sq_compile |
SQRESULT sq_compile(
HSQUIRRELVM v, HSQLEXREADFUNC read, SQUserPointer p, const SQChar * sourcename, SQBool raiseerror)
compiles a squirrel program; if it succeeds, push the compiled script as function in the stack.
- parameters:
the target VM
a pointer to a read function that will feed the compiler with the program.
- SQUserPointer p
a user defined pointer that will be passed by the compiler to the read function at each invocation.
- const SQChar * sourcename
the symbolic name of the program (used only for more meaningful runtime errors)
- SQBool raiseerror
if this value is true the compiler error handler will be called in case of an error
- return:
a SQRESULT. If the sq_compile fails nothing is pushed in the stack.
- remarks:
in case of an error the function will call the function set by sq_setcompilererrorhandler().