLangOptions
- RichEdit_GetLimitText
- RichEdit_GetLine
- RichEdit_GetLineCount
- RichEdit_GetModify
- RichEdit_GetOleInterface
- RichEdit_GetOptions
- RichEdit_GetPageRotate
- RichEdit_GetParaFormat
- RichEdit_GetPasswordChar
- RichEdit_GetPunctuation
- RichEdit_GetRect
- RichEdit_GetRedoName
- RichEdit_GetRtfText
- RichEdit_GetScrollPos
- RichEdit_GetSel
- RichEdit_GetSelText
- RichEdit_GetText
- RichEdit_GetTextEx
- RichEdit_GetTextLength
- RichEdit_GetTextLengthEx
- RichEdit_GetTextMode
- RichEdit_GetTextRange
- RichEdit_GetThumb
- RichEdit_GetTypographyOptions
- RichEdit_GetUndoName
- RichEdit_GetWordBreakProc
- RichEdit_GetWordBreakProcEx
- RichEdit_GetWordWrapMode
- RichEdit_GetZoom
- RichEdit_HideSelection
- RichEdit_IsIME
- RichEdit_LimitText
- RichEdit_LineFromChar
- RichEdit_LineIndex
- RichEdit_LineLength
- RichEdit_LineScroll
- RichEdit_LoadRtfFromFileW
- RichEdit_LoadRtfFromResourceW
- RichEdit_PasteSpecial
- RichEdit_PosFromChar
- RichEdit_Reconversion
- RichEdit_Redo
- RichEdit_ReplaceSel
- RichEdit_RequestResize
- RichEdit_Scroll
- RichEdit_ScrollCaret
- RichEdit_SelectionType
- RichEdit_SetBidiOptions
- RichEdit_SetBkgndColor
- RichEdit_SetCharFormat
- RichEdit_SetCTFModeBias
- RichEdit_SetCTFOpenStatus
- RichEdit_SetEditStyle
- RichEdit_SetEventMask
- RichEdit_SetFontW
- RichEdit_SetFontSize
- RichEdit_SetHyphenateInfo
- RichEdit_SetIMEColor
- RichEdit_SetIMEModeBias
- RichEdit_SetIMEOptions
- RichEdit_SetLangOptions
- RichEdit_SetLimitText
- RichEdit_SetMargins
- RichEdit_SetModify
- RichEdit_SetOleCallback
- RichEdit_SetOptions
- RichEdit_SetPageRotate
- RichEdit_SetPalette
- RichEdit_SetParaFormat
- RichEdit_SetPasswordChar
- RichEdit_SetPunctuation
- RichEdit_SetReadOnly
- RichEdit_SetRect
- RichEdit_SetRectNP
- RichEdit_SetScrollPos
- RichEdit_SetSel
- RichEdit_SetTabStops
- RichEdit_SetTargetDevice
- RichEdit_SetText
- RichEdit_SetTextEx
- RichEdit_SetTextMode
- RichEdit_SetTypographyOptions
- RichEdit_SetUndoLimit
- RichEdit_SetWordBreakProc
- RichEdit_SetWordBreakProcEx
- RichEdit_SetWordWrapMode
- RichEdit_SetZoom
- RichEdit_ShowScrollBar
- RichEdit_StopGroupTyping
- RichEdit_StreamIn
- RichEdit_StreamOut
- RichEdit_Undo
- Scroll Bar Control
- Static Control
Status Bar Control
- Constants
- Functions
- StatusBar_GetBorders
- StatusBar_GetHeight
- StatusBar_GetIcon
- StatusBar_GetParts
- StatusBar_GetPartsCount
- StatusBar_GetRect
- StatusBar_GetText
- StatusBar_GetTextDrawingMode
- StatusBar_GetTextLength
- StatusBar_GetTipText
- StatusBar_GetUnicodeFormat
- StatusBar_IsSimple
- StatusBar_SetBkColor
- StatusBar_SetFont
- StatusBar_SetIcon
- StatusBar_SetMinHeight
- StatusBar_SetParts
- StatusBar_SetText
- StatusBar_SetTipText
- StatusBar_SetUnicodeFormat
- StatusBar_Simple
- SysLink Control
Tab Control
- Constants
- Structures
- TabCtrl_AddTab
- TabCtrl_AdjustRect
- TabCtrl_DeleteAllItems
- TabCtrl_DeleteItem
- TabCtrl_DeselectAll
- TabCtrl_GetCurFocus
- TabCtrl_GetCurSel
- TabCtrl_GetExtendedStyle
- TabCtrl_GetImageIndex
- TabCtrl_GetImageList
- TabCtrl_GetItem
- TabCtrl_GetItemCount
- TabCtrl_GetItemRect
- TabCtrl_GetRowCount
- TabCtrl_GetText
- TabCtrl_GetToolTips
- TabCtrl_GetUnicodeFormat
- TabCtrl_HighlightItem
- TabCtrl_HitTest
- TabCtrl_InsertItem
- TabCtrl_InsertTab
- TabCtrl_RemoveImage
- TabCtrl_SetCurFocus
- TabCtrl_SetCurSel
- TabCtrl_SetExtendedStyle
- TabCtrl_SetImageIndex
- TabCtrl_SetImageList
- TabCtrl_SetItem
- TabCtrl_SetItemExtra
- TabCtrl_SetItemSize
- TabCtrl_SetMinTabWidth
- TabCtrl_SetPadding
- TabCtrl_SetText
- TabCtrl_SetToolTips
- TabCtrl_SetUnicodeFormat
Task Dialog Control
- Structures
- Functions
- TaskDialog_ClickButton
- TaskDialog_ClickRadioButton
- TaskDialog_ClickVerification
- TaskDialog_EnableButton
- TaskDialog_EnableRadioButton
- TaskDialog_NavigatePage
- TaskDialog_SetButtonElevationRequiredState
- TaskDialog_SetElementText
- TaskDialog_SetMarqueeProgressBar
- TaskDialog_SetProgressBarMarquee
- TaskDialog_SetProgressBarPos
- TaskDialog_SetProgressBarRange
- TaskDialog_SetProgressBarState
- TaskDialog_UpdateElementText
- TaskDialog_UpdateIcon
Tooolbar control
- Constants
- Structures
- Functions
- ToolBar_AddBitmap
- ToolBar_AddButton
- ToolBar_AddButtons
- ToolBar_AddString
- ToolBar_AutoSize
- ToolBar_ButtonCount
- ToolBar_ButtonStructSize
- ToolBar_ChangeBitmap
- ToolBar_CheckButton
- ToolBar_CommandToIndex
- ToolBar_Customize
- ToolBar_DeleteButton
- ToolBar_DisableButton
- ToolBar_EnableButton
- ToolBar_GetAnchorHighlight
- ToolBar_GetBitmap
- ToolBar_GetBitmapFlags
- ToolBar_GetButton
- ToolBar_GetButtonHeight
- ToolBar_GetButtonInfo
- ToolBar_GetButtonSize
- ToolBar_GetButtonText
- ToolBar_GetButtonTextLength
- ToolBar_GetButtonWidth
- ToolBar_GetColorScheme
- ToolBar_GetDisabledImageList
- ToolBar_GetExtendedStyle
- ToolBar_GetHorizontalPadding
- ToolBar_GetHotImageList
- ToolBar_GetHotItem
- ToolBar_GetImageList
- ToolBar_GetInsertMark
- ToolBar_GetInsertMarkColor
- ToolBar_GetItemRect
- ToolBar_GetMaxSize
- ToolBar_GetMetrics
- ToolBar_GetObject
- ToolBar_GetPadding
- ToolBar_GetPressedImageList
- ToolBar_GetRect
- ToolBar_GetRows
- ToolBar_GetState
- ToolBar_GetString
- ToolBar_GetStyle
- ToolBar_GetTextRows
- ToolBar_GetTooltips
- ToolBar_GetUnicodeFormat
- ToolBar_GetVerticalPadding
- ToolBar_HideButton
- ToolBar_HitTest
- ToolBar_Indeterminate
- ToolBar_InsertButton
