TCustomVirtualStringTree Class Methods

Virtual Tree View

Snow earth.bmp
TCustomVirtualStringTree Class Methods

Method which can be used by descentants to adjust the given rectangle during a paint cycle.
Not documented.
Used to determine if a cell is considered as being empty.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Constructor of the control
Helper method to customize loading and saving persistent tree data.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Overridable method which always retuns 0.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Overridable method which does nothing.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Customization helper to determine which options class the tree should use.
Helper method for node editors, hints etc.
Returns the address of the internal data for a tree class.
Invalidates the given node.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Forces a reinitialization of the given node.
Renders pending OLE data.
Writes the core chunks for the given node to the given stream.

TBaseVirtualTree Class

Reads the overall index of a node.
Creates and adds a new child node to given node.
Adds the content from the given stream to the given node.
Adds one or more nodes to the current selection.
Used in descentants to modify the clip rectangle of the current column while painting a certain node.
Loads the proper cursor which indicates into which direction scrolling is done.
Used to register a delayed change event.
Registration method to allocate tree internal data per node.
Support method for animated actions in the tree view.
Used to copy properties from another Virtual Treeview.
Starts an OLE drag'n drop operation.
Enters the tree into a special synchronized mode.
Locks the tree view to perform several update operations.
Support method for draw selection.
Determines whether the tree can currently auto scroll its window.
Canceles any pending cut or copy clipboard operation.
Cancel the current edit operation, if there is any.
Determines whether a node can be edited or not.
Support method to determine whether the tree window can receive the input focus.
Determines whether a drag image should be shown.
Central method called when a node's selection state changes.
Helper method called by the VCL when control resizing is due.
Helper method for recursive check state changes.
Clears the tree and removes all nodes.
Not documented.
Removes all nodes from the current selection.
Helper method to clear the internal temporary node cache.
Used to determine if a cell is considered as being empty.
Copies Source and all its child nodes to Target.
Copies all currently selected nodes to the clipboard.
Determines the level difference of two nodes.
Determines the number of visible child nodes of the given node.
Constructor of the control
Prepares the creation of the controls window handle.
Initializes data, which depends on the window handle.
Copies the currently selected nodes to the clipboard and removes them once a consumer has taken the data.
Helper method to customize loading and saving persistent tree data.
Removes all child nodes from the given node.
Removes the given node from the tree.
Removes all currently selected nodes form the tree.
Destructor of the control.
Determines whether all children of a given node are hidden.
Determines whether all children of all nodes are hidden.
Determines the hit position within a node with left-to-right and right-to-left orientation.
Determines the hit position within a node with left-to-right and right-to-left orientation.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Enables or disables the auto scroll timer.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Called when the tree should stop editing without accepting changed values.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Internal method which handles drag' drop.
Not documented.
Initiates editing of the currently set focused column and edit node.
Not documented.
Stops the current edit operation and takes over the new content.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Internal method to set the focused node.
Not documented.
Determines the type of animation to be used.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Overridable method which always retuns 0.
Overridable method which triggers the OnGetPopup event.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Overridable method which draws the small line on top of a nodes image depending on the current drop state.
Overridable method which does nothing.
Overridable method which shows the popup menu for the given node.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Overridable method which triggers the OnScroll event.
Internal core routine to set the tree's scroll position.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Callback method which is triggered whenever the scroll timer fires.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Called by the VCL when a drag'n drop operation was canceled by the user.
Helper method, which is used when a drag operation is finished.
Not documented.
Called when a drag operation is finished (accepted or cancelled).
Returns true if a drag'n drop operation is in progress.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Starts editing the given node if allowed to.
Stops node editing if it was started before.
Counterpart to BeginSynch.
Resets the update lock set by BeginUpdate.
Not documented.
Helper method to find the given node in the current selection.
Not documented.
Stops any pending cut or copy clipboard operation.
Renders all pending clipboard data.
Not documented.
Collapses all nodes in the tree.
Expands all nodes in the tree.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Returns the class to be used to manage columns in the tree.
Not documented.
Returns the visible region used by the given node in client coordinates.
Group of node navigation functions.
Not documented.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Returns the header class to be used by the tree.
Not documented.
Returns information about the node at the given position.
Not documented.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Returns the width of the largest node in the given column.
Determines the maximum with of the currently visible part of the tree.
Used to let descendants and the application add their own supported clipboard formats.
Group of node navigation functions.
Not documented.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Not documented.
Returns the address of the user data area of the given node.
Returns the indentation level of the given node.
Customization helper to determine which options class the tree should use.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Group of node navigation functions.
Returns a sorted list of nodes, which are marked for s cut or copy clipboard operation.
Returns a sorted list of all currently selected nodes.
Helper method for node editors, hints etc.
OLE drag'n drop and clipboard support method.
Returns the size of the virtual tree image.
Returns the first (nearest) parent node, which is visible.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Determines if the given node has got another node as one of its parents.
Not documented.
Determines whether there is a pop up menu assigned to the tree.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Inserts a new node and returns it to the caller.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Returns the address of the internal data for a tree class.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Empties the internal node cache and marks it as invalid.
Invalidates all children of the given node.
Invalidates the client area part of a column.
Invalidates the given node.
Invalidates the client area starting with the top position of the given node.
Inverts the current selection.
Tells the caller whether the tree is currently in edit mode.
Tell the caller whether the tree is currently in draw selection mode.
Iterator method to go through all nodes of a given sub tree.
Not documented.
Loads previously streamed out tree data back in again.
Loads previously streamed out tree data back in again.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Moves Source and all its child nodes to Target.
Not documented.
Not documented.
TControl's Paint method used here to display the tree.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Main paint routine for the tree image.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Inserts the content of the clipboard into the tree.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Helper method to ease OLE drag'n drop operations.
Takes serialized OLE tree data and reconstructs the former structure.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Forces all child nodes of Node to be reinitialized.
Forces a reinitialization of the given node.
Removes the given node from the current selection.
Renders pending OLE data.
Causes the treeview to repaint the given node.
Resets the given node to uninitialized.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Saves the entire content of the tree into a file or stream.
Saves the entire content of the tree into a file or stream.
Scrolls the tree so that the given node comes in the client area.
Selects all nodes in the tree.
Selects a range of nodes.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Sorts the given node.
Sorts the entire tree view.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Changes a node's expand state to the opposite state.
Toggles the selection state of a range of nodes.
Deselects a range of nodes.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Applies changes to the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
Applies changes to the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
Applies changes to the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
Not documented.
Helper method for right-to-left layout.
Initiates the validation of the internal node cache.
Validates all children of a given node.
Validates a given node.
Helper method for node data size initalization.
Redirected window procedure to do some special processing.
Writes the core chunks for the given node to the given stream.
Writes the cover (envelop) chunk for the given node to the given stream.