HostIntegratorSession Methods


WRQ Verastream Host Integrator .Net Reference

HostIntegratorSession Methods

The methods of the HostIntegratorSession class are listed below. For a complete list of HostIntegratorSession class members, see the HostIntegratorSession Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

ConnectToModelOverloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates a host session with the specified model.
ConnectToModelViaDomainOverloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates a host session with the specified model. The connection is made using the specified AADS server and Host Integrator domain.
ConnectToSessionOverloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates or allocates a host session with the specified session pool.
ConnectToSessionViaDomainOverloaded. Establishes a connection to a Host Integrator server and creates or allocates a host session with the specified session pool. The connection is made using the specified AADS server and Host Integrator domain.
DisconnectDisconnects from a Host Integrator server session.
EnableTerminalAttributesOverloaded. Enables the availability of terminal attributes when retrieving attribute or field data from the Host Integrator server.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
ExecuteSQLStatementExecutes an SQL statement on a table defined in the model.
FetchRecordsOverloaded. Fetches data from the Host Integrator server for the current recordset of the current entity.
GetAttributeAtCursorGets the name of the attribute at the current cursor position.
GetAttributeLocationsOverloaded. Gets locations for attributes of the current entity.
GetAttributeMetaDataGets metadata for the specified attribute and entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetAttributesOverloaded. Gets attributes for the current entity.
GetColumnMetaDataGets metadata for a table column in the Host Integrator model.
GetCurrentEntityGets the name of the current entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetCurrentRecordGets the current record in the current recordset.
GetCurrentRecordIndexGets the index number of the current record in the current recordset.
GetCurrentRecordSetNameGets the name of the current recordset.
GetEntityAttributesGets the names of the attributes for the specified entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetEntityDescriptionGets the description for the specified entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetEntityOperationsGets the names of the operations in the specified entity.
GetEntityRecordSetsGets the names of the recordsets in the specified entity.
GetFieldLocationsOverloaded. Gets field locations for the current record in the current recordset in the current entity.
GetFieldMetaDataGets metadata for the specified field in the specified recordset and entity in the Host Integrator model.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetHomeEntityNameGets the name of the home entity for the current Host Integrator model.
GetLastRequestIDGets an identifier for the most recent request performed against the current Host Integrator server session.
GetLocaleGets the locale for the current session.
GetLoggingLevelGets the logging level for the current Host Integrator session.
GetMajorVersionGets the major version number for the locally installed Verastream software.
GetMinorVersionGets the minor version number for the locally installed Verastream software.
GetModelEntitiesGets the names of the entities in the current Host Integrator model.
GetModelVariableNamesGets the names of all non-hidden model variables in the Host Integrator model.
GetModelVariablesGets the values of all non-hidden model variables in the current Host Integrator model.
GetOperationMetaDataGets metadata for an operation in the current Host Integrator model.
GetPatternLocationsOverloaded. Gets the locations for all patterns for the current entity.
GetProcedureMetaDataGets metadata for a table procedure in the Host Integrator model.
GetRecordSetLocationsOverloaded. Gets the locations for all recordsets in the current entity.
GetRecordSetMetaDataGets metadata for a recordset in the specified entity.
GetSessionIDGets an identifier for the current Host Integrator session.
GetStringAtOffsetGets a string of the specified length, starting at the specified offset, from the current entity.
GetStringAtRowColumnGets a string from a rectangular region of the current entity.
GetTableColumnsGets the column names for a table in the Host Integrator model.
GetTableDescriptionGets the description for a table in the Host Integrator model.
GetTableNamesGets the names of all tables in the Host Integrator model.
GetTableProceduresGets the procedure names for a table in the Host Integrator model.
GetTerminalFieldAtCursorGets a TerminalField object that contains information about the terminal field at the current cursor position on the Host Integrator screen.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetVariableMetaDataGets metadata for a model variable in the Host Integrator model.
GetVersionStringGets the version string for the Verastream .NET connector. This string is of the form majorVersion.minorVersion.
InsertRecordPerforms an insert operation for the current recordset.
InsertRecordsPerforms the insert operation for the current recordset multiple times.
InsertStringAtCursorInserts the specified string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at the current cursor position.
InsertStringAtOffsetInserts a string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at an offset.
InsertStringAtRowColumnInserts a string into the current entity on the Host Integrator server starting at the given row and column location.
MoveCurrentRecordIndexMoves the current record index to a new position in the current recordset.
NextRecordOverloaded. Returns the next record in the current recordset.
PerformAidKeyEnters an aid key (for example, a Program Function key) into the current Host Integrator server session.
PerformEntityOperationPerforms an operation on the current entity.
PerformTableProcedureOverloaded. Performs a SELECT or a DELETE procedure on a table defined in the model.
ProcessStringCalls the ProcessString event handler on the server.
RequireSecureConnectionRequires a secure channel on the next connection to a Host Integrator server.
ResumeConnectionResumes the execution of a currently suspended Host Integrator server session.
SelectCurrentRecordSelects the current record in the current recordset.
SelectRecordByFilterFinds a record in the current recordset using a filter expression, and perform a selection operation.
SelectRecordByIndexPerforms its selection operation on a record in the current recordset. The record to select is determined by the specified index number.
SetAttributesOverloaded. Sets the attributes for the current entity.
SetAttributesDelayedOverloaded. Sets the attributes for the specified entity. Attributes are not actually set until the entity is reached.
SetCurrentEntitySets the current entity.
SetCurrentRecordIndexSets the current record in the current recordset, using the record's index number.
SetCurrentRecordSetByNameSets the current recordset, by name.
SetLocaleSets the locale for the current session.
SetLoggingLevelSets the logging level for the current Host Integrator session.
SetModelVariablesSets the values of variables in the current Host Integrator model.
SuspendConnectionSuspends the execution of a currently running Host Integrator server session.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.
UpdateCurrentRecordOverloaded. Sets the values for the current record in the current recordset.
UpdateRecordByFilterOverloaded. Changes the values of a record in the current recordset. The record that gets changed is the first one after the current record that satisfies the filter expression.
UpdateRecordByIndexOverloaded. Changes the values of a record in the current recordset. The record to change is determined by the specified index number.
UpdateRecordsOverloaded. Updates the values of records in the current recordset, after the current record, that satisfy the specified filter expression.
WaitForConditionOverloaded. Waits for recognition of the specified entity on the Host Integrator server.
WaitForCursorWaits for the presence of the terminal cursor at the specified terminal screen coordinates.
WaitForEntityChangeWaits for the recognition of any entity other than the specified entity.
WaitForStringWaits for the presence of the specified string starting at the specified screen coordinates.
WaitForStringRelCursorWaits for the presence of a string at a screen location relative to the current terminal screen cursor.

See Also

HostIntegratorSession Class | WRQ.Verastream.HostIntegrator Namespace