- ToolBar_InsertMarkHitTest
- ToolBar_InsertSeparator
- ToolBar_IsButtonChecked
- ToolBar_IsButtonEnabled
- ToolBar_IsButtonHidden
- ToolBar_IsButtonHighlighted
- ToolBar_IsButtonIndeterminate
- ToolBar_IsButtonPressed
- ToolBar_LoadImages
- ToolBar_MakeOpaque
- ToolBar_MapAccelerator
- ToolBar_MarkButton
- ToolBar_MoveButton
- ToolBar_PressButton
- ToolBar_ReplaceBitmap
- ToolBar_SaveRestore
- ToolBar_SetAnchorHighlight
- ToolBar_SetBitmapSize
- ToolBar_SetButtonInfo
- ToolBar_SetButtonSize
- ToolBar_SetButtonWidth
- ToolBar_SetCmdId
- ToolBar_SetColorScheme
- ToolBar_SetDisabledImageList
- ToolBar_SetDrawTextFlags
- ToolBar_SetExtendedStyle
- ToolBar_SetHotImageList
- ToolBar_SetHotItem
- ToolBar_SetImageList
- ToolBar_SetIndent
- ToolBar_SetInsertMark
- ToolBar_SetInsertMarkColor
- ToolBar_SetListGap
- ToolBar_SetMaxTextRows
- ToolBar_SetMetrics
- ToolBar_SetPadding
- ToolBar_SetParent
- ToolBar_SetPressedImageList
- ToolBar_SetRows
- ToolBar_SetState
- ToolBar_SetStyle
- ToolBar_SetToolTips
- ToolBar_SetUnicodeFormat
- ToolBar_SetWindowTheme
Tooltip Control
- Constants
- Structures
- AfxAddTooltip
- AfxDeleteTooltip
- AfxSetTooltipText
- Tooltip_Activate
- Tooltip_AddTool
- Tooltip_AdjustRect
- Tooltip_DelTool
- Tooltip_EnumTools
- Tooltip_GetBubbleSize
- Tooltip_GetCurrentTool
- Tooltip_GetDelayTime
- Tooltip_GetFont
- Tooltip_GetMargin
- Tooltip_GetMaxTipWidth
- Tooltip_GetText
- Tooltip_GetTipBkColor
- Tooltip_GetTipTextColor
- Tooltip_GetTitle
- Tooltip_GetToolCount
- Tooltip_GetToolInfo
- Tooltip_HitTest
- Tooltip_NewToolRect
- Tooltip_Pop
- Tooltip_Popup
- Tooltip_RelayEvent
- Tooltip_SetDelayTime
- Tooltip_SetFont
- Tooltip_SetMargin
- Tooltip_SetMaxTipWidth
- Tooltip_SetTipBkColor
- Tooltip_SetTipTextColor
- Tooltip_SetTitle
- Tooltip_SetToolInfo
- Tooltip_SetWindowTheme
- Tooltip_TrackActivate
- Tooltip_TrackPosition
- Tooltip_Update
- Tooltip_UpdateTipText
- Tooltip_WindowFromPoint
Trackbar Control
- Constants
- Trackbar_ClearSel
- Trackbar_ClearTics
- Trackbar_GetBuddy
- Trackbar_GetChannelRect
- Trackbar_GetLineSize
- Trackbar_GetNumTics
- Trackbar_GetPageSize
- Trackbar_GetPos
- Trackbar_GetPTics
- Trackbar_GetRangeMax
- Trackbar_GetRangeMin
- Trackbar_GetSelEnd
- Trackbar_GetSelStart
- Trackbar_GetThumbLength
- Trackbar_GetThumbRect
- Trackbar_GetTic
- Trackbar_GetTicPos
- Trackbar_GetTooltips
- Trackbar_GetUnicodeFormat
- Trackbar_SetBuddy
- Trackbar_SetLineSize
- Trackbar_SetPageSize
- Trackbar_SetPos
- Trackbar_SetRange
- Trackbar_SetRangeMax
- Trackbar_SetRangeMin
- Trackbar_SetSel
- Trackbar_SetSelEnd
- Trackbar_SetSelStart
- Trackbar_SetThumbLength
- Trackbar_SetTic
- Trackbar_SetTicFreq
- Trackbar_SetTipSide
- Trackbar_SetToolTips
- Trackbar_SetUnicodeFormat
Tree View Control
- Constants
- Structures
- TreeView_AddItem
- TreeView_AddRootItem
- TreeView_AppendItem
- TreeView_CollapseAllChildItems
- TreeView_CollapseAllItems
- TreeView_CollapseChildItems
- TreeView_CollapseSiblings
- TreeView_CreateDragImage
- TreeView_DeleteAllItems
- TreeView_DeleteItem
- TreeView_EditLabel
- TreeView_EndEditLabelNow
- TreeView_EnsureVisible
- TreeView_Expand
- TreeView_ExpandAllChildItems
- TreeView_ExpandAllItems
- TreeView_ExpandChildItems
- TreeView_ExpandSiblings
- TreeView_GetBkColor
- TreeView_GetBold
- TreeView_GetChild
- TreeView_GetCount
- TreeView_GetDropHilight
- TreeView_GetEditControl
- TreeView_GetExtendedStyle
- TreeView_GetFirstVisible
- TreeView_GetImageList
- TreeView_GetIndent
- TreeView_GetInsertMarkColor
- TreeView_GetISearchString
- TreeView_GetISearchStringLen
- TreeView_GetItem
- TreeView_GetItemExW
- TreeView_GetItemHeight
- TreeView_GetItemPartRect
- TreeView_GetItemRect
- TreeView_GetItemState
- TreeView_GetItemText
- TreeView_GetLastVisible
- TreeView_GetLineColor
- TreeView_GetlParam
- TreeView_GetNextItem
- TreeView_GetNextSelected
- TreeView_GetNextSibling
- TreeView_GetNextVisible
- TreeView_GetParent
- TreeView_GetParentText
- TreeView_GetPrevSibling
- TreeView_GetPrevVisible
- TreeView_GetRoot
- TreeView_GetScrollTime
- TreeView_GetSelection
- TreeView_GetTextColor
- TreeView_GetToolTips
- TreeView_GetUnicodeFormat
- TreeView_GetVisibleCount
- TreeView_HitTest
- TreeView_InsertFirstItem
- TreeView_InsertItem
- TreeView_InsertSortedItem
- TreeView_IsItemChecked
- TreeView_ItemExists
- TreeView_ItemExistsIgnoreCase
- TreeView_Select
- TreeView_SelectDropTarget
- TreeView_SelectItem
- TreeView_SelectSetFirstVisible
- TreeView_SetAutoScrollInfo
- TreeView_SetBkColor
- TreeView_SetBold
- TreeView_SetCheckState
- TreeView_SetExtendedStyle
- TreeView_SetImageList
- TreeView_SetIndent
- TreeView_SetInsertMark
- TreeView_SetInsertMarkColor
- TreeView_SetItem
- TreeView_SetItemEx
- TreeView_SetItemHeight
- TreeView_SetItemState
- TreeView_SetItemText
- TreeView_SetLineColor
- TreeView_SetScrollTime
- TreeView_SetTextColor
- TreeView_SetToolTips
- TreeView_SetUnicodeFormat
- TreeView_ShowInfoTip
- TreeView_SortChildren
- TreeView_SortChildrenCB
- Up-Down Control
Menu Procedures
- AfxAddIconToMenuItem
- AfxCheckMenuItem
- AfxDisableMenuItem
- AfxEnableMenuItem
- AfxGetMenuFont
- AfxGetMenuFontPointSize
- AfxGetMenuItemState
- AfxGetMenuItemText
- AfxGetMenuRect
- AfxGrayMenuItem
- AfxHiliteMenuItem
- AfxIsMenuItemChecked
- AfxIsMenuItemDisabled
- AfxIsMenuItemEnabled
- AfxIsMenuItemGrayed
