
ImperX VCEANCB Functions


The VCEANCB_PrepareGrab function prepares FrameLink card to grab stream from camera.

VCEANCB_Error VCEANCB_PrepareGrab (
  HANDLE hVCEANCB, // Handle to card
  VCEANCB_CameraConfig* pCameraConfig // Data to prepare


[in] Handle to FrameGrabber.
[in] Pointer to a VCEANCB_CameraConfig structure.

Return values:

If function succeeds, the return value is VCEANCB_Err_Success.

If function fails, the return value can be one of the following values.

VCEANCB_Err_badArgument hVCEANCB handle or pCameraConfig pointer is bad (possibly NULL).
VCEANCB_Err_notInitialized FrameLink has not been successfully initialized.
VCEANCB_Err_bufferBusy One of snapping buffers is busy.
VCEANCB_Err_UnknownError Error is unknown (possibly system error). To get extended error information, call VCEANCB_SystemLastError.


This function deletes all snapping buffer and sends configuration command to FrameLink card. Note: Use this function only if you would like to use VCEANCB_StartGrab() function.
If you would like to use one frame snapping function VCEANCB_SnapFrame you need to call VCEANCB_Prepare() function.

See also:

VCEANCB_CameraConfig, VCEANCB_StartGrab, VCEANCB_Prepare