TVTHeader Class Methods

Virtual Tree View

Snow earth.bmp
TVTHeader Class Methods

Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Tries to find the index of that column whose right border corresponds to P.
Moves the drag image to a new position, which is determined from the passed point P and the previous mouse position.
Returns the class to be used for the actual column implementation.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
General message handler for the header.
Not documented.
Determines whether the given point (client coordinates!) is within the header rectangle (non-client coordinates).
Invalidates the entire header or parts of it so they are repainted.
Restores the state of the header from the given stream.
Initializes dragging of the header, P is the current mouse postion and Start the initial mouse position.
Not documented.
Initiate a recalculation of the non-client area of the owner tree.
Restores all columns to their width which they had before they have been auto fitted.
Saves the complete state of the header into the provided stream.
Called once the load process of the owner tree is done.
Not documented.
Not documented.