- AfxIsMenuItemHighlighted
- AfxIsMenuItemOwnerDraw
- AfxIsMenuItemPopup
- AfxIsMenuItemSeparator
- AfxRemoveCloseMenu
- AfxRightJustifyMenuItem
- AfxSetMenuItemBold
- AfxSetMenuItemState
- AfxSetMenuItemText
- AfxToggleMenuItem
- AfxUnCheckMenuItem
String Manipulation Procedures
- AfxAcode
- AfxBase64Decode
- AfxBase64Encode
- AfxCryptBinaryToString
- AfxCryptStringToBinary
- AfxIsBstr
- AfxIsNumeric
- AfxStrClipLeft
- AfxStrClipMid
- AfxStrClipRight
- AfxStrCSet
- AfxStrDelete
- AfxStrExtract
- AfxStrFormatByteSize
- AfxStrFormatKBSize
- AfxStrFromTimeInterval
- AfxStrInsert
- AfxStrJoin
- AfxStrLCase
- AfxStrLSet
- AfxStrParse
- AfxStrParseCount
- AfxStrPathName
- AfxStrRemain
- AfxStrRemove
- AfxStrRepeat
- AfxStrReplace
- AfxStrRetain
- AfxStrReverse
- AfxStrRSet
- AfxStrShrink
- AfxStrSplit
- AfxStrSpn
- AfxStrTally
- AfxStrUCase
- AfxStrUnWrap
- AfxStrVerify
- AfxStrWrap
- AfxUcode
- AfxXmlBase64Decode
- AfxXmlBase64Encode
Date and Time Procedures
- AfxAstroDay
- AfxAstroDayOfWeek
- AfxDateAddDays
- AfxDateDiff
- AfxDayOfYear
- AfxDaysBetween
- AfxDaysInMonth
- AfxDaysInYear
- AfxFileTimeToDateStr
- AfxFileTimeToTime64
- AfxFileTimeToTimeStr
- AfxGmtTime64
- AfxGregorianToJulian
- AfxIsFirstDayOfMonth
- AfxIsLastDayOfMonth
- AfxIsLeapYear
- AfxJulianDayOfWeek
- AfxJulianToGregorian
- AfxJulianToGregorianStr
- AfxLocalDateStr
- AfxLocalDay
- AfxLocalDayName
- AfxLocalDayOfWeek
- AfxLocalDayOfWeekName
- AfxLocalDayOfWeekShortName
- AfxLocalDayShortName
- AfxLocalFileTime
- AfxLocalHour
- AfxLocalMonth
- AfxLocalMonthName
- AfxLocalShortMonthName
- AfxLocalSystemTime
- AfxLocalTime64
- AfxLocalTimeStr
- AfxLocalVariantTime
- AfxLocalYear
- AfxLongDate
- AfxMakeTime64
- AfxMonthName
- AfxQuadDateTime
- AfxQuadDateToStr
- AfxQuadTimeToStr
- AfxShortDate
- AfxShortMonthName
- AfxSystemDay
- AfxSystemDayName
- AfxSystemDayOfWeek
- AfxSystemDayShortName
- AfxSystemFileTime
- AfxSystemHour
- AfxSystemMonth
- AfxSystemMonthName
- AfxSystemShortMonthName
- AfxSystemSystemTime
- AfxSystemTimeToTime64
- AfxSystemTimeToDateStr
- AfxSystemTimeToTimeStr
- AfxSystemTimeToVariantTime
- AfxSystemYear
- AfxTime64
- AfxTime64ToFileTime
- AfxTime64ToSystemTime
- AfxTimeZoneBias
- AfxTimeZoneDaylightBias
- AfxTimeZoneDaylightDay
- AfxTimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek
- AfxTimeZoneDaylightHour
- AfxTimeZoneDaylightMonth
- AfxTimeZoneDaylightName
- AfxTimeZoneIsDaylightSavingTime
- AfxTimeZoneStandardName
- AfxVariantDateTimeToStr
- AfxVariantDateToStr
- AfxVariantTimeToStr
- AfxVariantTimeToSystemTime
- AfxWeekNumber
- AfxWeekOne
- AfxWeeksInMonth
- AfxWeeksInYear
National Language Support
- AfxGetLocaleAbbrevDayName
- AfxGetLocaleAbbrevMonthName
- AfxGetLocaleCountryName
- AfxGetLocaleCurrencySymbol
- AfxGetLocaleDateSeparator
- AfxGetLocaleDayName
- AfxGetLocaleDecimalSeparator
- AfxGetLocaleDigitsGrouping
- AfxGetLocaleDisplayName
- AfxGetLocaleEnglishCountryName
- AfxGetLocaleEnglishCurrencyName
- AfxGetLocaleEnglishDisplayName
- AfxGetLocaleEnglishLanguageName
- AfxGetLocaleInternationalMonetarySymbol
- AfxGetLocaleISO3166CountryName
- AfxGetLocaleISO3166CountryName2
- AfxGetLocaleISO639LanguageName
- AfxGetLocaleISO639LanguageName2
- AfxGetLocaleLanguageName
- AfxGetLocaleListItemsSeparator
- AfxGetLocaleLongDateFormatString
- AfxGetLocaleMonetaryDecimalSeparator
- AfxGetLocaleMonetaryGrouping
- AfxGetLocaleMonetaryThousandsSeparator
- AfxGetLocaleMonthDayFormatString
- AfxGetLocaleMonthName
- AfxGetLocaleName
- AfxGetLocaleNanString
- AfxGetLocaleNativeCountryName
- AfxGetLocaleNativeCurrencyName
- AfxGetLocaleNativeDigits
- AfxGetLocaleNativeDisplayName
- AfxGetLocaleNativeLanguageName
- AfxGetLocaleNegativeInfinityString
- AfxGetLocaleNegativeSign
- AfxGetLocaleOpenTypeLanguageTag
- AfxGetLocalePermilleSymbol
- AfxGetLocalePositiveInfinityString
- AfxGetLocalePositiveSign
- AfxGetLocaleScriptsList
- AfxGetLocaleShortDateFormatString
- AfxGetLocaleShortDateFormatString
- AfxGetLocaleShortTimeFormatString
- AfxGetLocaleSortName
- AfxGetLocaleThousandsSeparator
- AfxGetLocaleTimeFormatString
- AfxGetLocaleTimeSeparator
- AfxGetLocaleYearMonthFormatString
- AfxGetLocalizedCountryName
- AfxGetLocalizedDisplayName
- AfxGetLocalizedLanguageName
- AfxGetSortLocale
Printer Wrapper Procedures
- AfxEnumLocalPrinterPorts
- AfxEnumPrinterNames
- AfxEnumPrinterPorts
- AfxGetDefaultPrinter
- AfxGetDefaultPrinterDriver
- AfxGetDefaultPrinterPort
- AfxGetDocumentProperties
- AfxGetPrinterCollate
- AfxGetPrinterCollateStatus
- AfxGetPrinterColorMode
- AfxGetPrinterCopies
- AfxGetPrinterDC
- AfxGetPrinterDriverVersion
- AfxGetPrinterDuplexMode
- AfxGetPrinterFromPort
- AfxGetPrinterHorizontalResolution
- AfxGetPrinterMaxCopies
- AfxGetPrinterMaxPaperHeight
- AfxGetPrinterMaxPaperWidth
- AfxGetPrinterMediaReady
- AfxGetPrinterMinPaperHeight
- AfxGetPrinterMinPaperWidth
- AfxGetPrinterOrientation
- AfxGetPrinterOrientationDegrees
- AfxGetPrinterPaperLength
- AfxGetPrinterPaperNames
- AfxGetPrinterPaperSize
- AfxGetPrinterPaperSizes
- AfxGetPrinterPaperWidth
- AfxGetPrinterPhysicalHeight
- AfxGetPrinterPhysicalOffsetX
- AfxGetPrinterPhysicalOffsetY
- AfxGetPrinterPhysicalWidth
- AfxGetPrinterPort
- AfxGetPrinterQuality
- AfxGetPrinterPrintRate
- AfxGetPrinterPrintRatePPM
- AfxGetPrinterPrintRateUnit
- AfxGetPrinterScale
- AfxGetPrinterScalingFactorX
