ShouldExitCurrentIteration Property

Task Parallel System.Threading

Gets whether the current iteration of the loop should exit based on requests made by this or other iterations.

Namespace:  System.Threading.Tasks
Assembly:  System.Threading (in System.Threading.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property ShouldExitCurrentIteration As Boolean
public bool ShouldExitCurrentIteration { get; }


When an iteration of a loop calls Break()()() or Stop()()(), or when one throws an exception, or when the loop is canceled, the Parallel class will proactively attempt to prohibit additional iterations of the loop from starting execution. However, there may be cases where it is unable to prevent additional iterations from starting. It may also be the case that a long-running iteration has already begun execution. In such cases, iterations may explicitly check the ShouldExitCurrentIteration property and cease execution if the property returns true.

See Also