
Preview Window

The Preview window of the program offers you the possibility to watch your favorite television shows and movies or play the recorded video files.

The program is run in a windowed mode by default, but you can organize the playback and broadcast viewing area as you wish.

To open a Full Screen mode:

double click the Preview window
choose the appropriate option in the express menu
use hot keys combination Enter + Alt

This option make the Preview window occupy all the available displayable surface of a screen. The modified main controls panel appears in the bottom of the screen, it will automatically disappear in several seconds. If you need to use it, just move your mouse. In order to go back to the windowed mode and get all the panels back, press the Esc button or Enter + Alt buttons on your keyboard.

You can also minimize the Preview window choosing the Compact View option in the express menu or using hot keys (Enter + Ctrl).

When the Compact view is enabled you'll see a small window in the right bottom corner of the screen without any additional panels. Use this option if you don't want to watch TV at the moment but you wait for an interesting show, film or a news program.

You'll be able to navigate through the program using the express menu. In order to go back to the windowed mode, press the Enter + Ctrl buttons on your keyboard.

There is also a program icon installed in the system tray, click it with a right mouse button to Restore the default window layout or to Exit the program.

Note: when you close the program, the size and layout of the panels will be memorized for next launch.