- AfxGetPrinterScalingFactorY
- AfxGetPrinterTray
- AfxGetPrinterTrayNames
- AfxGetPrinterTrueType
- AfxGetPrinterVerticalResolution
- AfxOpenPrintersFolder
- AfxPrinterDialog
- AfxSetPrinterCollateStatus
- AfxSetPrinterColorMode
- AfxSetPrinterCopies
- AfxSetPrinterDuplexMode
- AfxSetPrinterInfo
- AfxSetPrinterOrientation
- AfxSetPrinterPaperSize
- AfxSetPrinterQuality
- AfxSetPrinterScale
- AfxSetPrinterTray
- Constructors
- Destructor
- Operator *
- Operator +=
- Operator &=
- Operator []
- Operator CAST
- Operator LET
- Add
- bstr
- Capacity
- cbstr
- Char
- Clear
- CodePage
- DelChars
- GrowSize
- Insert
- LeftChars
- MidChars
- Resize
- RightChars
- SizeAlloc
- SizeOf
- sptr
- Utf8
- ValDouble
- ValInt
- ValLong
- ValLongInt
- Value
- ValUint
- ValUlong
- ValULongInt
- vptr
- wchar
- wstr
- Helper functions
- CBSTR Class
- CCUR Class
- CDEC Class
CComplex Class
- Constructors
- Operator LET
- Operator CAST
- Math operators
- Comparison operators
- ArcCosH
- ArcTanH
- CAbs
- CAbs2
- CAdd
- CAddImag
- CAddReal
- CArcCos
- CArcCosH
- CArcCosHReal
- CArcCosReal
- CArcCot
- CArcCotH
- CArcCsc
- CArcCscH
- CArcCscReal
- CArcSec
- CArcSecH
- CArcSecReal
- CArcSin
- CArcSinH
- CArcSinReal
- CArcTan
- CArcTanH
- CArcTanHReal
- CArg
- CConjugate
- CCos
- CCosH
- CCot
- CCotH
- CCsc
- CCscH
- CDiv
- CDivImag
- CDivReal
- CExp
- CImag
- CLog
- CLog10
- CLogAbs
- CMul
- CMulImag
- CMulReal
- CNegate
- CPhase
- CPolar
- CPow
- CReal
- CReciprocal
- CSec
- CSecH
- CSet
- CSgn
- CSin
- CSinH
- CSqr
- CSub
- CSubImag
- CSubReal
- CSwap
- CTan
- CTanH
- IsInfinity
CVAR Class
- Constructors
- Destructor
- Operator &
- Operator *
- Operator CAST
- Operator LET
- Operators
- Attach
- bstr
- ChangeType
- ChangeTypeEx
- DecToCY
- DecToDouble
- Detach
- FormatNumber
- GetBooleanElem
- GetDim
- GetDoubleElem
- GetElementCount
- GetLBound
- GetLongElem
- GetLongIntElem
- GetShortElem
- GetStringElem
- GetUBound
- GetULongElem
- GetULongIntElem
- GetUShortElem
- GetVariantElem
- PutBooleanArray
- Put
- Put <numeric value>
- PutBuffer
- PutDateString
- PutDec
- PutDecFromCy
- PutDecFromDouble
- PutDecFromStr
- PutDoubleArray
- PutFileTime
- PutFileTimeArray
- PutGuid
- PutLongArray
- PutLongIntArray
- PutPropVariant
- PutRecord
- PutRef
- PutResource
- PutSafeArray
- PutStringArray
- PutShortArray
- PutStrRet
- PutSystemTime
- PutULongArray
- PutULongInt
- PutULongIntArray
- PutUShortArray
- PutUtf8
- PutVariantArrayElem
- PutVbDate
- Round
- sptr
- ToBooleanArray
- ToBooleanArrayAlloc
- ToBstr
- ToBuffer
- ToBuffer (STRING)
- ToDosDateTime
- ToDoubleArray
- ToDoubleArrayAlloc
- ToFileTime
- ToGuid
- ToGuidBStr
- ToGuidStr
- ToGuidWStr
- ToLongArray
- ToLongArrayAlloc
- ToLongIntArray
- ToLongIntArrayAlloc
- ToShortArray
- ToShortArrayAlloc
- ToStr
- ToStringArray
- ToStringArrayAlloc
- ToStrRet
- ToSystemTime
- ToULongArray
- ToULongArrayAlloc
- ToULongIntArray
- ToULongIntArrayAlloc
- ToUShortArray
- ToUShortArrayAlloc
- ToUtf8
- ToVbDate
- ToWstr
- ValDouble
- ValInt
- ValLong
- ValLongInt
- Value
- ValUInt
- ValULong
- ValULongInt
- vptr
- vType
- wstr
CSafeArray Class
- Constructor (SAFEARRAYBOUND)
- Constructor (CSafeArray)
- Constructor (SAFEARRAY PTR)
- Constructor (VARIANT PTR)
- Destructor
- Operator *
- Operator LET
- AccessData
- Append
- Attach
- Clear
- Copy
- CopyData
- CopyFrom
- CopyFromVariant
- CopyToVariant
- Count
- Create
- CreateEx
- CreateVector
- CreateVectorEx
- Destroy
- DestroyData
- Detach
- ElemSize
- Erase
- Features
- Find
- Flags
- Get
- GetIID
- GetPtr
- GetRecordInfo
- GetType
- Insert
- IsResizable
- LBound
- LocksCount
- MoveFromVariant
- MoveToVariant
- NumDims
- PtrOfIndex
- Put
- Redim
- Remove
- RemoveStr
- RemoveVar
- Reset
- SetIID
- SetRecordInfo
- Sort
- UBound
- UnaccessData
Analyzing the safe array API
- About safe arrays
- Safe array descriptor
- Creating a safe array
- Putting data
- Retrieving data
- Rediming a safe array
- Copying a safe array
- Destroying a safe array
- Getting the dimensions of a safe array
- Getting the bounds of a safe array
- Getting the type of a safe array
- Setting ad getting the GUID of an interface
- Setting and getting record information
- Accessing data
- Getting the element size
- Creating vectors
- CDicObj Class
- CQueue Class
- CStack Class
CRegExp Class
- Constructors
- Execute
- Extract
- Find
- FindEx
- GetLastResult
- Global
- IgnoreCase
- MatchCount
- MatchLen
- MatchPos
- MatchValue
- Multiline
- Pattern
- RegPtr
- Remove
- Replace
- SetResult
- SubMatchCount
- SubMatchValue
- Test
- Introduction to Regular Expressions
- Finding similar words
- Finding variations on words
- Removing characters
- Removing words and substrings
- Replacing characters
- Replacing words and substrings
- Searching words and substrings
- Extracting words and substrings
- Checking if a string is numeric
- Checking if an url is valid
- Breaking down an URI in its parts
CFileSys Class
- BuildPath
- CopyFile
- CopyFolder
- CreateFolder
- DeleteFile
- DeleteFolder
- DriveExists
- DriveLetters
- FileExists
- FolderExists
- GetAbsolutePathName
- GetBaseName
- GetDriveAvailableSpace
- GetDriveFileSystem
- GetDriveFreeSpace
- GetDriveName
- GetDriveShareName
- GetDriveTotalSize
- GetDriveType
- GetExtesionName
- GetFileAttributes
- GetFileDateCreated
- GetFileDateLastAccessed
- GetFileDateLastModified
