Agilent VISA.NET


Here is a complete program sample using VISA in VB .NET and in C#.  The sample program is written for the Agilent PSA and ESA series spectrum analyzers.  It stores the current screen image on the instrument's flash as C:PICTURE.GIF.  It then transfers the image over GPIB or LAN and stores the image on your PC in the current directory as picture.gif.  The file C:PICTURE.GIF is then deleted from the instrument's flash.  

This sample demonstrates reading arrays, error handling, and basic session tasks.


Private Sub RunTutorial(ByVal instrAddress As String)    ' Declare Variables used in the program    Dim status As Integer      'VISA function status return code    Dim defrm As Integer = 0   'Session to Default Resource Manager    Dim vi As Integer = 0      'Session to instrument    Dim x As Integer        'Loop Variable    Dim ResultsArray(50000) As Byte 'results array, big enough to hold a GIF    Dim length As Integer      'Number of bytes returned from instrument    Dim headerlength As Integer 'length of header    ' the file to write the picture    Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream = Nothing    'Set the default number of bytes that will be contained in the    'ResultsArray to 50,000 (50kB)    length = 50000    Try        If System.IO.File.Exists("picture.gif") Then            System.IO.File.Delete("picture.gif")        End If        ' Open the default resource manager session        status = visa32.viOpenDefaultRM(defrm)        ' Open the session.  For GPIB, the address string looks like:        '       GPIB0::18::INSTR        ' For PSA, to use LAN, change the string to        ' "TCPIP0::xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx::inst0::INSTR" where        ' xxxxx is the IP address        status = visa32.viOpen(defrm, "instrAddress", 0, 0, vi)        CheckStatus(defrm, status)        ' Set the I/O timeout to fifteen seconds        status = visa32.viSetAttribute(vi, visa32.VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 15000)        CheckStatus(vi, status)        'Store the current screen image on flash as C:PICTURE.GIF        status = visa32.viPrintf(vi, ":MMEM:STOR:SCR 'C:PICTURE.GIF'" & vbLf)        CheckStatus(vi, status)        'Grab the screen image file from the instrument        status = visa32.viPrintf(vi, ":MMEM:DATA? 'C:PICTURE.GIF'" & vbLf)        CheckStatus(vi, status) ' We're reading this as raw binary, although it is a IEEE 488.2 ' binary block containing byte data.  We could've used ' "%#b" format string, and the byte array would not contain the ' IEEE binary block header.        status = visa32.viScanf(vi, "%#y", length, ResultsArray)        CheckStatus(vi, status)        'Delete the tempory file on the flash named C:PICTURE.GIF        status = visa32.viPrintf(vi, ":MMEM:DEL 'C:PICTURE.GIF'" & vbLf)        CheckStatus(vi, status)        'Close the vi session and the resource manager session        Call visa32.viClose(vi)        vi = 0        Call visa32.viClose(defrm)        defrm = 0        'Store the results in a text file        fs = _                    New System.IO.FileStream("picture.gif", _                    IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)        Dim zeroVal() As Char = {"0"}        Dim zeroValByte() As Byte        zeroValByte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(zeroVal)        headerlength = ResultsArray(1) - zeroValByte(0) + 2        fs.Write(ResultsArray, headerlength, length - 2 - headerlength)    Catch err As System.ApplicationException        MsgBox("*** Error : " & err.Message, vbExclamation, _                                    "VISA Error Message")        Exit Sub    Catch err As System.SystemException        MsgBox("*** Error : " & err.Message, vbExclamation, _                                    "System Error Message")        Exit Sub    Catch err As System.Exception        Debug.Fail("Unexpected Error")        MsgBox("*** Error : " & err.Message, vbExclamation, _                                    "Unexpected Error")        Exit Sub    Finally        If Not fs Is Nothing Then fs.Close()        If vi <> 0 Then            Call visa32.viClose(vi)        End If        If defrm <> 0 Then            Call visa32.viClose(defrm)        End If    End Try End Sub Private Sub CheckStatus(ByVal vi As Integer, ByVal status As Integer)    If (status < visa32.VI_SUCCESS) Then        Dim err As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder(256)        visa32.viStatusDesc(vi, status, err)        Throw New ApplicationException(err.ToString())    End If End Sub


private void RunTutorial(string instrAddress) { // Declare Variables used in the program int status; // VISA function status return code int defrm = 0; // Session to Default Resource Manager int vi = 0; // Session to instrument // results array, big enough to hold a GIF byte[] ResultsArray = new byte[50000]; int length; // Number of bytes returned from instrument int headerlength; // length of header System.IO.FileStream fs = null;  // the file to write the picture // Set the default number of bytes that will be contained in the // ResultsArray to 50,000 (50kB) length = 50000; try { if (System.IO.File.Exists("picture.gif")) System.IO.File.Delete("picture.gif"); // Open the default resource manager session status = visa32.viOpenDefaultRM(out defrm); // Open the session.  For GPIB, the address string looks like: //       GPIB0::18::INSTR // For PSA, to use LAN, change the string to // "TCPIP0::xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx::inst0::INSTR" where // xxxxx is the IP address status = visa32.viOpen(defrm, "instrAddress", 0, 0, out vi); CheckStatus(defrm, status); // Set the I/O timeout to fifteen seconds status = visa32.viSetAttribute(vi, visa32.VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 15000); CheckStatus(vi, status); //Store the current screen image on flash as C:PICTURE.GIF status = visa32.viPrintf(vi, ":MMEM:STOR:SCR 'C:PICTURE.GIF'\n"); CheckStatus(vi, status); //Grab the screen image file from the instrument status = visa32.viPrintf(vi, ":MMEM:DATA? 'C:PICTURE.GIF'\n"); CheckStatus(vi, status); // We're reading this as raw binary, although it is a IEEE 488.2 // binary block containing byte data.  We could've used // "%#b" format string, and the byte array would not contain the // IEEE binary block header. status = visa32.viScanf(vi, "%#y", ref length, ResultsArray); CheckStatus(vi, status); //Delete the tempory file on the flash named C:PICTURE.GIF status = visa32.viPrintf(vi, ":MMEM:DEL 'C:PICTURE.GIF'\n"); CheckStatus(vi, status); //Close the vi session and the resource manager session visa32.viClose(vi); vi = 0; visa32.viClose(defrm); defrm = 0; //Store the results in a text file fs = new System.IO.FileStream("picture.gif", System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate); char[] zeroVal = {'0'}; byte[] zeroValByte; zeroValByte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(zeroVal); headerlength = ResultsArray[1] - zeroValByte[0] + 2; fs.Write(ResultsArray, headerlength, length - 2 - headerlength); } catch(System.ApplicationException err) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("*** Error : " + err.Message, "VISA Error Message", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } catch(System.SystemException err) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("*** Error : " + err.Message, "System Error Message", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } catch(System.Exception err) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Unexpected Error"); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("*** Error : " + err.Message, "Unexpected Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } finally { if ( fs != null ) fs.Close(); if (vi != 0) visa32.viClose(vi); if (defrm != 0) visa32.viClose(defrm); } } private void CheckStatus(int vi, int status) { if (status < visa32.VI_SUCCESS) { System.Text.StringBuilder err = new System.Text.StringBuilder(256); visa32.viStatusDesc(vi, status, err); throw new ApplicationException(err.ToString()); } } 

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