Auto Completion


Auto Completion
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This is the feature of Silver-J.

When you type a key then the list of that key is popuped and you can select the word from that list.this saves a lot of time.

If you dont want this feature then you can disable it by going to

Run -> Options

In Editor tab, uncheck the Auto Completion check box.

When you type a character & you dont see any word in the list then you can add that or any word at a file jkeywords.slvjfile at installation folder in files folder.

Open jkeywords.slvjfile in notepad or in any editor.

Consider the word JFrame does not exists in the list then you can add this word in that file within tags like this


then the JFrame word will appear in that popup list.

Remember the tag must complete with </JKeyword>.

Same way you can also add method to a file by using <JMethodKeyword></JMethodKeyword> tag.