- GetFileName
- GetFileShortName
- GetFileShortPath
- GetFileSize
- GetFileType
- GetFileVersion
- GetFolderAttributes
- GetFolderDateCreated
- GetFolderDateLastAccessed
- GetFolderDateLastModified
- GetFolderDriveLetter
- GetFolderName
- GetFolderShortName
- GetFolderShortPath
- GetFolderSize
- GetFolderType
- GetLastResult
- GetNumDrives
- GetNumFiles
- GetNumSubFolders
- GetParentFolderName
- GetSerialNumber
- GetStandardStream
- GetTempName
- GetVolumeName
- IsDriveReady
- IsRootFolder
- MoveFile
- MoveFolder
- SetFileAttributes
- SetFileName
- SetFolderAttributes
- SetFolderName
- SetResult
- SetVolumeName
CFindFile Class
- Close
- CreationTime
- FileAttributes
- FileExt
- FileName
- FileNameX
- FilePath
- FileSize
- FileURL
- FindFile
- FindNext
- IsCompressedFile
- IsDots
- IsEncryptedFile
- IsFile
- IsFolder
- IsHiddenFile
- IsNormalFile
- IsNotContentIndexedFile
- IsOffLineFile
- IsReadOnlyFile
- IsReparsePointFile
- IsSparseFile
- IsSystemFile
- IsTemporaryFile
- LastAccessTime
- LastWriteTime
- MatchesMask
- Root
- ShortFileName
- CTextStream Class
- CIniFile Class
- CTime64 Class
- CTimeSpan Class
- COleDateTime Class
- COleDateTimeSpan Class
- CFileTime Class
- CFileTimeSpan Class
- CGraphCtx Class
- CMemBmp Class
- CImageCtx Class
GdiPlus Helper Procedures
- AfxGdipAddIconFromFile
- AfxGdipAddIconFromRes
- AfxGdipBitmapFromBuffer
- AfxGdipBitmapFromFile
- AfxGdipBitmapFromRes
- AfxGdipDllVersion
- AfxGdipGetEncoderClsid
- AfxGdipGetImageSizeFromFile
- AfxGdipIconFromBuffer
- AfxGdipIconFromFile
- AfxGdipIconFromRes
- AfxGdipImageFromBuffer
- AfxGdipImageFromFile
- AfxGdipImageFromFile2
- AfxGdipImageFromRes
- AfxGdipInit
- AfxGdipLoadTexture
- AfxGdipSaveHBITMAPToFile
- AfxGdipSaveHBITMAPToFile
- AfxGdipSaveImageToFile
- AfxGdipShutdown
- GDIP_GetAlpha
- GDIP_GetBlue
- GDIP_GetGreen
- GDIP_GetRed
- INFO: Interoperability Between GDI and GDI+
GdiPlus Classes
- Constants
- BrushType
- Color
- ColorAdjustType
- ColorChannelFlags
- ColorMatrixFlags
- ColorMode
- CombineMode
- CompositingMode
- CompositingQuality
- CoordinateSpace
- CustomLineCapType
- DashCap
- DashStyle
- DriverStringOptions
- EmfPlusRecordType
- EmfToWmfBitsFlags
- EmfType
- EncoderParameterValueType
- EncoderValue
- FillMode
- FlushIntention
- FontStyle
- GenericFontFamily
- HatchStyle
- HistogramFormat
- HotkeyPrefix
- ImageFlags
- ImageLockMode
- ImageType
- InterpolationMode
- ItemDataPosition
- LinearGradientMode
- LineCap
- LineJoin
- MatrixOrder
- MetafileFrameUnit
- MetafileType
- ObjectType
- PaletteFlags
- PaletteType
- PathPointType
- PenAlignment
- PenType
- PixelOffsetMode
- QualityMode
- RotateFlipType
- SmoothingMode
- Status
- StringAlignment
- StringDigitSubstitute
- StringFormatFlags
- StringTrimming
- TestControl
- TextRenderingHint
- Unit
- WarpMode
- WrapMode
- BitmapData
- CharacterRange
- ColorMap
- ColorMatrix
- ColorPalette
- EncoderParameter
- EncoderParameters
- GdiplusStartupInput
- GdiplusStartupOutput
- GpPathData
- GpPoint
- GpPointF
- GpRect
- GpRectF
- GpSize
- GpSizeF
- ImageCodecInfo
- MetafileHeader
- PropertyItem
- PWMFRect16
- WmfPlaceableFileHeader
- CGpBrush Class
- CGpHatchBrush Class
CGpLinearGradientBrush Class
LinearGradientBrush Object
- Constructors
- GetBlend
- GetBlendCount
- GetGammaCorrection
- GetInterpolationColorCount
- GetInterpolationColors
- GetLinearColors
- GetRectangle
- GetTransform
- GetWrapMode
- MultiplyTransform
- ResetTransform
- RotateTransform
- ScaleTransform
- SetBlend
- SetBlendBellShape
- SetBlendTriangularShape
- SetGammaCorrection
- SetInterpolationColors
- SetLinearColors
- SetTransform
- SetWrapMode
- TranslateTransform
LinearGradientBrush Object
CGpPathGradientBrush Class
PathGradientBrush Object
- Constructors
- GetBlend
- GetBlendCount
- GetCenterColor
- GetCenterPoint
- GetFocusScales
- GetGammaCorrection
- GetInterpolationColorCount
- GetInterpolationColors
- GetPointCount
- GetRectangle
- GetSurroundColorCount
- GetSurroundColors
- GetTransform
- GetWrapMode
- MultiplyTransform
- ResetTransform
- RotateTransform
- ScaleTransform
- SetBlend
- SetBlendBellShape
- SetBlendTriangularShape
- SetCenterColor
- SetCenterPoint
- SetFocusScales
- SetGammaCorrection
- SetInterpolationColors
- SetSurroundColors
- SetTransform
- SetWrapMode
- TranslateTransform
PathGradientBrush Object
- CGpSolidBrush Class
- CGpTextureBrush Class
- CGpCachedBitmap Class
- CGpCustomLineCap Class
- CGpFont Class
- CGpFontCollection Class
- CGpFontFamilly Class
CGpGraphics Class
Graphics Object
- Constructor (HDC)
- Constructor (HDC, HANDLE)
- Constructor (HWND, BOOL)
- Constructor (Image)
- AddMetafileComment
- BeginContainer
- Clear
- DrawArc
- DrawBezier
- DrawBeziers
- DrawCachedBitmap
- DrawClosedCurve
- DrawCurve
- DrawDriverString
- DrawEllipse
- DrawImage
- DrawImageFX
- DrawLine
- DrawLines
- DrawPath
- DrawPie
- DrawPolygon
- DrawRectangle
- DrawRectangles
- DrawString
- EndContainer
- EnumerateMetafileDestPoint
- EnumerateMetafileDestPoints
- EnumerateMetafileDestRect
- EnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint
- EnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint
- EnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect
- ExcludeClip
- FillClosedCurve
- FillEllipse
- FillPath
- FillPie
- FillPolygon
- FillRectangle
- FillRectangles
- FillRegion
- Flush
- FromHDC
- FromHWND
