- ARP Entries
There you can list all ARP entries on your computer.
You can also add or delete one.
From There you can ping a host so that its MAC address will be added in your ARP entries.
From There you can also send a ARP request (resolve IP to MAC).
Doing so will not add the resolved MAC address to your ARP Entries : you then have to do it manually.
- Send ARP
This will send an ARP Request so that you can resolve an IP address to its MAC address.
- MAC to IP
This will resolve a MAC address to its IP address.
The entire subnet you belong to will be searched (sending ARP requests in a loop).
- MAC Discovery
This will display all MAC addresses on your subnet, along with the IP and the MAC vendor code.
The entire subnet you belong to will be searched (sending ARP requests in a multithreaded loop).
- Wake UP Call
Will send a Wake On Lan call