These are all classes that are contained in this documentation.
TBaseVirtualTree is the main and base class for all other Virtual Treeview descendants.
Not documented.
List of strings describing clipboard formats.
Not documented.
Enhanced options class for string trees.
Simple owner draw descendant of the base tree.
Descendant of TBaseVirtualTree, which is able to manage node captions on its own
Organizes all tree options into subproperties for easier managment.
TStringEditLink is the standard node editor of a TVirtualStringTree.
Options class used in the string tree and its descentants.
Descendant of TBaseVirtualTree, which passes node paint events through to the application (similar to a draw grid)
Descentant of TBaseVirtualTree which is able to manage node captions on its own.
Represents a column in a Virtual Treeview.
Collection class, which holds the columns for the tree.
Internally used hint window class to support Unicode hints.
Collects all binary options of the tree control into one place for easier access.
Collects all color related options for the tree control.
Implementation of an IDataObject interface.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.
Not documented.

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