- FromImage
- GetClip
- GetClipBounds
- GetCompositingMode
- GetCompositingQuality
- GetDpiX
- GetDpiY
- GetHalftonePalette
- GetHDC
- GetInterpolationMode
- GetLastStatus
- GetNearestColor
- GetPageScale
- GetPageUnit
- GetPixelOffsetMode
- GetRenderingOrigin
- GetSmoothingMode
- GetTextContrast
- GetTextRenderingHint
- GetTransform
- GetVisibleClipBounds
- IntersectClip
- IsClipEmpty
- IsVisible
- IsVisibleClipEmpty
- MeasureCharacterRanges
- MeasureDriverString
- MeasureString
- MultiplyTransform
- ReleaseHDC
- ResetClip
- ResetTransform
- Restore
- RotateTransform
- Save
- ScaleTransform
- SetClip
- SetCompositingMode
- SetCompositingQuality
- SetInterpolationMode
- SetPageScale
- SetPageUnit
- SetPixelOffsetMode
- SetRenderingOrigin
- SetSmoothingMode
- SetStatus
- SetTextContrast
- SetTextRenderingHint
- SetTransform
- TransformPoints
- TranslateClip
- TranslateTransform
Graphics Object
CGpGraphicsPath Class
GraphicsPath Object
- Constructors
- AddArc
- AddBezier
- AddBeziers
- AddClosedCurve
- AddCurve
- AddEllipse
- AddLine
- AddLines
- AddPath
- AddPie
- AddPolygon
- AddRectangle
- AddRectangles
- AddString
- ClearMarkers
- Clone
- CloseAllFigures
- CloseFigure
- Flatten
- GetBounds
- GetFillMode
- GetLastPoint
- GetLastStatus
- GetPathData
- GetPathPoints
- GetPathTypes
- GetPointCount
- IsOutlineVisible
- IsVisible
- Outline
- Reset
- Reverse
- SetFillMode
- SetMarker
- SetStatus
- StartFigure
- Transform
- Warp
- Widen
GraphicsPath Object
- CGpGraphicsPathIterator Class
CGpImage Class
Image Object
- Constructor (WSTRING, BOOLENA)
- Constructor (ISTREAM)
- Clone
- FindFirstItem
- FindNextItem
- GetAllPropertyItems
- GetBounds
- GetEncoderParameterList
- GetEncoderParameterListSize
- GetFlags
- GetFrameCount
- GetFrameDimensionsCount
- GetFrameDimensionsList
- GetHeight
- GetHorizontalResolution
- GetItemData
- GetLastStatus
- GetPalette
- GetPaletteSize
- GetPhysicalDimension
- GetPixelFormat
- GetPropertyCount
- GetPropertyIdList
- GetPropertyItem
- GetPropertyItemSize
- GetPropertySize
- GetRawFormat
- GetThumbnailImage
- GetType
- GetVerticalResolution
- GetWidth
- RemovePropertyItem
- RotateFlip
- Save
- SaveAdd
- SelectActiveFrame
- SetPalette
- SetPropertyItem
- SetStatus
- Bitmap Object
Metafile Object
- Constructor (HENHMETAFILE)
- Constructor (ISTREAM)
- Constructor (WSTRING)
- Constructor (HMETAFILE)
- Constructor (HDC)
- Constructor (WSTRING, HDC)
- Constructor (ISTREAM, HDC)
- ConvertFormat
- EmfToWmfBits
- GetDownLevelRasterizationLimit
- GetMetafileHeader
- PlayRecord
- SetDownLevelRasterizationLimit
Image Object
CGpImageAttributes Class
ImageAttributes Object
- Constructor
- ClearBrushRemapTable
- ClearColorKey
- ClearColorMatrices
- ClearColorMatrix
- ClearGamma
- ClearNoOp
- ClearOutputChannel
- ClearOutputChannelColorProfile
- ClearRemapTable
- ClearThreshold
- Clone
- GetAdjustedPalette
- GetLastStatus
- Reset
- SetBrushRemapTable
- SetColorKey
- SetColorMatrices
- SetColorMatrix
- SetGamma
- SetNoOp
- SetOutputChannel
- SetOutputChannelColorProfile
- SetRemapTable
- SetStatus
- SetThreshold
- SetToIdentity
- SetWrapMode
ImageAttributes Object
- CGpMatrix Class
CGpPen Class
Pen Object
- Constructor (Brush)
- Constructor (Color)
- Clone
- GetAlignment
- GetBrush
- GetColor
- GetCompoundArray
- GetCompoundArrayCount
- GetCustomEndCap
- GetCustomStartCap
- GetDashCap
- GetDashOffset
- GetDashPattern
- GetDashPatternCount
- GetDashStyle
- GetEndCap
- GetLastStatus
- GetLineJoin
- GetMiterLimit
- GetPenType
- GetStartCap
- GetTransform
- GetWidth
- MultiplyTransform
- ResetTransform
- RotateTransform
- ScaleTransform
- SetAlignment
- SetBrush
- SetColor
- SetCompoundArray
- SetCustomEndCap
- SetCustomStartCap
- SetDashCap
- SetDashOffset
- SetDashPattern
- SetDashStyle
- SetEndCap
- SetLineCap
- SetLineJoin
- SetMiterLimit
- SetStartCap
- SetStatus
- SetTransform
- SetWidth
- TranslateTransform
Pen Object
CGpRegion Class
Region Object
- Constructor (default)
- Constructor (RECT)
- Constructor (GraphicsPath)
- Constructor (RegionData)
- Constructor (HRGN)
- Clone
- Complement (RECT)
- Complement (GraphicsPath)
- Complement (Region)
- Equals
- Exclude (RECT)
- Exclude (GraphicsPath)
- Exclude (Region)
- GetBounds
- GetData
- GetDataSize
- GetLastStatus
- GetRegionScans
- GetRegionScansCount
- Intersect (RECT)
- Intersect (GraphicsPath)
- Intersect (Region)
- IsEmpty
- IsInfinite
- IsVisible
- MakeEmpty
- MakeInfinite
- SetStatus
- Transform
- Translate
- Union (RECT)
- Union (GraphicsPath)
- Union (Region)
- Xor (RECT)
- Xor (GraphicsrPath)
- Xor (Region)
Region Object
CGpStringFormat Class
StringFormat Object
- Constructor
- Clone
- GenericDefault
- GenericTypographic
- GetAlignment
- GetDigitSubstitutionLanguage
- GetDigitSubstitutionMethod
- GetFormatFlags
- GetHotkeyPrefix
- GetLastStatus
- GetLineAlignment
- GetMeasurableCharacterRangeCount
- GetTabStopCount
- GetTabStops
- GetTrimming
- SetAlignment
- SetDigitSubstitution
- SetFormatFlags
- SetHotkeyPrefix
- SetLineAlignment
- SetMeasurableCharacterRanges
- SetStatus
- SetTabStops
- SetTrimming
StringFormat Object
OpenGL Helper Procedures
- AfxGlutSolidCone
- AfxGlutSolidCube
- AfxGlutSolidCylinder
- AfxGlutSolidDodecahedron
- AfxGlutSolidIcosahedron
- AfxGlutSolidOctahedron
- AfxGlutSolidRhombicDodecahedron
- AfxGlutSolidSphere
- AfxGlutSolidTeapot
