StringExtensions Class

String Extensions

StringExtensions Class
Execute series of methods, working with string input.
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  StringConvertionsStringExtensions

Namespace: StringConvertions
Assembly: StringConvertions (in StringConvertions.exe) Version: (
public static class StringExtensions
Public NotInheritable Class StringExtensions
public ref class StringExtensions abstract sealed
type StringExtensions =  class end

The StringExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCapitalizeFirstLetter
The CapitalizeFirstLetter() method takes non empty input string sequence and capitalize first letter of the string
Public methodStatic memberConvertCyrillicToLatinLetters
The ConvertCyrillicToLatinLetters() method takes cyrillic string sequence and transliterate it to latin one.
Public methodStatic memberConvertLatinToCyrillicKeyboard
The ConvertLatinToCyrillicKeyboard() method takes latin string sequence and transliterate it to cyrillic one.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileExtension
The GetFileExtension() method reads file name and returns the extension of the file.
Public methodStatic memberGetFirstCharacters
The GetFirstCharacters() method takes string sequence and returns string substring starting from the beginning of the sequence with length - parsed integer number.
Public methodStatic memberGetStringBetween
The GetStringBetween() method takes input string and returns string between parsed start and end strings.
Public methodStatic memberToBoolean
Check if a string contains true-like statements value: "true", "ok", "yes", "1", "да"
Public methodStatic memberToByteArray
Converts a string into an array of bytes
Public methodStatic memberToContentType
The ToContentType() method reads file name, gets the extension of the file and according to it returns file content type.
Public methodStatic memberToDateTime
Converts input string to DateTime.
Public methodStatic memberToInteger
Converts input string to integer number.
Public methodStatic memberToLong
Converts input string to long integer number.
Public methodStatic memberToMd5Hash
Converts input string to bytes array, compute the hash and each byte of the hashed data is presented as hexadecimal string.
Public methodStatic memberToShort
Converts input string to 16-bit sight integer number.
Public methodStatic memberToValidLatinFileName
The ToValidLatinFileName() method takes string, converts it to latin (if it is in cyrillic) and then check whether given file name consists of letters and numbers.
Public methodStatic memberToValidUsername
The ToValidUsername() method takes string, converts it to latin (if it is in cyrillic) and then check whether given user name consists of letters and numbers.
See Also