Structure Signal Format

TMSi Data Acquisition SDK

TMS International BV


typedef struct _SignalFormat
{ ULONG Size;
ULONG Channels;
ULONG SubType;
ULONG Format;
ULONG Bytes;
FLOAT UnitGain;
FLOAT UnitOffSet;
LONG UnitExponent;
WCHAR Name[ 40 ];
WCHAR PortName[ 40 ];
ULONG SerialNumber;


The size in bytes of this structure. 

Total number of channels in this configuration.

These values identify the channels type. Below a list of all types defined. 


Type Name Description
0 Unknown Set if the driver cannot determine the channel type  
1 EXG Electro physiological input on a common average reference amplifier.  
2 BIP Electro physiological input measured on a bipolar amplifier 
3 AUX  Signal measured on an auxiliary input   
4 DIG Digital input.  
5 TIME  Signal used for synchronization 
6 LEAK Measuring leakage for urology purposes. 
7 PRESSURE  Signal for measuring pressure
8 ENVELOPE  EMG Envelope signal derived from an electro physiological input
9 MARKER Marker input 
10 RAMP Internally generated test signal
11 SAO2 Signals measure with an oxygen saturation measuring device 


By means of this parameter you can get more specific information about a channel. These values are device specific and are subject to change. Refer to your device manual for more information. 

Specifies the data  format of this channel. Channel data is in integer format. The following table shows all supported formats: 


Format Description 
0 Unsigned integer
1 Signed integer


This parameter can be ignored. All data in the buffer (see GetSamples) is 32 bits.

UnitGain & UnitOffset
    These are two 32Bit floating point values. Data measured on a channels represents some form of units. For example electro physiological measure there data in micro volts. To use these units the conversion results from a channel need to translated. Translating to units is done by multiplying the result with UnitGain and then adding UnitOffset. The driver does NOT perform this calculation, but this must be done by the application.

The following list shows all defined units

UnitId Name Description
0 UNIT_UNKNOWN If the driver cannot determine the units of a channel
1 UNIT_VOLT Channel measures voltage
2 UNIT_PERCENT Channel measures a percentage
3 UNIT_BPM Beats per minute
4 UNIT_BAR Pressure in bar
5 UNIT_PSI Pressure in psi
6 UNIT_MH20 Pressure calibrated to meters water
7 UNIT_MHG Pressure calibrated to meters mercury
Used for digital inputs


Used for defining the exponent of a measured unit. e.g if a channel measures micro volts the UnitExponent will be -6. For kilo volt UnitExponent will be 3, etc. If a driver cannot determine the unit type this value will be zero. 

    Some devices support multiple input boxes or ports. If so this value identifies the port number of the device on which this channel is connected.

    Name of the device, or if a device has multiple input ports the name of the input port, on which this channel is connected  

    The serial number or id of the source device of this channel.




Also see