- AfxGlutSolidTetrahedron
- AfxGlutSolidTorus
- AfxGlutWireCone
- AfxGlutWireCube
- AfxGlutWireCylinder
- AfxGlutWireDodecahedron
- AfxGlutWireIcosahedron
- AfxGlutWireOctahedron
- AfxGlutWireRhombicDodecahedron
- AfxGlutWireSphere
- AfxGlutWireTeapot
- AfxGlutWireTetrahedron
- AfxGlutWireTorus
CXpButton Class
- Constructor
- DisableTheming
- EnableTheming
- GetButtonBkColor
- GetButtonBkColorDown
- GetButtonState
- GetCursor
- GetFont
- GetImage
- GetImageHeight
- GetImageMargin
- GetImagePos
- GetImageType
- GetImageWidth
- GetTextBkColor
- GetTextBkColorDown
- GetTextForeColorDown
- GetTextFormat
- GetTextForeColor
- GetTextMargin
- GetToggle
- GetToggleState
- hWindow
- IsThemed
- Redraw
- SetBitmap
- SetBitmapFromFile
- SetButtonBkColor
- SetButtonBkColorDown
- SetCursor
- SetFont
- SetIcon
- SetIconFromFile
- SetImage
- SetImageFromFile
- SetImageFromRes
- SetImageHeight
- SetImageMargin
- SetImagePos
- SetImageSize
- SetImageWidth
- SetTextBkColor
- SetTextBkColorDown
- SetTextForeColor
- SetTextForeColorDown
- SetTextFormat
- SetTextMargin
- SetToggle
- SetToggleState
- UxDrawPushButton
- BkBrush Property
- ButtonBkColor Property
- ButtonBkColorDown Property
- ButtonState Property
- Cursor Property
- DisabledImageHandle Property
- Font Property
- HotImageHandle Property
- ImageHeight Property
- ImageMargin Property
- ImagePos Property
- ImageType Property
- ImageWidth Property
- NormalImageHandle Property
- TextBkColor Property
- TextBkColorDown Property
- TextForeColor Property
- TextForeColorDown Property
- TextFormat Property
- Toggle Property
- ToggleState Property
CCDAudio Class
- Constructor
- Backward
- Close
- CloseDoor
- Forward
- GetAllTracksLength
- GetAllTracksLengthString
- GetCurrentPos
- GetCurrentPosString
- GetCurrentTrack
- GetErrorString
- GetLastError
- GetTrackLength
- GetTrackLengthString
- GetTracksCount
- GetTrackStartTime
- GetTrackStartTimeString
- IsMediaInserted
- IsPaused
- IsPlaying
- IsReady
- IsSeeking
- IsStopped
- Open
- OpenDoor
- Pause
- Play
- PlayFrom
- PlayFromTo
- Stop
- ToEnd
- ToStart
- CDSAudio Class
- CCDOMessage Class
- CShortcut Class
- CURLShortcut Class
- CWinHttpRequest Class
ADO Classes
- ADO Object Model
- ADO Identifiers
ADO Enumerations
- AffectEnum
- BookmarkEnum
- CommandTypeEnum
- CompareEnum
- ConnectModeEnum
- ConnectOptionEnum
- ConnectPromptEnum
- CopyRecordOptionsEnum
- CursorLocationEnum
- CursorOptionEnum
- CursorTypeEnum
- DataTypeEnum
- EditModeEnum
- ErrorValueEnum
- EventReasonEnum
- EventStatusEnum
- ExecuteOptionEnum
- FieldAttributeEnum
- FieldEnum
- FieldStatusEnum
- FilterGroupEnum
- GetRowsOptionEnum
- IsolationLevelEnum
- LineSeparatorEnum
- LockTypeEnum
- MarshalOptionsEnum
- MoveRecordOptionsEnum
- ObjectStateEnum
- ParameterAttributesEnum
- ParameterDirectionEnum
- PersistFormatEnum
- PositionEnum
- PropertyAttributesEnum
- RecordCreateOptionsEnum
- RecordOpenOptionsEnum
- RecordStatusEnum
- RecordTypeEnum
- ResyncEnum
- SaveOptionsEnum
- SchemaEnum
- SearchDirectionEnum
- SeekEnum
- StreamOpenOptionsEnum
- StreamReadEnum
- StreamTypeEnum
- StreamWriteEnum
- StringFormatEnum
- XactAttributeEnum
- ADO Dynamic Properties Index
- ADO Errors
ADO Classes
- CAdoBase Class
- CAdoCommand Class
- CAdoConnection Class
- CAdoError Class
- CAdoErrors Class
- CAdoField Class
- CAdoFields
- CAdoParameter Class
- CAdoParameters
- CAdoProperties
- CAdoProperty Class
- CAdoRecord Class
CAdoRecordset Class
- Constructors
- AbsolutePage
- AbsolutePosition
- ActiveCommand
- ActiveConnection
- AddNew
- Attach
- Bookmark
- CacheSize
- Cancel
- CancelBatch
- CancelUpdate
- Clone
- Close
- Collect
- CompareBookmarks
- CursorLocation
- CursorType
- DataMember
- DataSource
- Delete_
- EditMode
- Fields
- Filter
- Find
- GetErrorInfo
- GetRows
- GetString
- Index
- LockType
- MarshalOptions
- MaxRecords
- Move
- MoveFirst
- MoveLast
- MoveNext
- MovePrevious
- NextRecordset
- Open
- PageCount
- PageSize
- Properties
- RecordCount
- Requery
- Resync
- Save
- Seek
- Sort
- Source
- State
- Status
- StayInSync
- Supports
- Update
- UpdateBatch
- CAdoStream Class
- ADO Interfaces
- ADO Events
ODBC Classes
- COdbcBase Class
- COdbc Class
COdbcStmt Class
- Constructor
- AddRecord
- BindCol
- BindParameter
- BulkOperations
- Cancel
- CloseCursor
- ColAttribute
- ColAutoUniqueValue
- ColBaseColumnName
- ColBaseTableName
- ColCaseSensitive
- ColCatalogName
- ColConciseType
- ColCount
- ColDisplaySize
- ColFixedPrecScale
- ColIsNull
- ColLabel
- ColLength
- ColLiteralPrefix
- ColLiteralSuffix
- ColLocalTypeName
- ColName
- ColNullable
- ColNumPrecRadix
- ColOctetLength
- ColPrecision
- ColScale
- ColSchemaName
- ColSearchable
- ColTableName
- ColType
- ColTypeName
- ColUnnamed
- ColUnsigned
- ColUpdatable
- DbcHandle
- DeleteByBookmark
- DeleteRecord
- DescribeCol
- DescribeParam
- ExecDirect
- Execute
- ExtendedFetch
- Fetch
- FetchByBookmark
- FetchScroll
- GetColumnPrivileges
- GetColumns
- GetCursorConcurrency
- GetCursorKeysetSize
- GetCursorName
- GetCursorScrollability
- GetCursorSensitivity
- GetCursorType
- GetData
- GetData (overload)
- GetDiagField
- GetDiagRec
- GetErrorInfo
- GetForeignKeys
- GetImpParamDescField
- GetImpParamDescFieldName
- GetImpParamDescFieldNullable
- GetImpParamDescFieldOctetLength
- GetImpParamDescFieldPrecision
- GetImpParamDescFieldScale
- GetImpParamDescFieldType
