Engine Namespace



Engine Namespace


  Class Description
Public class Document
Document class, stores a representtion of the documents in memory, keeping the name, address and co.
Public class Inverter
Uploads tokens from a file into the inverted index Table.
Public class Querier
Gets the input query from the user, filters the stop words from the query, gets the possible types of the documents which the query can have, The class returns the filtered words from the query and the document and the position they occur in the document to the ranker.
Public class Ranker
Gets Results to the Query and ranks them by relevance.
Public class Semanter
This class generates suggestion, auto correct invalid query and stems the query.
Public class Store
Keeping the inverted index tble to the database.
Public class Streamer
Extracts text word from the document. Remeber to set Inverter before working on this class

pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, txt, html and xml

to a File Stream

Public class Updater


  Interface Description
Public interface IDocument
Interface to be used for Document class to be used by this app
Public interface IStore
Interface for the Store class, involved with sending data to a Database