ISmartCodeVNCViewer2::SendCustomKeyEx Function
Sends key up or key down notifications to a remote VNC server.
HRESULT ISmartCodeVNCViewer2::SendCustomKeyEx(long lKeyCode, VARIANT_BOOL bKeyDownEvent);
- lKeyCode
- Specifies the scan code of the key, which will be sent to server.
- bKeyDownEvent
- VARIANT_TRUE - key down event, VARIANT_FALSE - key up event.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.
The table below lists the scan codes supported by Windows VNC servers.
NOTE: This list may be incomplete. Please refer to the following document for more information about Windows keyboard scan codes:
XK_VoidSymbol 0xFFFFFF XK_space 0x020 XK_BackSpace 0xFF08 XK_Tab 0xFF09 XK_Linefeed 0xFF0A XK_Clear 0xFF0B XK_Return 0xFF0D XK_Pause 0xFF13 XK_Scroll_Lock 0xFF14 XK_Sys_Req 0xFF15 XK_Escape 0xFF1B XK_Delete 0xFFFF XK_Print 0xFF61 XK_dead_grave 0xFE50 XK_dead_acute 0xFE51 XK_dead_circumflex 0xFE52 XK_dead_tilde 0xFE53 XK_dead_diaeresis 0xFE57 XK_Home 0xFF50 XK_Left 0xFF51 XK_Up 0xFF52 XK_Right 0xFF53 XK_Down 0xFF54 XK_Page_Up 0xFF55 XK_Page_Down 0xFF56 XK_End 0xFF57 XK_Begin 0xFF58 XK_Select 0xFF60 XK_Print 0xFF61 XK_Execute 0xFF62 XK_Insert 0xFF63 XK_Cancel 0xFF69 XK_Help 0xFF6A XK_Break 0xFF6B XK_Num_Lock 0xFF7F XK_KP_Space 0xFF80 XK_KP_Tab 0xFF89 XK_KP_Enter 0xFF8D XK_KP_Home 0xFF95 XK_KP_Left 0xFF96 XK_KP_Up 0xFF97 XK_KP_Right 0xFF98 XK_KP_Down 0xFF99 XK_KP_Prior 0xFF9A XK_KP_Page_Up 0xFF9A XK_KP_Next 0xFF9B XK_KP_Page_Down 0xFF9B XK_KP_End 0xFF9C XK_KP_Begin 0xFF9D XK_KP_Insert 0xFF9E XK_KP_Delete 0xFF9F XK_KP_Equal 0xFFBD XK_KP_Multiply 0xFFAA XK_KP_Add 0xFFAB XK_KP_Separator 0xFFAC XK_KP_Subtract 0xFFAD XK_KP_Decimal 0xFFAE XK_KP_Divide 0xFFAF XK_KP_0 0xFFB0 XK_KP_1 0xFFB1 XK_KP_2 0xFFB2 XK_KP_3 0xFFB3 XK_KP_4 0xFFB4 XK_KP_5 0xFFB5 XK_KP_6 0xFFB6 XK_KP_7 0xFFB7 XK_KP_8 0xFFB8 XK_KP_9 0xFFB9 XK_F1 0xFFBE XK_F2 0xFFBF XK_F3 0xFFC0 XK_F4 0xFFC1 XK_F5 0xFFC2 XK_F6 0xFFC3 XK_F7 0xFFC4 XK_F8 0xFFC5 XK_F9 0xFFC6 XK_F10 0xFFC7 XK_F11 0xFFC8 XK_F12 0xFFC9 XK_F13 0xFFCA XK_F14 0xFFCB XK_F15 0xFFCC XK_F16 0xFFCD XK_F17 0xFFCE XK_F18 0xFFCF XK_F19 0xFFD0 XK_F20 0xFFD1 XK_F21 0xFFD2 XK_F22 0xFFD3 XK_F23 0xFFD4 XK_F24 0xFFD5 XK_Shift_L 0xFFE1 XK_Shift_R 0xFFE2 XK_Control_L 0xFFE3 XK_Control_R 0xFFE4 XK_Caps_Lock 0xFFE5 XK_Shift_Lock 0xFFE6 XK_Meta_L 0xFFE7 XK_Meta_R 0xFFE8 XK_Alt_L 0xFFE9 XK_Alt_R 0xFFEA
The example below shows how to send Ctrl+Alt+Del combination to a remote VNC server:viewerX.SendCustomKeyEx(65507, true);
viewerX.SendCustomKeyEx(65513, true);
viewerX.SendCustomKeyEx(65535, true);
viewerX.SendCustomKeyEx(65535, false);
viewerX.SendCustomKeyEx(65513, false);
viewerX.SendCustomKeyEx(65507, false);