- GetImpParamDescRec
- GetStmtImpRowDesc
- GetImpRowDescField
- GetImpRowDescFieldName
- GetImpRowDescFieldNullable
- GetImpRowDescFieldOctetLength
- GetImpRowDescFieldPrecision
- GetImpRowDescFieldScale
- GetImpRowDescFieldType
- GetImpRowDescRec
- GetLongVarcharData
- GetPrimaryKeys
- GetProcedureColumns
- GetProcedures
- GetSpecialColumns
- GetSqlState
- GetStatistics
- GetStmtAppParamDesc
- GetStmtAppRowDesc
- GetStmtAsyncEnable
- GetStmtAttr
- GetStmtFetchBookmarkPtr
- GetStmtImpParamDesc
- GetStmtMaxLength
- GetStmtMaxRows
- GetStmtNoScan
- GetStmtParamBindOffsetPtr
- GetStmtParamBindType
- GetStmtParamOperationPtr
- GetStmtParamsetSize
- GetStmtParamsProcessedPtr
- GetStmtParamStatusPtr
- GetStmtQueryTimeout
- GetStmtRetrieveData
- GetStmtRowArraySize
- GetStmtRowBindOffsetPtr
- GetStmtRowBindType
- GetStmtRowNumber
- GetStmtRowOperationPtr
- GetStmtRowsFetchedPtr
- GetStmtRowStatusPtr
- GetStmtSimulateCursor
- GetStmtUseBookmarks
- GetTablePrivileges
- GetTables
- GetTypeInfo
- Handle
- LockRecord
- MoreResults
- Move
- MoveFirst
- MoveLast
- MoveNext
- MovePrevious
- NumParams
- NumResultCols
- ParamData
- Prepare
- PutData
- RecordCount
- RefreshRecord
- ResetParams
- RowCount
- SetAbsolutePosition
- SetCursorConcurrency
- SetCursorKeysetSize
- SetCursorName
- SetCursorScrollability
- SetCursorSensitivity
- SetCursorType
- SetDynamicCursor
- SetForwardOnlyCursor
- SetKeysetDrivenCursor
- SetLockConcurrency
- SetMultiuserKeysetCursor
- SetOptimisticConcurrency
- SetPos
- SetPosition
- SetReadOnlyConcurrency
- SetRelativePosition
- SetRowVerConcurrency
- SetStaticCursor
- SetStmtAppParamDesc
- SetStmtAppRowDesc
- SetStmtAttr
- SetStmtFetchBookmarkPtr
- SetStmtMaxLength
- SetStmtMaxRows
- SetStmtNoScan
- SetStmtParamBindOffsetPtr
- SetStmtParamBindType
- SetStmtParamOperationPtr
- SetStmtParamsetSize
- SetStmtParamsProcessedPtr
- SetStmtParamStatusPtr
- SetStmtQueryTimeout
- SetStmtRetrieveData
- SetStmtRowArraySize
- SetStmtRowBindOffsetPtr
- SetStmtRowBindType
- SetStmtRowOperationPtr
- SetStmtRowsFetchedPtr
- SetStmtRowStatusPtr
- SetStmtSimulateCursor
- SetStmtUseBookmarks
- SetStmtAsyncEnable
- UnbindCol
- UnbindColumns
- UnlockRecord
- UpdateByBookmark
- UpdateRecord
- ODBC Structures
- Appendices
SQLite Classes
- CSQLite Class
- CSQLiteDb Class
CSQLiteStmt Class
- Constructor
- BindBlob
- BindDouble
- BindLong
- BindLongInt
- BindNull
- BindParameterCount
- BindParameterIndex
- BindParameterName
- BindText
- BindZeroBlob
- Busy
- ClearBindings
- ColumnBlob
- ColumnBytes
- ColumnCount
- ColumnDatabaseName
- ColumnDeclaredType
- ColumnDouble
- ColumnLong
- ColumnLongInt
- ColumnName
- ColumnOriginName
- ColumnTableName
- ColumnText
- ColumnType
- DataCount
- DbHandle
- Finalize
- GetRow
- hStmt
- IsColumnNull
- ReadOnly
- Reset
- Sql
- Step_
COM (Component Object Model)
Helper COM Procedures
- AfxAdvise
- AfxGetOleErrorInfo
- AfxGuid
- AfxGuidText
- AfxNewCom (overload)
- AfxNewCom (overload)
- AfxNewCom (overload)
- AfxNewCom (overload)
- AfxOleCreateFontDisp
- AfxSafeAddRef
- AfxSafeRelease
- AfxUnadvise
- AfxVariantGetElementCount
- AfxVariantToBuffer
- AfxVariantToStringAlloc
- AfxVarToStr
- AfxVariantToString
- AfxWstrAlloc
- The making of a type library browser
Helper COM Procedures
- CAxHost Class
CWebCtx Class
- Constructor
- Destructor
- Advise
- AxHostPtr
- BrowserPtr
- Busy
- CtrlID
- Document
- ExecWB
- Find
- GetActiveElementId
- GetBodyInnerHtml
- GetBodyInnerText
- GoBack
- GetElementInnerHtmlById
- GetElementValueById
- GoForward
- GoHome
- GoSearch
- hWindow
- InternetOptions
- LocationName
- LocationURL
- Navigate
- PageProperties
- PageSetup
- PrintPage
- PrintPreview
- QueryStatusWB
- ReadyState
- Refresh
- Refresh2
- RegisterAsBrowser
- RegisterAsDropTarget
- SaveAs
- SetElementFocusById
- SetElementInnerHtmlById
- SetElementValueById
- SetEventProc
- SetFocus
- SetUIEventProc
- SetUIHandler
- ShowSource
- Silent
- Stop
- Unadvise
- WaitForPageLoad
- WriteHtml
- Procedures
WebBrowser Events
- BeforeNavigate2
- ClientToHostWindow
- CommandStateChange
- DocumentComplete
- DownloadBegin
- DownloadComplete
- FileDownload
- HtmlDocumentEventsProc
- NavigateComplete2
- NavigateError
- NewWindow2
- NewWindow3
- OnVisible
- PrintTemplateInstantiation
- PrintTemplateTeardown
- PrivacyImpactedStateChange
- ProgressChange
- PropertyChange
- SetSecureLockIcon
- StatusTextChange
- TitleChange
- WindowClosing
- WindowSetHeight
- WindowSetLeft
- WindowSetResizable
- WindowSetTop
- WindowSetWidth
- WindowStateChanged
- DocHostUIHandler Events
- HTML Document Events
CDispInvoke Class
- Constructor (IDispatch)
- Constructor (VARIANT)
- Constructor (PROGID)
- Constructor (CLSID)
- Constructor (LibName)
- Operator *
- Operator LET
- Attach
- Detach
- DispInvoke
- DispObj
- DispPtr
- Get
- GetArgErr
- GetDescription
- GetErrorCode
- GetHelpFile
- GetLastResult
- GetSource
- GetVarResult
- GetLcid
- Invoke
- SetLcid
- Put
- PutRef
- Set
- SetRef
- vptr
CWmiDisp Class
- Constructor (Moniker)
- Constructor (Server)
- Destructor
- ExecQuery
- Get
- GetErrorCodeText
- GetFacilityCodeText
- GetLastResult
- GetNamedProperties
- InstancesOf
- NewEnum
- NextObject
- ObjectsCount
- ObjectSetPtr
- PropertySetPtr
- PropsCount
- PropValue
- ResetEnum
- ServicesObj
- ServicesPtr
- WmiDateToStr
- WmiTimeToFileTime
- WmiTimeToStr